Chapter 5
Hope looked devastated as Gwen had fallen, she struggles to breathe while Hope sights a figure standing behind him.
‘ who is that ’, he said to himself while he had thoughts running through his mind.
The figure slowly walks up to him.
‘ you should be thankful, I just saved you from a demon ’, the figure said to him.
The figure was tall in height, fair in complexion and had red long hair floating above his shoulders.
‘ what made you think I was in trouble ’, Hope said to the figure in a loud tone.
‘ because that demon wanted to kill you ’, the figure replied him.
Hope ran to Gwen and started checking her if she's alive or dead.
‘ don't worry, she will be dead, my poison will penetrate her flesh and slowly kill her ’, the figure replied Hope.
Hope immediately he heard turns Gwen and removes the penetrated sword from her back.
‘ Gwen, wake up ’, Hope said in distress while shaking her conscious body.
But Gwen isn't showing a sign of life.
‘ what have you done to my sister, she is going to die, you need to give me the antidote to your poison or else i would not have a family at all, please I beg of you ’, Hope pleads with the figure.
The figure slowly emerges from the shadow and revealed himself to Hope to be Galalah Charles, a demon hunter from Wales, who was sent here to hunt down a demon that penetrated England walls.
‘ but it was not my fault that I did not arrive on time, they did not inform me earlier, and now I have to kill you sister to save the lives of many, now move away child ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope as he rose up his unsheathe sword over his head, he was about striking Gwen when Hope placed his arm, using it to block his sword from striking his sister.
‘ why is he stoping me, where did his sudden strength come from ’Galalah soliloquies to himself while applying force to his brutal attack.
‘ I won't let you kill my sister, instead kill me and let her live ’, Hope said to him in a weak tone while struggling to save the life of his sister.
As Galalah Charles heard what he said, he pushed Hope back, causing Hope to collided with a tree.
‘ so you would sacrifice yourself for this demon, who you call your sister, can you not see the blood lost in her eyes, this girl is no longer a child but a demon, sooner or later she would end up killing you and every other person, I can't let her breathe another air of life am sorry but I have to kill her ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope in a serious tone accompanied with it's look.
‘ no, I won't let you kill my sister ’, Hope muttered out loud to Galalah Charles, but as he ran towards him, Charles swiftly went around him and ties him up to a tree, making it difficult for him to break through.
‘ just stay still child ’, Galalah Charles said to him in a deep tone while running towards his sister with his sword up above his head but Hope jumps up again and placed his life on the line, ‘ metal colliding sounds ’, up against him was Hope, crossing his sword against his.
‘ I won't let you take another life, not the one of my sister ’, Hope aggressively said to Charles.
Charles moves away from him, as his feets were dragged against the ground, dust ascends into the atmosphere.
‘ why do you protect her, can't you see she's no longer human, do your kind a favour and let me kill her before it's too late or else you will regret your foolish actions ’, Galahad Charles said to Hope in a bold tone accompanied with a serious look on his face.
Galahad walks towards Gwen, as Hope sights him he dashed towards him.
‘ let my sister go ’, yelling out loud.
Galahad rose up his sword, in attempt to strike Gwen but as he sights Hope, he uses his elbow to strike Hope down to the ground.
‘ tch ’, Hope expressed in pain and agony.
As he slowly rose up his head, above him was Galalah Charles, placing his unsheathe sword on his neck.
‘ why are you so stubborn, she's a demon, she doesn't have any sign of human emotions, soon she would kill you and everyone you love ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope in a soft tone with tears dripping down from his eyes.
‘ you don't know what it is to loss your family to demons, wish you knew you wouldn't want to kill my only sister, even though she's a demon, please spare her life and take mine ’, Hope said to Galalah Charles with tears dripping down his cheeks.
‘ this boy doesn't know what his talking about, I have to kill this demon before things turn against our favour ’, Galalah Charles soliloquies to himself.
Out of anger Galalah Charles pushes him way and uses his leg to kick him hard on his abdomen.
‘ stay down child ’, Galalah Charles said to Hope.
As he was busy attending to Hope, it was at that moment Gwen woke up and sights Galalah Charles with a dangerous look that will even send you out with thoughts.
‘ if you ever touch my brother, I promise you that I will kill you ’, Gwen said to Galalah Charles.
As he heard her voice he turns his back and repositioned himself to strike her down.
‘ you should be dead by now how come she survived my poison, this is impossible, I need to kill her now ’, Galalah Charles soliloquies to himself.
Gwen slowly rose up on her feet, while slowly dangling her hands around her waist, with her head gazing at the ground.
‘ I will make you pay for touching my brother ’, Gwen yelled out loud to Galalah Charles with rage written all over her appearance.