Truth Revealed
About two days forward, the king and other castle members had finalized the proposal. They also created the announcement brochures to be distributed. It sounded busy and really demanding for the ordinary people. Yet, it was done for choosing the additional member for the emergency team.
Once, the brochures were finished, it was given to the nemozens through the public places' authorities, such as, shopkeepers, store owners, office assistants, receptionists, and even maids in the certain luxury houses. The brochures were also spread out to the village. Kian wondered if there were villagers wanted to join the competition. It would be very scarce to see when some of the gifted villagers came out as the winners and helped to save the world.
When the announcement brochures were distributed equally, most nemozens were surprised and excited. Even, some of them would like to join and hope to be choosen. Their reactions were various and quite enthusiastic.
"So, this misson aim to protect and save the world." A boy with average high read the brochure while controlling the water using his left hand.
Then, in another place, the girl with yellow skin tone read the additional information on the brochure, "This competition involves your special abilities and strength. For those who do not own the abilities cannot join."
Suddenly, the little smile appeared on her face. She realized that the chance to prove her ability to her parents was real. She entered her home and rushed to her mother who was busy with the cooking in the kitchen.
"Mom!" She entered the kitchen and stood up next to the woman who still looked young.
"Yes, honey? Any great things to say?" The mother asked while she was making a dough using his hand.
Then, the girl showed the brochure and said, "I would like to prove that my special ability is real through this contest."
The mother stopped her activity for a while and put her eyes to the information attached in the brochure. "Honey, this contest might be joined by older people. It may harm yourself." The mother guessed.
"I know, mom, but I have a power." The girl tried to persuade and gained her mom's agreement for joining the competition.
"Well, I myself cannot really decide. Let's talk about it together with your dad later." The mother answered with a doubtful expression since she wondered if her husband allowed their only daughter to show her true special abilities publicly.
As time passed, the announcement of the competition was fully known by entire nemozens. Most of them then marked the date in order to register as the participants. Even those who owned the ordinary power wondered if they would be accepted as the participants. While some of those who really got the superpowers were not really confident.
One of them was Storm, a young man considered as the strongest Nemostella. His special ability was storm control. He was not sure when it came to the idea about joining the competition. The cause of the feeling was his sister who pushed him to join. However, instead of obeying his sister, he thought about it more than twice. He wondered if he could compete with other participants who might be stronger than him.
No matter how hopeless he was, he still helped when there was a disaster related to the storm. It happened when he was on picnic with his sister and parents. Firstly, the moment seemed to be jolly and fun. The little family enjoyed the time together with some light conversations.
Then, in the middle of their laugh, the yellow clouds in the sky started to change into dark yellow. Storm who realized the phenomena was looked out.
"What a strange weather. The yellow clouds never changed like that before," said Auryn, Storm's elder sister.
"It may be the heavy acid rain," assumed the father as he put his eyes to the sky.
Put the same glance like his father, Storm started to pack up the things in the basket and said, "It would be better to move before the rain starts."
His mother then agreed with him. She helped by carrying the things left such as, table cloth and a pack of muffins. While his sister insisted to move and replied, "Oh, come on! you can control and let the storm go somewhere else, right? don't be such a weak, bro!"
Storm blinked for a second and said, "Not about being weak, this is about our life safety, sist. I may control the coming storm, but once again, I'm just a nemozen."
"But you are a nemostella. I know you can handle it in a few minutes," uttered the sister with petty grin.
Storm only responded it with a silent. It was very hard to have a negotiation with his stubborn elder sister. From there on, the family was walking through the park, looking for their car which was parked at the parking lot. At the same time, they were worried and felt that the sky was getting darker and darker.
Then, when they got closer to the car, the warm temperature changed into a light cold suddenly. Its change continued in a second until all of the family members felt freezing. At the same time, the wind blew strongly, and it resulted on the parents getting into the flying car directly, followed by Auryn. Though the family members were pretty protective, Storm did not get into the car. He stood outside and felt the wind blowing stronger.
"Storm, come in! it is very dangerous!" His mom shouted and instructed to join in the car.
Storm only stared for a while. He did not answer his mom. Followed by his silence, the wind blew stronger along with the rainfall. He then started to wave his hands to the blowing wind. From his palms, the silver light appeared, just like a long stick.
"Let's finish this out," said Storm in the whisper.
In a few second, he shaped the light into a sword and swang it to the opposite direction of blowing wind. Afterwards, the wind was slowly absorbed with the silver light sword grabbed by Storm. As he tried to stop the storm, the sky which was dark yellow started to change into the lighter one.
Again, his parents were amazed with Storm's unusual ability, especially his father. "Is our son the normal Nemozen? he has done this kind of thing for few times, this time, it is the seventh." The father locked his eyes to what Storm did from the car window.
"I think Storm is the real nemostella, but I kept refusing when he said that he had the superpower the days before." The mother finally admitted the special abilities which was naturally developed in her son's body when he was born.
While his parents was talking, Storm was fighting with the storm. He slayed the monster-like storm with his silver light sword. The fighting scene might look cool for Auryn, but it was pretty tricky for Storm himself.
"SRREEEPP.." Storm swung his sword forward and absorbed the wind in few minutes.
The final action done by Storm entertained the rest of family members once again. They felt that they were watching a fantasy series which told about power and the nemozen who was strange enough and able to control it.
In contrast to the reaction of Storm's family, there was a council member who grinned after Storm finished the trouble. Deep inside his heart, he said, "That man is a nemostella who is needed by the King. Yet, I haven't found out his name registered to the competition. Is he going to miss the good chance to proof his ability?"
On the day when the selection was held, a lot of nemozens came and made a crowd around the palace. The crowd caused the princes wondered what was going on.
"Mom, why is our castle full of nemozens?" Alaryc asked with his raised eyebrows.
"They come to join the royal games, Larrie. Your dad is so interested to know some new talents from our beloved Nemozens."
Then, Cassian joined the conversation by asking, "Really? Can we join the royal games too?"
"No, Cassie. The royal games are not for fun." Sola answered it with a little smile on her face.
The disappointing answer was also heard by Blaze and Zen. "Seriously? what's the royal games for if it is only joined by the Nemozens?" Blaze wondered about the purpose of the royal games. He was always curious about everything happened around him, including the things occurred outside Nemonade.
Afterwards, Kian appeared and sat next to Blaze. He explained, "It is for military training to save our planet, Blaze."
Zen felt that his father explanation was a little bit odd. He then asked, "Is our planet going to have a war?"
"Not a big war," said Kian with a little smile. He would not tell the truth directly. It might cause some troubles when his sons knew about his plan.
Afterwards, Sirius came and joined the conversation. He stared at Kian and his brothers in turns, then said, "If it's not a big war, what kind of war is it?"
"Just the usual war, for protecting our nation from the evil aliens." Kian uttered while sipping his butterscotch slowly.
The last answer from their father still left some curiousity among the sons, especially Blaze, Sirius, Cassian, and Zen.
One night, when the sky was purple dark, the four kids escaped from their rooms. They gathered in a row for looking up to the real information hidden by their father. They walked silently, tried not to cause any noises. As they had finished walking down the stairs, Sola's appearance surprised them.
"Hey, little buddies. What are you doing here?" Sola approached them with a little smile.
"We want to stroll around the castle, Mom," said Blaze with innocent face.
"Why don't you do it tomorrow? it's already night, dear." Sola asked and assured her kids to be back to bedroom for sleeping.
Then, Sirius answered, "Actually, we cannot really sleep, so we decide to look for some activities."
"Hmm, all right then. You all are allowed to stroll around the castle," stated Sola with hesitated face. She was not sure if her decision was the best. However, she tried to make her kids happy for once.
"Yeyy!" The four kids screamed joyfully.
"But, you all should go to sleep before 11. Got it?" Sola said it syrictly.
"Okay, Mom!" The kids nodded and answered. They agreed with their mom so that their curiousities were recovered as they seeked for the information.
After that, Sola walked and pass them. At the same moment, the kids continued to step in silent. About few minutes later, they arrived in front of Kian's working room. Their ears heard the conversation between the father and the unknown man.
"Yes, I know. Sending my kids to the earth may cause trouble and the death, but they should help, Mike." Kian's voice sounded worry although he stated his long-term plan.
"They will also go with the chosen candidates right?" Mike asked. He remembered about what his friends ever said before.
"Of course. Unless they go with them, why would I hold the competition? Without the additional balance power, those aliens will continue to destroy the earth and the human beings." Kian explained.
Blaze, who stood up in the very front line, close to the door, was suprised with the truth revealed. He never knew that his father planned to send him with his brothers for saving the earth in danger. Then, he stared at Zen for a while and said, "It's really shocking."
"What did you hear, bro?" Zen asked with tense in his face.
"We will save the earth in danger." Blaze stated it clearly. He could not hide the truth in riddles or simile.
Cassian then stepped and stood in front of Blaze. "I think you misheard the information." He said with a little bit loud voice.
Then, without they realized it, their father was coming out and asked, "Excuse me, are you peeking on my conversation?"