Chapter 4
When the limousine pulled up, I got out without too much delay. The casino doors opened and several eyes met mine. Some scared, some surprised. In long strides, I headed for the elevator. I wanted to get to my office as soon as possible and I saw employees and customers get out of my way.
I sat down in my armchair, took a cigar out of my suit, lit it and puffed it out. I heard a knock on the door and ordered:
“Come in.”
I glared at the two idiots approaching my table. They were scared and intimidated by my presence. Mere insects, I could easily destroy them. I controlled my anger, deciding to play with them.
“A shitty junkie hacked into the casino's system, are you aware?
They looked at me, confused. The damned didn't know and that only increased my anger. I put my gun on the table and they looked scared at the object. With a trembling voice, one of them said:
— We have not received any notice on our server.
- Hmm! Interesting...
"But we're going to sort this out as soon as possible."
“You have ten minutes, after the allotted time, if you don't bring me any information, kiss this world goodbye.
- Yes sir.
When they left my office, I got up from my chair, went to the bar and poured myself a glass of whiskey. I always liked to scare everyone. I didn't tolerate mistakes in my business, let alone those who worked directly for me. I drank it in one gulp and put the glass on the counter. I went back to the armchair, after all, what was left for me was to wait.
I watched the security cameras, watching people play. I like this business, it made me a lot of money. Of course, it doesn't compare to the money I make with the Bratva, but the more the merrier. Within the allotted time, the imbeciles reappeared with a paper in hand. I took the history of the man, Roberto Smith, a businessman and currently unemployed, the only asset he owned was his modest home and I smiled, without humor. The shack wouldn't pay half of what he owed me.
I looked up the address, wrote it down and sent it to one of my drivers. I ordered some soldiers to prepare for a trip to Beverly Hills and, without wasting any more time, I left the casino, wanting to get this shit over with as soon as possible.
The vehicle parked in front of the unfortunate man's house. Get out of the car and evaluate. In large strides, I walked to the entrance and forced the rickety doorknob that broke easier than I expected. We broke into the house and I saw the bastard sitting in an armchair older than he was, eating canned food. He was startled to see us and got up from his chair.
- Who are you? he asked, startled.
“Pizza delivery guys.
I advanced towards the man and grabbed his neck. I leaned his body against the wall and lifted him off the ground. Startled and short of breath, he grabbed my hand. Unable to breathe, he struggled, and I saw the desperation in his eyes.
"Tried to hack into the casino's server to clear your debt?" I've seen better hackers.
- What do you mean? I didn't do anything,” he choked out.
“Don't make a fool of yourself, you worm. Do you think you can enjoy my casino without paying? Either pay in cash or with your life.
"I intend to pay, I will pay!"
— You're a failure, you don't even have where to drop dead.
— I have a daughter, she works, she can pay my debt.
"Are you going to dump your debt on your daughter's back?"
"She pays..." Roberto was losing consciousness and I released him, letting him fall to the ground. I faced the soldiers and ordered some:
"Search the house, you can take anything of value."
I climbed the steps looking for traces of someone else in the house. I didn't want there to be witnesses when I killed him. I walked to the last room at the end of the hall, opened the door and saw a female room. I walked in and walked over to the dresser. There was a trail of photos, possibly of the girl. I took a photograph in my hands. The girl's appearance, with her beautiful blue eyes and red hair, brought back something I had always struggled to forget. I watched that face carefully. He had a youthful, innocent blush and I was fond of such natural beauty. I left the room with the photograph in my hand and returned to the living room.
"Is this your daughter?" I asked, holding the photo out.
"Yes," he confirmed.
How old is she?
25 years.
Where does she work?
“In a hospital in Los Angeles.
"So she's a doctor?"
"Yes. I know she will pay the debt."
- Is he sure? The value is too high.
“I know she will.
- Your daughter is very beautiful.
“She inherited her beauty from her mother, my late wife.
“I'm looking at ways to take advantage of this debt.
"Do what you want, I don't care.
"Don't you care about your daughter, Smith?"
- Not even a little.
Tired of his words, I grabbed her shirt and lifted him off the ground.
“Listen, from today onwards you'll do everything I order. Investigate more about your daughter, I want to know her steps.
"What do you want to know about that?"
"It doesn't interest you!" Just do what I say.
I released the worm and hit a blow in his face. He faltered and fell to the ground, the blow hurt his face. He made hand signals and the soldiers set up mini cameras around the room. He didn't want the girl to notice anything. We left the bastard at the house and left.
In the limousine, I turned on the monitoring equipment and, using the iPad, watched the wretch who upset, knocked over the furniture in the house. I smiled, he was nervous and that was great. I always liked to destabilize my opponents. The girl would become a prostitute because of her father. She was beautiful and I would enjoy that until I decided her final destination.
At the hotel, I took a shower and had dinner. Lying in bed, I accessed the cameras and watched the little redhead clean up and clean up the mess her dad had made. She was exhausted, probably from the day's work. After finishing the cleaning she went to the kitchen and I saw the bastard sitting at the table, with his hand on his face. When serving him she got scared and tried to help, but he started an argument and hit her face. I was surprised when I saw her throw the food over him.
She went to her room, and minutes later, I saw her leave the house, carrying suitcases. She was leaving the house and maybe that was to my advantage. I had plans for her and they would be delicious to me.