Chapter 9
Ariel Smith
The day Ariel meets Arthur Drummond in the hospital:
hours before...
My two best friends looked at me shocked, as if I had said something impactful and unthinkable, but I couldn't find anything wrong with my thinking that would justify that look. I lived with a nightmare since my mother died and it was time to look for new experiences, to live my life and, above all, to live alone. Living in a home of my own, where I would do whatever I wanted, freely and however I wanted. And most importantly, there would be peace.
“But why?!“ Gio questioned, with a look of indignation.
“I thought you were going to live with us. We were already planning to renovate the guest room and leave it to your liking,” Noah said.
“I know your intentions are the best, but I can't take advantage of my situation to live in your house.“ I justified myself, saying exactly what was going through my head.
“I thought you wanted to live with us. You don't need to look elsewhere if we want you here! This is your home too,” said Gio, placing his hand on mine.
I started to feel distressed, it seemed like I was being rude when they offered me a hand, but I couldn't accept it. Noah was evaluating me for a few moments and noticed my distress, he knew me very well and, in response to my silence, he asked, tenderly.
“Is this what you really want?“
“Yes!“ I replied, without delay.
“But, redhead...“ Gio tried to change my mind.
“I'm grown up and I finally had the courage to leave that toxic environment. It's time to live alone, to be more independent than I already am, you know?“
They noticed my sad look and eyes full of tears. They noticed that it was my choice and that that was all that mattered at that moment. Finally, they smiled with a sad look, but they motivated me:
“We can't convince you otherwise, so what we can do is respect and support, right Giovana?“ Noah asked.
“That's right“ Gio confirmed, with a small smile.
“Thank you for understanding me, I don't know what I would do without you.“
“I don't know either.“ Noah said, convincingly.
“Well, since we can't change your mind, let's help you find a nice place.“
“Take it easy, blonde. My budget is very reasonable, so look for something simple.“
“Nothing like that! The apartment will be on me,” he said, smiling.
“But, she's really rich...“ Noah joked, with a funny expression.
“Millionaire!“ Gio corrected him, “because, in addition to having my own job, I'm the heir to a fortune!“
“Okay, millionaire lady, let's finish eating before this breakfast gets cold.“
I was on my way to work and I felt great. For a moment, I remembered the brief conversation with my friends and Giovana's failed attempts to make me change my mind and live with them. At the end of all this, I was happy that they supported me in my decision and that they would help me on my new journey. I always thought about living alone, having my own little place and the peace I deserve. These thoughts had been around me since before what happened the night before and I didn't see it as something negative and painful. Not anymore, I saw it as a unique opportunity to get myself out of that hell once and for all. And I wouldn't waste it.
I needed to know myself better. I wanted to enjoy a good night's sleep and enjoy my own company, or even adopt a pet. I remained holed up in that house for years, in the presence of an empty and dark being who spared no effort to make my days more difficult and exhausting and, now that I was free from him, I would appreciate my moments of blessing and peace.
My workday started busy. There was a fire in a school, caused during a game between children, but which resulted in six deaths and twelve injuries. The flames quickly consumed the floors and the injured suffered second and third-degree burns. Patients, in addition to dealing with pain and agony, had to endure the smell of their own burning flesh.
The screams of pain of the children I treated still echoed in my head. I chose this profession out of love and admiration and I know what I can find, but I didn't let my sensitivity consume me, even though it was very difficult. The other emergency doctors observed my discomfort when treating an art teacher who, despite being elderly, burned his arms while helping the children under his care to escape the fire.
After tending to his wounds, I asked for time to go to the bathroom. I needed to splash some water on my face and pull myself together. I went into the nearest bathroom and approached a sink, turned on the tap, filled my hands with running water and then splashed it on my face. I did this three times in a row. I couldn't stop smelling burning skin, but I needed to forget about it and get back to work. When I turned to the door, the other doctors came in and looked at each other, with smiles on their lips.
when they noticed my presence.
“We saw how you got out of the emergency room, are you okay?“ One of them asked.
“I am! Just a little confused by this whole situation.“
“The health sector is not for everyone, although, considering how long it has been here and how sensitive it is, I have no doubt that it will last a long time,“ the other said.
“Being sensitive doesn’t make me less competent at my job.“
- Wants to know? You're too cute, but your good girl face doesn't deceive. Tell me, are you in this program with the help of your boss?
That question made me very uncomfortable. I never stopped to think about the possibility that someone would consider me working at the hospital merely for someone's favor, but then again, I don't usually care what people think of me. However, being faced with such an accusation was something else. I felt my vision darken with anger, I was fed up with problems. If I couldn't handle the ones at home, I wouldn't have to put up with the ones at work.
“My little face has nothing to do with my entry into this program. If I'm here it's because I was qualified enough to get it, I didn't need help, much less from my parents,“ the girls looked at me angrily, because they knew that, unlike me, they had gotten the job through the influence of other people.
“Listen here, you abused...“ One of them spoke, but I interrupted.
“If you are not tolerating my presence in this building, I ask you to complain to the boss and give your reasons. I'm here for merit and effort, not to waste time on unnecessary intrigues!“
They were silent, with serious expressions. I knew very well that they wanted to talk about me, that they wanted to release all their venom and get me off my chest, but I wouldn't give them that possibility.
“I want you to apologize.“ I said, taking a deep breath before asking.
They looked at me with a mocking smile on their lips.
“As you well know, I get along very well with most of the employees at this hospital, if I file a complaint against you, I can ask you to testify and talk about your two attitudes, as I know what you have done to the majority here.“
“You can not do that.“
“I don't owe you anything, so of course I can.“
They exchanged glances, still resistant to my request, but swallowed hard and responded, stepping over their egos.
“I'm sorry, doctor,“ they both said.
“Now, get out of here and leave me alone!“
As soon as the two left the bathroom, forgetting to even use it, I was able to let the air out of my lungs. I felt relieved that I had the courage to face them. I went back to doing my work. After treating all the fire patients assigned to me, I went to the break room. I needed to study a little for the exams, which were close, but shortly after, I was called again and went to the emergency room. As soon as lunchtime hit, I chose to stay at the hospital. I went down to the cafeteria, served myself and sat at an unoccupied table. While eating, I took my phone out of my pocket and called Giovana. I wanted to know the latest news about looking for a new home.
“I was about to call you,“ she said, as soon as she answered.
“Any news? I'm quite curious.“
“Clear! I found a divine apartment and it’s just like you!“ She said, excitedly.
“Serious? And how it is? I don't know what I would do without you!“
“But, that’s pretty obvious! Well, the trimming is close to your work and close to the shopping mall and the market.“
“Our! This is perfect.“
“Oh! And it comes fully furnished,“ she informed.
“Speaks seriously. How much does this apartment cost?“
“Oh, cheap...“
“How cheap?“
“About 600 thousand dollars,“ Gio said, in an indifferent voice, but my eyes widened when I heard it.
“You are crazy? I asked him to find a simple apartment and not a luxury one!“
“Shiu, redhead!“ She ordered, “The apartment has already been purchased and is my gift to you.“
“ What?! I can't accept it.“
“But you go! It won't be undone. The apartment already has the paperwork in your name, all you need to do is sign it.“
I sighed and said, annoyed:
“I hate you!“
“And I love you, you know.“
“What can I do? You are impossible.“
“Don't be stubborn! You will love the apartment. You can create as many animals as you want.“
“Send me the location.“
“I just sent it,” she said, and I received the notification.
“As soon as my shift is over, I'll stop by your house to pick up my bags.“
“It won't be necessary, everything is already here.“
“My God! You are impossible!“
“I'll do everything to make you happy. Our love is forever.“
“He always was.“
“And it always will be!“ We completed it at the same time.
During the afternoon, the emergency room was closed, so I just reviewed medical records and studied. I stayed like that most of the time. At some point, I visited the nursery. I love babies, they make little noises with their mouths when they're sleeping and that makes them cuter, bringing me an absurd amount of peace and filling me with tenderness. I have always had a love for children.