Chapter 3
The conversation went on.
‘It’s just too much’, one of the women said to the other.
Hope became optimistic and thought to himself.
‘What are they talking about’, he said to himself in a soft tone.
As the cart stopped by a house, Hope steps down from the cart and walked up to the door.
As he knocks on the door, Gwen opens it and hugged him.
‘Welcome back, bro’, she said to Hope.
‘Where are the others’, he said to Gwen.
‘They went out not too long’, Gwen replied to him with a smile on her face.
Hope walks in and locks the door behind him.
The following morning, Hope got up early, he was wearing a snow coat and snow boots, he was about walking out when his mother stood against him and the door.
‘Hello, it has been a long since we have ever had a short conversation like this, my boy’, his mother said to him with a smile on her face.
Hope turns his back to see his mother smiling at him, he runs up to her and braces her before she moves back and said to him.
‘I want you to take good care of yourself and your siblings because they are the only thing you and I have after your father's unfortunate death’.
‘But I have to go out and hustle for us to survive because….’, Hope replied to her before he was interrupted by his mom.
‘Hey, that's enough, what I mean is that you should take care of not only yourself but your siblings as well, just take good care of yourself ok, and get me that tea you always promised’ his mother replied Hope.
‘Ok mother, I will get you that British tea alright’, Hope replied to his mother before walking out on her and slowly waving his hands at her.
Hope was busy carrying coal to and fro to different locations, and it was already becoming late, he ran through the road not knowing his boss was calling for him inside the shop.
‘Hope, hope, where are you’, his boss yelled out loud to their hearing.
As he looks at his window, he sights Hope running through the dark roads.
As Hope was about reaching his house, he had a weird feeling that something was about to happen, but he was too scared to even focus.
He got to his house, he saw the door broken down and thrown against the ground, he slowly walks forward and what he saw will make you wish you were not in his position.
‘What happened here, mom, Gwen, Stefani, where are you guys, hello’, Hope said to the dark void enveloping the room.
As he was about stepping in, he saw blood straining around the room, he mistakenly rests by the wall and not knowing that he hit the switch, as the light turned on
He saw the dead bodies of his siblings and his mother.
Tears dripping down his cheek, Hope stood still for a while, still trying to process what he saw, the dead bodies of his siblings, all of them lying in their blood.
It was like a nightmare, he moves back and staggers backwards where he heard a sniffing sound.
He looked back and saw Gwen lying down on their younger brother, she was bruised up and was at the point of dying.
Hope rushed down to her and tried helping her up, as he rose her up, Gwen slowly opened his eyes and said to him.
‘Hope, please run, don't stay here. You will die, just go I love you, we love you’, in a weak tone accompanied by a sadistic look on her face.
Hope had no choice but to carry his dying sister and search for help, as he checked the other bodies for survival, he lost hope when he discovered that his sister was the only survival of the massacre.
He rose his sister and slowly walks out of the house, as he was out in the forest, Gwen's blood drips on Hope as he was staggering further to save his sister from death.
Unknown to him that Gwen was slowly transforming into a beast.
‘Brother, I am hungry, please let's stop eating ’, Gwen said to Hope.
As Hope heard, he stopped and began to try helping her to a small restaurant nearby, as they opened the door, the people in the restaurant became quiet and began to look at them like they were criminals.
‘Please, I need some biscuits and a hot tea’, Hope said to the waitress in a soft tone while observing his sister as she slowly moves her head to and fro.
‘Here you go, and anything for you’, the waitress said to him, but he nods his head at her, and she slowly walks out on him.
As Gwen was eating very fast, Hope was surprised to see that she had already finished the food.
‘Brother, I require more, please ask them to add more meat’, Gwen said to Hope.
‘Ok, hey, bring more food and add more meat’, he replied Gwen.
As the waitress came in with the food, Gwen dragged the dish out of her hands and began to devour the food, hope slowly reached for her plate when she yelled at him with her fang contracting from her mouth.
‘Leave me alone, hands off my food’, Gwen said to him in a bold tone.
‘But let me just have a little’, Hope replied her and was about reaching for the plate when she drags it away from him and hissed at him.
As she began to eat, Hope discovered that she was getting bigger and stronger as well, as she was done, she dropped the plate and said to Hope.
‘I need meat, get me meat’, in a scary tone with her back view against him as he heard her voice for the third time, he could tell that something was wrong.