Chapter 14
Amelia's POV.
“Thanks for speaking up for me back there, even when you didn't have to.”
She glared at me but kept mute.
“I don't mean it that way, I just wanted to thank you.”
“A thank you would be appreciated.”
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“That would be your client for the night, make sure you do everything he wants and please him. He's an essential person in the Pack.” She pointed at a man.
“Sure, I will.”
I watched her mingle with the crowds again while I approached my new client.
Addison's POV.
Austin and I got to the club and were able to secure a VIP lounge for ourselves.
“A girl should be here soon to take all your worries away..... The real escape.” He grinned excitedly.
“No, Austin. You know how much I love Alison, I would never cheat on her.”
He smiled and sipped the glass of wine in front of him.
“Cheat? I'm not telling you to cheat on her, Addison, I'm only telling you what to do to escape. If you really want to escape what you're going through, then you need this.”
He somehow managed to convince me into it, saying I wasn't going to have sex with the girl, it was only going to be a tiny flirt.
After a few more minutes, a masked lady approached us and waved at us.
“Hi, I'm Agent, and I'll be your company for the night.” She said to me either a seductive wink.
“Okay, buddy.” Austin patted my shoulder and grabbed his glass of wine. “I'm going to take my leave now.”
My eyes tailed him as he walked away.
“Please, have a seat.” I gestured and she sat beside me.
“What's the name again?”
“Agent.” She whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Isn't that a ridiculous name?” I tried to curb in my laugh, not to be offensive, but she laughed with me.
“Yes, it is, and that's because I can't use my real name here. Agent is just a camouflage.”
“Oh!” I nodded and sipped my wine.
“So, what would you like me to for you tonight? I overheard your friend talking about you needing an escape from something.”
“Someone actually.” I buried my head in my hands.
“May I ask who?”
“My old man...... He wants me to marry my mate, but I'm in love with someone else, and now I can't even decide on whom to please.”
“Pardon? What do you mean?”
“You! What do you want? What would bring peace to your soul?”
“Being with the woman I love, of course.”
Amelia's POV.
I know this is strictly business, but his words shredded my heart, I wished I was the one who he loves.
Yeah! I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, but I just can't help it. It feels like I've fallen in love with this man – love at first sight happens to be real after all.
Now, I need to get down to work. At least, all I have with this handsome man is this night, I should make the best out of it.
“Why don't you let me be responsible for your peace for the night? Let me be your escape route.” I winked as I pressed my body harder in him.
He wasted no time and drew me closer. In minutes, he began to kiss and smooch me all over and though I wanted to stop, but I couldn't; even my wolf is driven crazy by his mere scent.
“I'm sorry, but this isn't what I'm meant to do.” I pulled out of the kiss and got up.
“My bad. I know that, and I apologize deeply for that...... Why don't you just show me what you've got instead?” A smirk hot stuck at a corner of his lip.
I huffed and began to sway my waist, twisting it in the best way I could as I moved to the rhythms of the music. Slowly, I approached him and twisted my waist softy on his lap while he got busy with his glass of wine.
I know I don't do sex in this business, neither do I fall in love with the client, but for him, the case is different. All I want to do is fall even more in love with him and make him mine; if only there was a way to go about that, but he has two women in his life who he's finding hard to choose.
After spending a couple of hours, the realization of Agatha getting home before me struck me and I made to leave, but the man stopped me.
“Where do you think you're going?” He demanded in a harsh and drunk voice.
“I'm sorry, but I have to leave now.”
“What? Are you like Cinderella? Is your beauty going to fade away soon? No? Your dress?” He chuckled and threw his head backward on the couch.
I tried to sneak away, but he got a grip of me and now, he doesn't look like the drunk man from a few minutes ago.
“You have to stay with me all through the night.” He whispered in my ear in a sweet, deep voice.
Before I could give him a reply, he gripped me by my wrist and took me out of the club. We got in a car, and he drove us to an exotic hotel.
“What are we doing here?” I questioned as we stepped out of the car.
“What we are meant to do, Agent. I paid for this, I need to enjoy it.”
Well, I bet I'm going to enjoy this more than you are.
I grinned.
We walked into the hotel, booked a room and went into the room. I had barely locked the door when he jumped on me and lashed me with kisses all over.
“This is all I ever wanted, Alison....... To be with you.” He whispered.
Though it broke me heart that he mentioned another woman's name, but who was I to him? A slut, perhaps. I just have to play by it to enjoy him for this night, there might not be a next time to this.
“You have me, I'm all yours.” I smacked my lips.