Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4 - Woops ...

I reached our border as the rogue’s teeth snapped right behind me and he instantly backed off as soon as I crossed it. I didn’t look back or slow down and ran straight into the pack house and up the stairs. I needed to change before I could speak to anybody! I hated the fact that we were always naked when shifting back to our human form! It didn’t bug other people, but it bugged me a lot!

How the hell could they walk around naked like that, as if it was normal?! Grabbing one of my sports bras, I pulled it over my head before grabbing one of my shorts. As soon as I had clothing on, I rushed out the door and back down the stairs. My father was in Collin’s office, but I didn’t care.

“Dad! There’s a rogue in the forest!” Six sets of eyes turned to me and only then did I realize they were in a meeting. My father ushered me out before I could even apologize. He was looking furious and I knew I should have at least knocked first.

“Blanca! What the hell were you thinking, barging in like that, and what the hell were you doing in the forest?! You know that nobody is allowed to go there!” My father growled and I realized I was in deeper trouble than I thought. I tried to explain how I had found the rogue and that I had found my bracelet, but he was hearing none of it when Carlo walked out of his office with his father behind him and the three guests.

“STAY!” Carlo growled as he walked past me and a shiver ran down my back. I hated him but my damn wolf was madly in love! I was still busy fighting with her in my mind when Carlo returned after greeting his guests and grabbed my arm.

“OW! You are hurting me!” I tried to protest, but he simply dragged me into his office and slammed the door shut. On the other side of the door, our fathers were probably not impressed, since Carlo made it pretty clear he wanted to see me alone by slamming the door in their faces.

“Where did you see the rogue?” Carlo frowned, looking around his office. He grabbed a map and slammed it down on the table and I pointed out where the rogue’s camp was and where I left him near the border. His eyes turned from the map to me and another cold shiver ran down the back of my spine. “What the fuck were you doing in that part of the forest?!” Carlo growled so loud that I was convinced the entire pack heard him for miles!

“I went for a walk and found the camp. This rogue stole my bracelet my friend gave me for my birthday! I wanted it back.” I really wasn’t making any sense. Not even to my own damn ears, and Carlo was looking angrier by the second, so I quickly explained that Lilith gave me the bracelet for my birthday and I chased the rogue down twice but he got away.

“So, when I found his camp, I wasn’t going to let him have it again!” I shouted in frustration and Carlo rolled his eyes.

“Well, only you will be stupid enough to go after a rogue for a damn bracelet!” He shouted right back at me and stalked around the desk before grabbing my arm again. “Get out!” My ears were ringing from the sound of the furious growl he gave me, but before I could leave, he had one last thing to say. “And stay away from the goddamned forest!”

“Yes, alpha.” I turned around and flashed one of my enormously fake smiles before leaving his office. My father didn’t have a second to reprimand me, since Carlo called both older men who were still waiting outside and I rushed upstairs. The bracelet flashed in the sunlight when I reached my room and I looked at it suddenly, wondering if it was worth all the trouble I was in.

Walking over to my window, I noticed the group of warriors making their way to the border and I suddenly felt really bad for the rogue. Within the next half an hour, our warriors would find him and kill him. I sighed. At least I got my bracelet back. Sitting down on my bed, I wondered what would have happened to him if he hadn’t stolen my bracelet.

Damn! I couldn’t let them kill him. He was alone in this world, wasn’t he? He probably stole the bracelet because he didn’t have food … Guilt started to eat me up inside as Carlo’s warning flashed through my thoughts. I looked around my room and grabbed my backpack and a set of clothes before leaving. The warriors had a head start, but I had the spirits on my side.

If the rogue was clever, he would already have left his camp. If I was lucky, I would find him and warn him to get out of here! I could try and lead the warriors in the wrong direction until the rogue got out of the forest. Maybe he could run into town where the scents of humans would hide his scent … My mind was all over the place as I scanned the clearing before running into the forest with my backpack in my mouth. Lifting my nose slightly, I noticed a ghost to my left who pointed the way and I ran in that direction.

Ghosts could be prickly sometimes, so I only hoped this one was leading me in the right direction …


“What the hell is wrong with that woman? Does she have a death wish?!” I growled. The two older men in front of me had tried to calm me down, but it was so damn typical of Blanca! I rejected her because no alpha would be caught dead mating with a damn weirdo, and she just proved how incredibly weird she was today! Going after a rogue because he stole some damn bracelet that a human gave her!

“Alpha, I don’t want to …” My father started and I turned to glare at him. I knew exactly what he was going to say. It was my fault because I rejected her. Why was it such a big damn thing?! All my parents could see was that I rejected my destined mate who was meant to make me stronger. All I saw was the girl who spoke to imaginary friends!

“WE’VE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH THIS!” Now I wanted to strangle the damn rogue myself! Actually, anybody would do! The rogue, damn Blanca! My goddamned father if he wasn’t careful! I growled and the two men left me alone. Unfortunately, the peace didn’t last long because my mother showed up next and gave me a proper berating for the way I had been acting. Apparently, I was being a bully and a beast … Great!

I stormed out of the pack house as soon as she left my office and made my way to the border where Blanca’s scent caught my attention. It was too strong to be from before, so I asked one of the warriors to check where the hell she was. He came back through the mind link a couple of minutes later with the news I already suspected.

She was seen running back into the damned forest! Shifting, I didn’t even worry about my clothes that were torn to shreds as I lifted my nose slightly and caught her scent again. My paws dug deep into the ground and I lunged forward as fast as I could. It was yet again so typical of Blanca! Saving the rogue after she told us that he stole her bracelet! That girl really wasn’t meant to be a werewolf, never mind the Luna of the pack!

I found the campsite in no time and growled at the warriors standing around. Sniffing the air, I found the rogue’s scent and my eyes flashed amber as I pushed off in the direction his scent was coming from. First, I would rip him apart and then I would strangle the girl who was making me so angry! I should have known when I told her not to go into the forest, that was exactly what she was going to do! She never listened to anybody!

I followed his scent into town, where I turned away. I couldn’t walk into town in my wolf form and I didn’t have any clothes with me. It was infuriating. Blanca’s scent caught my attention and as I looked up, I saw her pulling her shirt on and making her way down one of the alleyways! I had one of two choices. I could go out there in my wolf form and drag her home by her hair, or I could wait until she got back.

Rolling my eyes, I decided to go back home. It would give me some time to think up the perfect punishment for the world’s most infuriating woman!

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