Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 26 - Enjoying the dating game!

THE DREAMING WAS GOING to be a problem! The images were going to invade my mind at all hours of the day or night and never mind the fact that I couldn’t focus, every single werewolf would be able to smell it on me!

I needed to get dressed for school, but I kept feeling those damned feelings pushing up from deep inside me. Things were becoming a huge problem. My feelings for Carlo were becoming a huge problem and that was after just one damn date! I had to focus on Ezra tonight and if I met him in the state I was in, he would know. I just knew he would know instantly.

I couldn’t talk to my mother about it. It was just too … It was … Nope, I couldn’t discuss my sudden needs with my mom! OLD LADIES! I had to think about old ladies … I tried to think about the ones I saw in town, but it wasn’t working. The images from my dreams kept pushing their way into my mind! Thinking about old ladies wasn’t working!

I couldn’t go to school like this, but I also couldn’t stay at home. If I stayed at home, Lilith and my mother would definitely know something was wrong. I quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs. People were whispering behind my back again, but this time … They were not talking about how weird I was. People would always talk. I knew that much. People were always going to talk, no matter what I did.

After breakfast, I got into my car and drove to school. I tried not to make any kind of eye contact with either of the men who were driving me insane so I could at least get through the school day. I thought about everything other than the two of them. I tried, but it was nearly impossible. I got through the day and tried to hide my frustration from Lilith.

For once, she didn’t catch on, which was a huge relief as I rushed home to take a shower. I stood in front of my cupboard just staring at my clothes when my mother came in to check on me. I had to talk to someone. I couldn’t go through another day like that!

“Mom, how do I stop it?” I sighed and she frowned.

“Stop what, sweetheart?” She sighed and tilted her head to one side.

“This!” I had been clenching my legs together the entire day and as soon as I relaxed the scent hit my nose. My mother looked shocked for a moment and then burst out laughing as if it was funny! Tears streamed down her face as she laughed while I paced back and forth.

“When did it start?” She tried to ask while still laughing.

“It’s not funny, mother! Last night after my date with Carlo.” I sighed and sat down on my bed feeling overwhelmed.

“So, you’ve developed feelings for Carlo. Well, my dear, I’m afraid you can’t stop it. You can make a choice between them and live a life with the one you chose, but you can’t stop what your body does when you are near your mates.” My mother shrugged and smiled before leaving. GREAT! She was absolutely no help at all! She was gone for only a second when she returned.

“Oh, you could try thinking about rotten food.” She laughed again as she closed the door, but as I thought about it, I could smell the scent getting less. I took a shower again to make sure it was gone, and kept on thinking about rotten foods. It worked really well as I walked down the stairs and found Ezra waiting for me. He smiled and took my hand and I could feel Carlo looking at us as we left the house.

Ezra didn’t have any money, so I wasn’t expecting something huge, but he did ask if we could use my car. He opened the passenger door for me and we drove out of the territory and into town. He pulled into a parking spot and opened the door for me.

“I thought of taking you to a movie, but then we couldn’t talk.” He smiled as he tucked my hand into the crook of his arm. “Then I thought about taking you for ice cream, but a little birdy told me you had ice cream last night.” He smiled as he stopped in front of the coffee shop and opened the door. “So, I thought we could go to a poetry night.” He smiled and we walked into the coffee shop.

We sat listening to amazing original poetry and when people were done, Ezra and I sat and talked. It wasn’t a very expensive date, but it was so incredibly romantic. We talked about what movies we liked and who our favourite actors were. We talked about what kind of poetry we liked, our favourite authors … It was nice to just talk and not feel any kind of pressure. We got to know each other and it was nice.

Our first date was pretty intense, and this one was comfortable. I appreciated it so much after the very intense feelings I felt. When it was time to go home, I was happy. This was exactly what I needed to get through this dating game. I needed to be able to just relax. That was what I appreciated most about Ezra. He always just seemed to know exactly what I needed and he knew exactly when to give it to me.

We got back home and said goodnight and as I walked back upstairs, I smiled. I had a good day. I had a great date. Things were finally going my way. I could actually be happy. I wasn’t going to think about what would happen if I chose Ezra. I didn’t want to think about it. I was going to enjoy every moment of this game.

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