Reckless Renegades Goof and Silvy's Story

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Chapter 5


Before I can take a seat Silvy asks “ Can I get you something to drink? I have tea, water, orange juice and I have a few cans of sodas.” “ A soda would be great, thanks,” I told her. “ Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” Silvy said and left down the hall. As much as I wanted to sit next to Silvy and wrap my arms around her, we weren't there yet so I went and sat on the loveseat. Silvy comes back, hands me a can of soda, and sits on the couch across from me. I pop the top and take a sip before placing it on the coffee table.

Silvy sits back and runs her finger over the rim of the glass she is holding. I’m not starting this conversation. She needs to do it. After what feels like forever Silvy sighs. “ Goof you know I went for my test today,” she said. I just nod and let her speak. “ The test was negative but I wasn’t surprised since I started my period this morning,” Silvy said. Inside I’m jumping up and down but I keep it off my face. “ Are you doing alright?” I asked. I need to know how she feels. I want to offer comfort if she needs it.

“ Honestly, I’m a little disappointed. I’m looking forward to being a mom. I’m also realistic. I knew there was a good chance it wouldn’t take the first round.” Silvy said. This is something I love about this woman. She gets a setback but doesn’t let her from moving forward. Silvy sets her glass on the table in front of her. She places her hands on her knees and rubs. “ That brings me to the reason I invited you here. I still want you to be my donor. If you are willing.” she said. I nod letting her know that I do. “ Good. Now about your terms. Do you still want to do it? Have sex with me to get me pregnant.” she asks.

“ Yes, I’m sticking with those terms,” I told her. I want our baby to be made the old fashion way, not in some doctor’s office. I want our child conceived out of love. And I do love this woman. Silvy nods “ Are you going to be able to get it up to have sex with me? I’m nothing like the usual girl you go for.” Silvy said. Of course, she is not the girl I usually fuck. I purposely pick girls the exact opposite of Silvy. I don’t want a copy of Silvy or close to it I want the real thing. “ I could get you a couple of magazines or put on some porn if you need the help,” Silvy said.

Is she fucking kidding me right now? I don’t need any of that. I just need Silvy. Naked. Just the thought gets me hard. I hold up my hand to stop her from talking. “ Silvy, I won’t need any of that shit. I don’t know about the assholes you have dated in the past, but trust me. I can get my dick hard for you. That isn’t a problem.” “ Are you sure?” Silvy asked. This is the first time I have ever heard her be anything less than confident. I wish I could rub against her and show her how hard I am for her. But not now. She will see soon enough. I settled for getting up and sitting beside her. I throw my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me. Silvyh lays her head on my shoulder and exhales. I feel her body relax into me. I want her to be able to do this any time she wants. It feels good to have her be so comfortable with me so she can relax.

I get the feeling she isn’t able to do this often. “ Silvy, you are a beautiful woman. I can say with certainty that my dick will work for you. I will show you when the time is right.” I told her. Silvy tilts her head up to look at me. She gives me one of her heart-stopping smiles and says “ Thanks Goof. For everything.” I kiss the top of her head and rub her shoulder. “ You don’t need to thank me. So when do you want to do this and where?” I asked.

Silvy said in two weeks we could start. She said she didn’t want to have sex at the club. I get that. She doesn’t want the club to know what is going on right now. And I don’t want to bring her where I have fucked skanks. We agree to meet here after her shifts or before depending on my schedule. She doesn’t understand I would change my whole day for her.

I made sure she understood that she could call me any time in between our meetings if she needed. And that we could have sex more than once a day. I would keep him in bed all day during her most fertile time if I could. Waiting two weeks is going to be hard but worth it. I’m not even going to jack off so I can save all my cum for Silvy. After we get the baby-making discussion out of the way I’m not ready to leave. I asked Silvy how things were going at the hospital. She told me how she had recently been moved to the emergency room to help out. I asked her how she was liking it.

“ It is different, that is for sure. I get a new patient every few minutes it seems. We fix them up the best we can and send them on their way. Whether it be home or to another floor for more care. That is it.” Silvy said. “ And you don’t like that?” I asked. Silvy shakes her head “ No, I like getting to know my patients and being able to help them more than the ER allows. Be there to support them when their family can’t. I like knowing I’m making a difference in their lives even if it is small.” Silvy, I know you make a difference. I saw it with Lilly. And I have no doubt you are the same way with all your patients.” I told her. “ Thanks. You know you can be pretty sweet when you want to be.” Silvy giggles.

I love that sound. I wish she would do it more often. “ Keep that to yourself. I don’t need my brothers to think of me as sweet.” I said. Silvy busted out laughing “ Goof, it is too late for that. They have all seen it after Lita made you kiss her ouchy.” She has got me there. The kids have me wrapped around their fingers and know it. I have my brother's back any time they need it. But with those kids, I would lay down my life without even thinking. They are my nieces and nephews even if they don’t have my blood. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them. “ What was I supposed to do? She was crying. And told me it would feel better if I kissed it.” It was three months ago and Lita had tripped and scraped her elbow. It wasn’t bad or even bleeding but it hurt. I fixed her up with a kitten band-aid while Tank was in the bathroom.

“ You did everything right and made her day,” Silvy said. We sat and talked a while longer until we both got hungry. We ordered a pizza together. After we ate, Silvy offered to show me the nursery. I wanted to see where our baby would be sleeping. Silvy takes me upstairs to an empty room next to hers. She has a couple of paint samples taped to the wall. She explains she hasn’t decided whether to do neutral colors or find out the sex of the baby and paint it accordingly. She said she is leaning towards a neutral theme like puppies or cartoon characters. She said that after she paints she will be baby-proof and then bring in the furniture.

Silvy even asks my opinion. I think about it for a minute and tell her I agree with going neutral. Silvy walks over to a book on the floor and shows me her three favorite themes. “ So what do you think?” Silvy asks. I flip through the pages a couple of times before settling on a teddy bear theme. “ You can change them up a bit. Put one in a doctor's coat, a nurse's uniform, a kutte, or a baseball jersey. I’m sure Merigold could help you with it if you want. I know you have seen her work.” I said. “ I like the idea. I do. Do you think Merigold would be willing to help?” Silvy asked. When I explain everything to Merigold I have no doubt she would. “ I think she would love to help,” I told her. “ I will think about it. I won’t do anything until I’m actually pregnant. Then I may ask her. Thanks for your help and the suggestion.” Silvy said. I hugged her and told her she was welcome. I couldn’t get enough of having her in my arms. I didn’t want to let her go. When I left the house I was looking forward to the next few weeks. I had a smile on my face as I knew I had taken another step toward my future.

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