05 — New day, new life.
I stare into the mirror, noticing the deep dark circles under my eyes. I couldn't sleep well after leaving Julian's apartment… Now, I look awful.
Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Not even the shower and the hot coffee is preparing me to face this day. Because not only I have to meet Julian — who’s inevitably my boss — but also Laura, my best friend, who was screwing my boyfriend.
It’s time for facing the reality.
A new day, new life.
Courage is leaking out of the pores of my skin, and I'm seriously considering making up some excuse. Maybe I could say that my head still hurts? Or who knows, some big unforeseen event has come up? Should I call Dad and whine for time off?
A grunt escapes my lips and I grab my hair. No way, Julian won't leave me alone.
I take another deep breath and pat my cheek twice, encouraging myself with a smile, fixing my hair and finally leaving the apartment, praying to heavens that my day will be peaceful…
But of course not. The universe is constantly playing with me.
Julian is coming out of his own apartment, in his impeccable pencil suit and blonde hair combed up. Honestly, it must be just wonderful to wake up and see this man as the first thing in the morning. Even in the suit, his physique can be pointed out. Inevitably, Julian is hot as hell.
He looks at me with surprise on his face, but it soon quickly disappears, giving way to a sweet smile and caring eyes. “Good morning, Angel, want a ride?”
Oh, I definitely want a ride.
I let out the air I didn't even realize had held and swallow dry, feeling my throat narrow, suddenly too shy. “Oh, no, I- I have something to do before work…” The words choke out and disappear on my tongue.
What's up with me?
Damn it, Angelee, you don't know how to act like a normal person?
“I can take you there…”
“No need, it's right here on the street… no problem, really. I'll be on time.” I give an awkward smile as walk to the elevator.
It's not like I regret knocking on his door yesterday and saying those things. I really don't regret it… But inevitable, I feel a little disappointed that the night ended that way.
I know I can't complain, after all, I was the one who left his apartment that way… But still, a bitter taste persisted in my mouth, knowing that Julian had enjoyed the evening with another woman while I had to relieve the sensations that he caused me all by myself.
We stop side by side in front of the elevator, and I press the button quickly, harder than usual. I try to disguise my discomfort, but I guess I'm not good at it, since Julian is watching me intently. His gaze is so piercing that I feel my skin heat up — and his smell… his cologne reminds me of last night.
The elevator doors finally open, and I'm faster than I intended. I wait for him to follow me and press the button. And as the doors close, trapping me in this cubicle with Julian, his scent invades my nostrils even more.
I close my eyes tightly, trying to set my thoughts and not let the memories invade my body and bring heat between my legs…
Well, it's not working.
Julian cleans his throat, and I watch, out of the corner of my eyes, as he loosens his tie, as if the collar is too tight.
I stir, knocking my heel on the elevator floor. This slight noise attracts his attention, and he sets his eyes down on the floor, finally noticing my clothes, “Did you put heels on?”
Throw my hair over my shoulder, I try not to show my sudden discomfort and shyness, “Is your sight bad?”
I try not to smile as I see the sarcastic smile sprouting on his lips… “I guess it is, or maybe I'm asleep… I never thought I'd see you in an attire like that again.”
Feeling his green eyes pinch my skin, I saw how it’s reaching my exposed ankles lifted by the high heels, up the midi skirt that's clinging to my thighs and hips, to the high waist that hides my flat belly. And I can also observe that he takes more than a few moments to take his eyes off the neckline of my shirt, which highlights my breasts.
Julian quickly loosens his tie a little more, even messing up his always impeccable appearance.
“You don't like it…? Maybe I look better in your shirt?” I say with a smug smile and notice that my words came out probably more provocative than I meant.
He opens his lips to answer me, but thankfully the elevator doors open, revealing the lobby. I'm quick to get out of the elevator, and I throw a smile over my shoulder, “See you at work.”
Julian's expression is serious as he watches me intently, until the metal doors close again to take him out into the parking lot.
Alone, I finally take a deep breath, filling my lungs with fresh air.
I'm getting crazy.
I take a cab right in front of my building, and it doesn't take long before we're driving through the busy streets of New York City, under a sky so clear it looks like a painting. I cling to see the walkers, the stores on the sidewalk, and the smallest details that pass by the window, hoping that at least a bit of Julian will be left out of this confused mind of mine.
And maybe this is why I didn't notice that the driver was already pulling in front of the company. I quickly pay and get out of the cab, breathing loudly and entering the building.
With a smile, I give a good morning to whoever passes me, getting into the elevator, where I press the button (7º).
Taking a deep breath, I gather my courage as the elevator doors open to reveal the hallway before the office where most of the staff work. Unconsciously, I straighten my clothes, pulling down my skirt and fixing my hair, which is loose and flowing down my shoulders.
I finally walk towards the team, with my heels lightly tapping the ground. Even though the day has just begun, the atmosphere is already bustling. My co-workers are still sitting in their seats with a smile on their faces, typical of someone who woke up in a good mood — which definitely doesn't apply to me.
But still, I force a smile as I approach my desk, “Good morning.”
I feel eyes on me, burning my skin.
Throwing my bag over my workstation, I try not to think much about how surprised everyone seems at my appearance, as I’m sitting down in the chair, disappearing behind the partition.
Of course, I know the reason for such a reaction. My appearance used to be very modest, and I never came to the office with loose hair before; it was always up in a high, tight bun. Furthermore, I didn't use make-up, earrings, or accessories — although my clothes were elegant. At work, I'm always discreet, especially since my dear ex-boyfriend works in the next building.
But it wasn't always like this, though. In high school and my first year of college, I was considered the belle, but Eric got annoyed with the way men looked at me. Honestly, I'm not sure when I stopped getting all dressed up, but I do know that words from him led me down this path.
They were things like — you don't need make-up, you're beautiful naturally, honey. Don't wear so much make-up, it hides your beauty.
And even though I wasn't tall, he would tell me — *don't wear high heels, darling, you'll get taller than me… It's odd when a woman is taller than a man.
… Aren't these things too flashy? Don't you think it's too indecent? People are looking and judging, dear.*
Indecent? Flashy? I started dressing almost like a nun to please him, simply because I didn't notice his manipulative webs. Even if I saw a tight dress or a low-cut skirt and really liked it, I knew there was no point in buying it, after all, I could never wear it.
My high shoes, my favorite clothes… I kept them all in a box in the back of the closet, wearing only what he chose. And for what? To Eric betray me with a woman who is precisely what he said don’t like.
Suddenly, I raise my eyes and see that there's a woman right in front of me, standing on the other side of my partition… The person I considered my best friend since the first year of College… the one I trusted with my secrets and my worries: Laura.
My cheating best friend.