When was the last time you fu**ed?
Arianna's POV.
Nowadays, mornings for me are horrible. I lay on my bed wishing and hoping as I'd learned to do these days for some miracle that'll make all this a bad dream, but sadly reality was very harsh.
I climbed out of the bed and ran a hand through my hair. I tightened the robe on me and walked over to the window. I stood for a while staring at the large expanse of land that met my eyes, sadly, I could only see trees and not a building in sight.
I ran to the bathroom to take a shower and came out almost immediately because I heard a crisp knock on the door. I frowned and tightened my hold on the bathrobe. The person probably got impatient and rapped louder. I took a deep breath and answered, "Come in."
"Hi, I'm Sofia, your personal maid." I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard her voice. She then came into the room and closed the door as she smiled broadly at me. She was holding a lot of bags in her hands which I assumed were clothes. She was a very beautiful woman with raven black hair and beautiful olive skin with light blue eyes. She looked friendly enough but I didn't want to have any sort of relationship with anyone from this horrid place.
I nodded slightly and turned around not sparing her another glance and she must have noticed my unfriendliness and didn't say much. She put the bags down on the bed and spoke."Miss, Mr. Andino would like to see you in the dining room. Let me help you get dressed."
I turned to her and cocked a brow in surprise. "Who is that?"
She appeared stunned and answered, "Mr. Andino is the owner of this house and the master."
I nodded in understanding. "Thank you very much, Sofia but I can do it on my own and please tell Mr. Andino that I'm not hungry and won't be joining him in the dining room. Yes, Sofia shut the door as you leave. I'd like to have some time to myself."
Her face turned a little pale. "Mr. Andino is not going to like that Miss. Please just come to the dining room, he gets angry quickly, and can do anything."
I frowned a little. "It's not like he'll kill me simply because I refused to have breakfast. I mean it's my choice and my life so I'll do what I want."
Seeing that I was very firm about it she left and I went into the bathroom to take my shower that was interrupted. I had to admit that that asshole was loaded, I mean look around the room, everything there screamed money, the four-poster bed, the bedside lamp that he broke. I saw it online one time and it cost thousands of dollars, just one lamp. The bathroom was even more astonishing, my mouth dropped open in shock as I took it all in.
I took a luxurious bath with bubbles, scented oils, and all that. I came out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed to pick out a suitable cloth. Surprisingly underwear was provided. I took off my robe and pampered my skin with the different beauty products that I saw in the bags.
Then, all of a sudden the door swung open. I scrambled upwards and tried to get my robe, but I was too late.
"Fuck! Who the hell does that?" I turned to the door still naked and met the same pair of eyes I saw yesterday, the asshole. He was dressed properly this time around with a white shirt and a pair of grey slacks, the shirt made him look absolutely delectable, it made you want to rip it off and see the body underneath. I shook my head to regain some of my rationality that seemed to have deserted me.
He watched me the same way he did yesterday but this time it was more intense, his eyes were filled with lust and I couldn't look at him squarely, his gaze did something to me that I absolutely hated. I felt the heat pooling in my abdomen as his gaze raked my skin lingering on my breasts and lower half. And he didn't even feel the least bit ashamed but I did, looking at him all dressed up and me naked. I spotted my robe in the dresser and ran towards it like my life depended on it.
I was keenly aware of his heated gaze in my ass and I simply wanted to die of embarrassment. I tied my robe around me and regained some of my confidence and eyed him warily. "Don't you have the basic courtesy to look away hmm? Weren't you taught to knock before you come into somebody's room."
He smirked that same one that seemed fake no matter how I looked at it. He left the door and walked up to me. "I was taught that Bella, but this is my house so it doesn't apply here and how was I to know that I'll see such a sight in here, truly beautiful."
I rolled my eyes and mumbled under my breath 'asshole'. His eyes glinted dangerously and his words made me stunned. " I heard that, and the next time that happens…" he leaned in and whispered in my ear "I'll take you over my knee."
I shook at the sound of his voice. My knees buckled when I heard that. It sounded so dark but strangely I was turned on by it. In my mind, I cursed my traitorous body countless times. So what if he was handsome, sexy as fuck, and rich to boot he was nothing more than an asshole to who I was sold to.
Surprisingly he didn't touch me and moved away a little from me and gave me a once over again!
"Get dressed Bella or I might just forsake the self-control I'd very carefully cultivated. If I don't see you in the next few minutes be informed that I'll watch you get dressed myself." He smirked again and walked out self-assuredly because he knew and I knew that I'd certainly do what he had said. I dressed up quickly in a flowered mini gown and left my hair hanging on my shoulders.
Walking out of the room I saw Sofia by the door. She huddled close to me and whispered as we walked down the stairs. "Are you okay? Did Mr. Andino…" she trailed off and looked at me expectantly.
Tempted as I was to paint the asshole black, I sighed internally and comforted her "I'm fine don't worry and he didn't do anything to me." She heaved an obvious sigh of relief and walked me down the stairs in silence. I didn't have the time to admire the interior decor, because the man seated at the head of the table caught my eye.
He looked cold and indifferent, totally different from the teasing, flirtatious man I saw this morning. His eyes attracted me deeply. There was just something about them. I could feel that he was a man with a story but I absolutely didn't want to get involved in it. I really couldn't care less.
As I descended the final stair with Sofia, she immediately scrambled to the side and left me to walk to the table alone. I took a seat at the furthest chair from him and eyed the dishes on the mahogany dining table. It looked old and worn but not any less beautiful.
"Eat." He barked at me and I turned to look at him, but I refused to. He gave me a side eye and continued browsing the business magazine he was holding in his hands. I noticed the watch he was wearing and it was a Patek Philippe. I gulped as I realised that this guy was probably richer than I thought he was.
Looking at the food I was more tempted than ever before. At that exact moment, my stomach betrayed me by letting out a loud growl. I blushed scarlet and covered my tummy with my hand. I sneaked a peak at Mr. Andino and caught a ghost of a smile on his lips. I was surprised by what I saw but almost immediately it went away. It happened so fast that I didn't know if it was real or fake anymore.
After being betrayed by my stomach I started wolfing down the food without a care. I didn't realise that I was that hungry.
"When was the last time you fucked, Arianna?"
I choked on the food and spluttered as my face turned red and my eyes watered. Sofia rushed over and gave me a glass of water. I held onto the glass for dear life and finally stopped choking.
I looked over at the man that caused my near-death experience and he looked impassive like I didn't just have an encounter with hades all because of him. "Answer my question bella." I fought the urge to knee him where the sun never shines and just get it over and done with.
"What's that to you, Mr. Andino."
"Don't interrogate me Bella, answers not questions." He spoke slowly as he stared at me. Sometimes I forget that he makes me feel afraid like no one has ever done.
"I'm not gonna answer that. My sexual life has nothing to do with you"
"So we'll take that as you haven't been fucked in a long time. Are you on birth control?"
I was quickly getting irritated with his incessant and unnecessary questions and he still had that cocky but indifferent face as he questioned me. I stood up and hit the table glaring at him "I'm not doing this anymore. You know what, fuck you, asshole." I flipped him the bird and jogged up the stairs before he could say anything. I saw his face contort into a mask of fury as he tried to get to me but was interrupted by a phone call.
I went into my room and locked the door, laying on my bed as I crafted an escape plan. I couldn't stay here anymore, especially now that I had pissed off Mr. Andino.