Tie Result

"HAWWWRR..HAAARRRHH.." The terrible scream of the infected citizens filled up as they walked with awful appearance like human-aliens. Their amounts were increased because of the virus' spread done by the few monsters.

Looking at the dangerous situation, some members of Bright Team who had finished formulating the potion then poured the yellow lime liquid into the medium ball-shape bombs. They had decided to throw the potion bombs to the crowd of infected people.

"I hope it works maximally." Storm said as he gathered the bombs into a large-size yellow box which was previously used for weapons and fighting equipment for the members.

Then, when all of the potion had been placed into the bombs, they got out from from the mini laboratoroum which was almost surrounded by human-aliens. It made Aryan, who held a bomb, opened the fuze and immediately threw it to the crowd, "BLAAAAARRR!!"

In about few minutes, the crowd of human-aliens changed into their own origin appearance.

"Wait, why do we gather here?" Some of the citizens wondered themselves. After that, they started to scatter and walk individually. A few of them forgot what they had been done and gone on when they were in human-aliens form.

Despite of the decreasing amount of human-aliens, there were still large amount of them. Even, they got wilder and attempted to destroy some houses and buildings. Realizing the worse situation, Brave Team moved one step forward, took the lead after Bright Team.

"Have all of the potion been packed into the arrow-shape tubes?" Drake asked to his members who looked ready to fight.

Silas answered, "Most of them. I bet that we will nail it again this time."

Ryk who felt surprised by Silas' optimistic trait responded, "Look! who is more pompous this time?"

"In order to boost our energy for beating the monsters, we need to be more confident, I guess." Silas avoided the truth that he was also a little bit pompous, just like Ryker.

Furthermore, when the crowd of human-aliens became unstoppable, the members of Brave Team started to fight.

"HAAAARRHHHH..HHHWWAAHH.." Another super scary and wild scream of the human-aliens was heard once more.

"Attack!!" Drake shouted as each of his members was ready with the arrow attached on their crossbows.

"BUUUUZZZZ..BOOMM!!" The arrows were aimed to the target. It exploded and instantly changed the human-aliens into the normal people.

"BINGGOO!!" Drake shouted proudly. He then added, "We can also make it!"


On the other side, Cedro with the three other judges discussed the temporary result seen. "Brave Team is more creative, but they are a little bit slower than before," said Cersei as she sipped a glass of mocktail.

"Yes, I agree with you, Cer. They even make more people recovered from alien virus," said Cedro with grin like a Chesire cat.

Then, another comment came from Caz, "It seems that the result of this stage is tie. Both of the teams are quite competent and strong."

"About the result, I'm still not really sure. There will be one winner among the teams." Cedro could not really predict since he realized that Brave Team was also capable to heal the crowd of infected citizens.

Then, as the discussion had been closed, the judges continued to observe the situation and what would happen afterwards.

"BREEEPP..BLAAZZ.." Silas aimed the arrow to the crowd of human-aliens along with his members. It instantly changed the human-aliens into normal citizens.

At the same moment, all Bright Team members were fighting with the monsters. They used their own superpowers to survive.

"TANGG...TINGGG..TRANGG.." The clink of punch done by Zaiden was heard. He was attacking the zombie-like aliens who wore steel armor.

"You cannot beat me, Baloon Boy!" The zombie-like aliens mocked with paltry grin on its ugly horrible face which was truly disgusting to see.

The mock made Zaiden madder. He then clenched both of his hands and said, "What the rude compliments you have thrown!"

"BLEEZZ..ZAP..ZAP!!" Zaiden shot the webs straight to the monster. It made the monster cannot see and even speak.

"Hah, take your words back, ugly creature! I am not a Baloon Boy. I am a webster!" Zaiden shouted proudly and continued his attack to defeat the creature until it was disappeared by the system.

On the other angle, Storm and Aryan cooperated to defeat the two monsters who were quite strong and poisonous. It was really obvious since both of the monsters' head looke like a snake and a scorpion.

"Taste this, easy opponents!!" The monsters spread the poison together, and it shaped like a giant needle shot towards Aryan and Storm.

However, before the poisonous needle reached them, Aryan and Storm avoided by running to different sides. Previously, they had set up a brilliant strategy to defeat their opponents.

As they were hiding in the same big building, they started to combine their powers. Aryan who possessed the mythical freezing power streamed out his energy while Storm formed out a silver stormy sword. In just a couple of minutes, the sword became larger with a little bit blue color of it and shining silver light appeared inside. "This weapon should do well," said Storm with little smile, hoping that he could use the sword perfectly although it was almost impossible because he had never learned about how to use sword like a professional.

Afterwards, Storm came out from the big building, ran, and jumped towards the monsters. "Here is your dinner, mr poisonous duo!!" He shouted loudly with the anger in each word uttered. From the scene, he disliked being underestimated by his opponents.

"BREEEZZZ..CRRRREEEESSHHH.." The freezing deathly silver sword scratched out the monsters precisely. Both of them were crying out histerically.

"AAARRGGHH! the hell will curse you, Boy! I swear I will demand a revenge!!" The snake-like head monster said as its appearence was dissolved in the silver dust wind.

"I promise I will be back! just wait and see!!" The scorpion head threatened as it was disappeared along with its friend.


"Since the stage was over, and all of the teams did well, I would like to announce the result," announced the MC with stable speaking tone.

Waiting to know the result made the audiences and candidates uneasy. Some of them started to make various kinds of assumption. It was followed with their own belief that either Brave Team or Bright Team would be the winner.

Then, about fifteen minutes forward, the MC said, "The result for this stage is pretty surprising and beyond our expectation. Let's prepare your mental and mind to hear this."

After hearing the statements, the heart of candidates and audiences were racing like marathon runners in the athletic competition. They could not wait to know the winner and once again cheered them until the final stage.

"The result is TIE! both of the teams are the winners!" The MC declared with joyful smile.


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