Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 36 - Is Carlo a good guy?


It felt really strange to get back into bed without any clothes, but Carlo pulled me closer and when I breathed in his scent it felt better. I fell asleep curled up in his arms with his hand protectively folded around my waist.

I WAS WOKEN BY THE SCENT OF COFFEE, and my eyes popped open as I realized I was naked! My first instinct was to cover myself, but the sheet already covered everything.

“Good morning,” Carlo walked over with a cup of coffee and kissed me before handing me the mug. “Did you sleep well?” He sat down beside me, leaning over me with his free arm.

“Good morning. Yes, thank you.” I smiled and took a sip. The coffee was rich and tasted incredible! It clearly wasn’t the same stuff we got downstairs in the dining hall and when I frowned Carlo laughed.

“Yes, this coffee is different, if that’s what you’re wondering. The kitchen keeps a special brew for me. I have only the one in the morning, before I start my day.” I tilted my head to one side. “It’s my guilty pleasure.” He laughed and I studied him feeling amused.

“So, the rest of us have to drink the cheap shit while you get all the nice things?” I tilted my head to one side, studying him. He knew I thought he was a brat. I told him what I thought so many times over the years, he knew exactly what I thought of him … Before all this started.

“Hmmm … You are also drinking it.” He smiled as mischief filled his eyes. He took the mug and placed both on the side table before kissing me. Leaning over me, he groaned and I could feel the hunger he felt for me. It was overwhelming and scary, but I was his mate now. I was his in all respects. When he slipped his hand between my legs, I responded. When he slipped between my legs, I felt as if I was going to tumble over that beautiful edge.

We finally got up and got ready for the day. Walking downstairs hand-in-hand, I frowned as the reality of my decision hit me. What was he going to do about Ezra? We walked into the dining room, and I looked around. Where was Ezra? From what I can remember, it hurt like hell to be rejected, which probably meant Ezra was in his room recovering.

When I accepted Carlo, I basically rejected Ezra. It broke my heart to think about it, but I had no other choice. I had to choose Carlo in order to keep Ezra safe. After breakfast, I noticed that Crystal also wasn’t there, which was strange. There wasn’t much time to ponder about it, though. Carlo’s mother met me just outside the dining room, and according to the girl bouncing around behind me, she was my first meeting for the day. I followed Carlo’s mom to her office, where she quickly explained it was now my office.

“I don’t know if you’ve met Grace officially yet.” His mother pointed at the bouncy girl.

“Not officially, but I’ve seen her around the pack house.” I held out my hand and we went through the normal niceties.

“Grace was appointed as my assistant about a year ago. She’s going to be your assistant now and if there is anything you need, Grace will make sure you get it, okay?” I nodded. “Now, you need to give her your schedule for school because she has to make sure your gammas will be with you at all times, and then we can get down to your new job.” My heart sank. I knew the moment I chose Carlo I wouldn’t be going to university. I wouldn’t be able to further my studies.

I might be able to do some charity work, but it would all have to do with the pack. Maybe, if I was lucky, I could make a difference to some of our pack members. We got down to business and I made notes while Carlo’s mom and Grace told me about my new duties. It was enough to distract me from the Ezra situation for a couple of hours, but when he wasn’t at lunch, I couldn’t help myself.

I asked Grace to find out if he was okay, and appreciated her kind words that she would keep it between us. She returned a couple of minutes later and it was as I had guessed. Ezra was in pain. He was going through whatever it was that happened to us when we got rejected. I wanted to see him, but I knew that would just hurt him more.

I forced myself to focus on what the Luna had to teach me. I had very little time over the weekend to get into it, and I still had an assignment to complete for school. I was happy that school would soon be over, and if I could convince Carlo that Lilith wasn’t a threat … Who knew, I might even be able to keep my best friend. I was right the night before.

This might not be as bad as I thought. I was in our room and had just finished getting ready for dinner when Carlo cleared his throat. He smiled, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame. His eyes scanned me from head to toe and it sent a shiver of delight down the back of my spine.

“I thought we could go out for dinner.” He pushed away from the door frame and sauntered over to where I was standing. Slipping his arms around my waist. I have to admit, I was still in shock that he was so kind towards me. This was not the same boy who teased and bullied me just a couple of weeks ago.

“Dinner would be lovely.” I smiled and stroked his cheek. I didn’t care what happened after that moment. I wanted to imprint it on my mind and never forget it.

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