Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 29 - In the kiss ...

GREAT! MY MOTHER thought things could be figured out! I didn’t. I couldn’t imagine choosing them both. I mean … I had never heard of anybody having two mates and I also couldn’t see the two of them getting along …

Nope! That wouldn’t work even if my mind could imagine the two of them making love to me at the same time! Nope! There was no way in hell I could choose them both. I needed to pick one. When this dating game was over, I had to pick one of them. Carlo rejected me and Ezra was my second chance, but if I chose Ezra my life would never be the same again.

Carlo and I had another good date which, for once, wasn’t surprising. He didn’t take me to one of his fancy restaurants. He actually took me to a coffee shop and we sat and talked most of the night. He seemed suddenly pretty interested in my ghosts and it got easier to talk to him about it.

Ezra took me on an adventure. A hunting adventure which was incredible! I had never hunted in my wolf form like that before. He was trying to show me what life would be like if Carlo exiled me and I appreciated it. He was trying to show me that we could survive.

That was all great, but it still didn’t solve my problem. If I had to be completely honest, neither of their dates swept me off my feet and that was what I wanted. In fact, it was what I was hoping for. Lilith had caught on that I was dating them both. I couldn’t hide it from her any longer, and I could spin the story if I had to.

It felt incredible to be able to just tell her how I was feeling. I couldn’t give her all the details, but I could tell her enough for her to get the gist of my problem. Two jealous men, one girl … She didn’t need much more! Talking to my best friend was the best thing for me. It was just what I needed to regain control before I completely lost it.

I needed to know how each of them made me feel, and just a date wasn’t going to do it. I was going to follow the advice of my most favourite singer of all time. I needed to kiss them … I rolled my eyes the first time Lilith mentioned it, but she and the singer were right. I had to kiss them both.

Carlo’s date was the first and I was so damn nervous! How the hell did I kiss the guy who had been my biggest bully all of these years? I had no idea where the hell he was going to take me and I was surprised when we pulled up near the lake again. He smiled and when he came around to open the door for me, he had a basket in his other hand.

“I thought we could go on a picnic again. I’ve just been enjoying talking to you and I want us to do more of it.” He smiled and for once his smile flashed in his eyes. He took my hand to help me out of the car and after he locked the car, he took it again. He didn’t let go until we found a quiet spot. We sat down, ate the delicious food, and talked. It felt good.

I needed to find a way to kiss him, but I wasn’t sure. When he put his head on my lap and our eyes met, I felt the pull between us. Lowering my head, our lips touched. His hand slipped behind my head into my hair and when I tried to pull away, he pulled me closer. My lips parted slightly and his tongue explored my mouth. I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach pushing up. Our kiss deepened before Carlo shifted and sat upright. He didn’t completely let go of me. His hand stayed tangled in my hair.

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” He sounded completely out of breath and I felt out of breath. I nodded but my body was screaming for more. I wanted more of Carlo! It was a weird thing to think about after everything, but I wanted him …

When we arrived home, he walked me up to my room and just as I was about to say goodnight, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me again before turning on his heel and leaving. My fingers touched my lips and I could still feel his lips on mine. I kissed Carlo. I kissed him twice and it was … MIND BLOWING!!! Carlo had apologized for the way he treated me over the years and he was making sure that the rest of the pack got the message.

I fell onto my bed wondering how it would feel to be his mate. He wasn’t a bad guy. He wasn’t a great guy for most of my life, but he spent his entire life knowing what kind of pressure he would be under as an alpha … I could see how that turned him into who he was. Having to watch your parents go through it all and knowing that one day it will be you.

Maybe if I gave him a chance, he would prove that he actually loved me? I got up and walked over to the window. Ezra walked over the clearing as if he knew I would be there right that minute and he looked up. Our eyes met and I was completely confused again. Ezra was my second chance mate. I smiled and waved and he hesitated before waving.

Carlo’s taste was still on my lips and my cheeks turned bright red! Suddenly, I was very happy that there were rules! If I allowed either of them to do more than kiss me, I would have been in serious trouble!

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