Chapter 18

Amelia's POV.

His voice got dimmed by quivering lips as he began to shake at the sight of the gun.

"What are you..... Doing with t-that? We can t-talk am-icably." He whined.

"I'm not here to listen to all your whines. Just tell me what I want to know and your life would be spared."

"Yes.. Yes, I will." He nodded repeatedly.

I walked closer to him, sat on the table and pointed the gun to his head.

"My kid brother went missing since last night, what do you know about this?"

"I... I do-don't know anything about... It." He trembled, beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

I don't need to listen to his heartbeat to how that he's lying to me.

"You know what this is called?" I stared at the gun in admiration as I caressed it and got up from the table.

"A gun?"

I sniggered.

"Don't be scared, buddy. You'll be find as long as you play by my rules." I took some steps away from him and abruptly turned back to him.

"And for you information, this is no ordinary gun, it's called a pistol. Do you know what it does to people?"

I sprinted to him, grappled him by the neck and hauled him closer to me while the gun was pointed to his forehead. I could feel his trembling body underneath my grip but I cared less.

"It kills as silent as possible. I'll kill you and nobody would hear a gun, how about that?" I bore my teeth as my fangs elongated.

"No.... No, don't that..... To me, please."

"Then, will you like to tell me the truth?" I let go of him and sat on the table again.

He nodded in compliance.

"He paid me to turn off the CCTV for ten minutes and make sure nobody sees him."

"Who's he?"

"I don't know him up until yesterday noon when he came around."

"Yesterday noon?" I mumbled to myself.

If he was here yesterday noon, that means the hotel probably had a footage of that. Finally, I'll be able to catch the culprit and bring Alden back to Agatha and we will be a big family again.

"Get up!" I yelled at him and he sprang up, his pants were wet and dripping of his pee.

This got me laughing for a minute.

"We are going to head to the CCTV room right now and we'll see the footage of yesterday, is that clear?" I asked while I put my gun in my bag.

"Yes, that's clear."

"Now, smile, Mr. Manager." I sassed and he faked a smile.

"Good of you. Now, move it." I commanded, gritting my teeth.

We both stepped out of the office and we headed to the CCTV room. Though eyes were on us, especially on the manager because of his wet pants but that was the least of my worries at the moment. As long as he doesn't fuck things up, he will get access to his normal life.

We got into the CCTV and settled in while the other engineer played us the footage of yesterday.

"That's him." The manager cried out, almost screaming as he pointed at a man on the screen and the engineer paused it.

"He was the man that came to me, that's him."

I stared at the man's image in disbelief as different thoughts ran through my mind.

"How did he find us again?"

"Didn't Agatha say her mate's uncle is the killer from the picture?"

"He looks exactly like the man in the picture, of course, just a little bit aged."

"Why is he doing all of these?"

"Is Agatha's mate involved in this?"

"Thank you so much for your cooperation. You just earned yourself your normal life." I grinned and patted his shoulder.

I walked out of the hotel, my fist clenched tight to my pack bag and I stood in front of it, lost and confused on who and where to go to.

"Find the man! Find him and kill him. Then, all of these would end."

Those words echoed in my head but I'm not a murderer, I can't just kill him.

Even if my conscience can justify my action by telling me the same man killed my parents and Agatha's parents, I still won't be able to live with that guilt.

All I have to do is bring Alden home.

I decided to go to Agatha's workplace to see if she would be there. She's the only one who can help me get to this man faster. My gaze fell on the remaining bill I pulled from my pocket.

"This would do." I mumbled and stopped a taxi.

I got in and he drove me to where Agatha works. After settling the bill, I stepped out of the taxi and walked into the club house.

Luckily for me, the first person my gaze landed on was Agatha and she was shocked to see me there. She rushed to me, grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the clubhouse.

"Maybe hi would do?" I shrugged.

"What are you doing here? Have you finally lost it?"

"I'm trying to get Alden back."

"How?" She scoffed and crossed her hands against her chest.

"It was the killer that took him." My voice was clouded with care.

"How did you know that? And how am I supposed to trust you in this when you already failed me once?"

"See this as a make up for breaking your trust in me." I swallowed hard and she ignored our eye contact.

"I was able to find out from the manager of the hotel and I confirmed it from the CCTV camera. It was him and I'm sure of that."

"Okay, what do we do then?"

"We have to find your mate, he's the only one who can lead us to his uncle or an address."

"Did I forget to mention to you that he's not picking my calls neither is he returning them?" She pouted her lips in a sassy manner.

"I know but we have to find Alden."

"Wait....... I might know how we can get to him."

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