18. Dwindling



*Dwindling *

She lost a lot of weight. She noticed it when she stood naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom. At first, she didn’t notice it till she breathed in, and she still saw her bone itching to crawl out of her skin. Phantom fingers of death clutching her insides, and finally showing how she has overworked herself.

Dark circles, and pale skin. Her father would throw a fit at the state of her. He always forced her and her mother to walk in the sun, instructed them to feel the warmth of the skin and absorb as much of the early day before the harsher sun comes. They looked healthier and happier.

The difference is night and day. The light tan of her childhood had gave away to pasty paleness ever since she taken. The four rooms were her world. Literally. The times she was allowed outside the garden of her grandparent’s mansion, she walked in the dark of night, where no one would see her. No one would know what she looked like.

Many called her scruffy looking for a Draconi. She doesn’t really understand where that word came from, but now that she’s in the palace, filled with elegant Draconi servants and the royal family. She sees it, in fact, she knows it now.

“Should we go to the dining area to eat?” Feina asked. Rather her suggests in her sly and clever way.

Sileas noticed that side of her. Feina can’t order royalty, but she could suggest something instead of asking or ordering someone. She smiled at her maid’s reflection. “I could take my meals in my office.”

“That may be, but your highness, it’s going to be cold soon. I heard eating would warm up the body.” Feina smiles with enough chutzpah and willfulness to put aside her clothes for the office and replaced with a robe.

One she wore in her personal quarters. One she’s sure she won’t have to see anyone who will see her looking so casual. “Feina” she whined.

“Your highness, it is only a suggestion” She said while still putting away her dress, and fluffing her very comfortable robe. “Oh, the chef prepared your favorites today.”

Feina is the least subtle person she has ever met, a refreshing change from the countless people that served her. Or rather, the people that served someone else but her.

She laughed, while taking the robe and dropping the towel once she had tied it. “My favorite, huh?”

“Yes, and the gardener had potted new plants and trees. Princess Lotir also sent a letter, which would be read nicely on a picnic in the garden.” Feina grinned, which made her mauve eyes glint.

Sileas couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head at her very subtle maid. “Alright, I give up.”

Rest Silly, her father’s voice crept into her mind. Grabbed hold on to her spine and reached towards her chest.

“It would be nice to feel the sun again.”

“Excellent!” Feina stepped towards the bureau filled with towels and robes, then pulled out a wicker basket behind it. “I already picked up the essentials, I would get the snacks and drink after.”

She wryly grinned before walking past Feina. She can’t help the smile on her face as they headed to the dining room.

“Is there any chance Lotir’s letter could be read as we walk?”

“No, no, that’s against etiquette. A lady should always read a letter sat down, or resting.” Feina coughs. “Or so…I’ve heard.”

Sileas raised her brows. Amused, but didn’t say anything else.

The garden breeze was still warm from the sun, but there was a chill at the end of it, a mark of the season changing. She doesn’t mind the cold. She preferred it than the heat, which was a war on its own. How she sweat and struggled with her clothes. Now, she’s dressed in a thicker dress than the muslin she wore in the summer.

Feina had gotten overboard with dressing her. At first, Sileas had a say, especially during the summer when she could feel the heat, and Feina doesn’t, but now that the season was changing, she took many liberties in keeping her warm.

She opened the letter that was finally handed to her. It was the black envelope known for the Archduchess with silver borders and a silver wax. The archduchess’s seal was three swords, her forte.

Dear sister,

Forgive me for not being able to visit recently, and I have heard how you worked yourself to the bone, and I regret not being able to distract you from stupid documents. I am a bit hurt how you could casually replace me with work. It makes things worst that this whole fiasco has to happen.

They just couldn’t accept my brother’s terms into a vassal state instead. Now, he has to… I digress. I miss you dear sister, and I heard my parents are there and hopefully, you would be less lonely. My parents are fond of you, trust me as they are good people. Not at all like other nobles in court.

My territory needed me a lot these past few days. I truly hope that you take care of yourself. The two day sleep the servants and aides told me, worried me greatly. Please, visit me for a break. I would show you a good time around my territory. I know you miss your home, and I hope that seeing my town would help you reminisce.

I would stop here. I don’t want the letter to drag on too much, but I would love to have a reply from you. tell me everything.

Your ever loving,


Sileas smiled. Folding the letter back neatly into its envelope, trying to make it look as if no one had opened it, another letter for her little box in her closet. Filled with letters from people she adored. Love.

“She’s going to be upset” she sighed.

“with what princess?”

She casually motioned her body. “She’s going to think I’m sick and she’ll get worried and fuss over me.” she rubbed the bridge of her nose again, the migraine slowly inching back.

“The Archduchess is known for caring a lot”

“You like her”

“No one hates the archduchess. Even my seniors thought fondly of her running around the hall when she was young. Though, she does have her father’s temper, but everything she inherited from the queen was two fold.” Feina poured more tea in her cup. “And you like her too”

Sileas pursed her lips. “She’s…a breath of fresh air.” She met Feina’s eyes as she smiled. “My grandparents… were her opposite.”

“no offence, your grace, but your grandparents are the central image of the old court. Back when they were participating in it.”

Sileas felt cold from Feina’s tone of admiration. She knew people admired the Amertine family. They were an old family that reached towards Aegir’s eon. The age of when Aegir was alive.

“But their ways are far too ancient now.” Feina inched a plate with her favorite slice of cake. “Far too old for me to appreciate.”

Ah. She was only admiring her lineage. Not them exactly. “They are ancient in their ways.” She agreed. She finished her whole plate of dessert and felt her stiff abdomen. “I think it’s a mistake to have tea so soon after a meal”

“We’re just glad you’re eating, your highness.”

Silas had felt them all conspiring against her. The incident with the basket didn’t only happen this morning. After what happened with the small, controlled fire in the office, and her almost 2 days of straight sleep that worried the whole palace. Feina had become more of a stickler to a schedule that was fair for her body.

Granted it was still a struggle to pull her out of the office. The prince’s threats did little to deter her from doing clerical and administrative work. But she has noticed the butler taking half of those that lands on her desk and making a trip towards the King and Queen’s wing. At that point, she knew she can’t contend against those two. There are parts of the work that she can’t do on her own. The royal seal is needed for actual law changes, unless they make another trip to the nomadlands.

Sileas knows that Eitr’s uncle married a nomad and Lotir told her stories about their nomadic cousins. She wanted to ask why they couldn’t visit the capital, but somehow that felt like too much prying, and she knows that not everyone wants to live in the capital.

She’s one of those people.

That thought pulled her back to reality. How she’s just sitting idle and watching the garden, a beautiful and peaceful garden. but not doing anything unnerves her. Then she came up the best excuse to return to her office.

She stood with Lotir’s letter clutched to her chest. “I think its time I write the Archduchess a reply” She doesn’t look at Feina as she scurried away back to the palace.

“Your highness! Wait for me!”

She doesn’t stop. In fact, she increased her speed as she heard Feina’s steps getting close. Her mind was already making a list on what to prioritize. That eases something in her chest.

Work. She could work and avoid thinking about unnecessary things.

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