Chapter 6

Addison's POV.

Agatha helped me get up to my feet and to the car. She put me in the back seat while she sat in the driver's seat, ignited the car and drove me to the nearest hospital. By the time we got to the hospital, I was already losing too much blood.

Of course, I would have healed on my own if it was a normal bullet. But this is a silver bullet laced with wolfsbane.

“Help!” She cried out after she alighted from the car.

Some nurses ran toward us with a stretched, helped me get out of the car and laid me on the stretcher. A deep and painful grunt escaped my lips as I laid on the stretcher.

My faint eyes could see Agatha biting my lips into a thin line, probably in regret of me taking the bullet for her. I know if she dies, my life is also going to be a mess.

At this point, I would have told her to call Alison, but I would rather not ruin things for us; we barely just started.

“You'll be fine.” She whispered calmly to me as she got to the point where I had to go.

Agatha's POV.

I prayed silently for Addison as I walked back to the waiting area and sat down.

“Why would the killer want to kill me? After killing my parents?” I pondered hard without getting any answer to my thought.

At that point, my mind went to Addison, I don't why he had to take the bullet for me.

“Was it because he loves me? Or is there something else I'm not aware of?” I raised a brow, deeply lost in thoughts.

“Miss Agatha?”

“Miss Agatha?” The doctor patted my shoulder gently, shaking me out of my thoughts.

“Are you okay? You seem lost in thought, do you want to talk about it?” He offered with intense care in his voice.

“No, I'm fine.” I shrugged and forced a smile. “How is he doing now?” Curiosity clouded my voice.

“He's stable now, he would be moved to a ward soon, so you can see him.”

“Thank you, doc.” I said, and he walked away.

A soft huff of relief escaped my lips as I watched the retreating figure and went to the ward to see Addison. He was awake when I entered the ward.

“Hey!” He called out to me, he looked surprised to see me.

“Hey. How are you feeling now?”

“Better!” He responded sharply, as though I were invading his privacy.

“Is something wrong? You look surprised to see me, and you're beginning to act uncomfortable.”

“It's nothing really...... Yeah, you got me. I'm surprised you are still here.” He sighed and looked at the other side of the ward.

“What?” I scoffed softly. “Why do you think I would be gone after you took a bullet for me? Saved my life?”

“Oh! That's it?” He turned back to me.

“No, Addison. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted you to know I'm grateful for what you did. Not everyone could be as brave as you were out there.”

“It's fine actually, and I'm sorry, my emotions caught up with me.”

“I'll be in the waiting area then, call me if you need anything.” I stuttered and retreated from the room after I got a nod as a reply.

Alison's POV.

It has been hours since Addison left to look for his mate, he should have returned by now, but reverse is the case. Neither is there any call from him yet. And the worry that clouded my heart couldn't hold me back from pacing around the room while nervously chewing on my nails.

“Could he be having a good time with her? Like smooching? Or worse, sex?” I thought, but shook my head as if to shake it off.

“No. Addison won't do that to me. He loves me, and his mate is just a key for us to be together.” I consoled myself.

“But why hasn't he called? Did something bad happen? What if he needs my help?” I thought as I continued to pace around the room.

I walked to the bedside table in a haste and grabbed my phone. Punched in some numbers and dialed it; Addison picked the call almost immediately.

“Hey, babe. I was just about to call you.” He teased with a smile obvious in his voice.

“About to call me?” I scoffed and walked to the window. “I guess you deserve a medal for that. At least, we think alike.” I snapped.

“I know you're angry, but there's more to it than you can imagine.” His voice denoted danger and fear, which was very unusual of him.

“What do you mean by that?” I panicked.

“Someone tried to kill Agatha tonight.......” I butted in with an exclamation.

“What? Was he caught? Is she okay now?”

“Yes, she is okay because I took the bullet for her.”

“What? You did what? Are you dumb? You could have died.”

“Well, I'm still alive. Do you not know what it means for us if Agatha dies now? I'll never get access to my father's properties, neither would I become the Alpha.”

“Yeah, I know.” My voice went low and sober. “But you can never tell who she got involved with and is after her life now.”

“Involved with? She does not look like the kind of girl that would get involved with such a person that would want her dead.”

“You never can tell, babe. You recently met her and you can't trust her. She might be a danger for all I know.”

“Oh! Did you think about that when you persuaded me to go after her? You just found out that I met her recently?"

“Don't be like this, Addison. I just want you to be more careful, that's all. Nevertheless, we need to find out whoever she is involved with and take care of it.”

“Take care of it? I think I know who she is involved with, but I doubt if you would be able to take care of the person.”

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