If you ask me, what has been the best moment of my life? Without hesitation, I would answer that having met you, we were two opposite poles, you, you were a young rebel who always went against the current, you never allowed yourself to show your feelings, much less anyone to approach you, you were always on the defensive, being too direct and hurtful with each of your comments, in your blue eyes, those beautiful sapphires, I could see a hint of sadness, I did not even know for sure, what was the reason, all you, you were a mystery ... while I... I could be talkative, absent-minded and dreamy, always getting into trouble and being reprimanded by half the world, I was something like grandma's constant headache.
Meeting you on that boat, it was already predestined, I must admit that I was captivated by your beautiful eyes, I had never seen anything similar, when our eyes met in the middle of all that mist, I could feel how a current ran through my body, to the point of shuddering. I will never forget how insolent you were with me, just as I will never forget your singing laughter. Life continued to surprise us when we were both enrolled in the same school, even when I tried to get closer to you, you always hid behind your bad temper and insolence, I know you tried to push me away, and even when you did everything humanly possible to achieve it, you could never succeed. Both of us, even being opposite poles, we were like a magnet, the more you moved away, the closer I got, until there came a time when there was no turning back, and we both decided to take a big step, the one that would mark us for life.
I have already confessed, which has been the best moment of my life... but, never which has been the memory I have of both of them, which I will always treasure in my heart. Still, with pain, I close my eyes and begin to evoke those school moments, good, funny and bad moments, until the memory of our last vacation in Scotland, our first ride, the one where you showed me how beautiful life can be, it was there where I could leave behind the memory of Arthur, to the extent that when I talk about him, I do it with so much affection because I finally understood that his death was not my fault, as so many times I made myself believe. With a smile on my face, I remember our second dance, near the lake, where the music was only the chirping of the birds and the sound of the leaves fluttering in the wind. Until... the touch of your lips with mine, you can still feel it, I was so naive, to understand what we really felt for each other, until it happened, that, Cecil's accident, I can't help crying with bitterness, for having left you, for having renounced you, even loving you, as I still do to this day. I would like to forget everything we lived, I would like to forget you... but it is impossible for me, now I only ask God our Lord to take care of you and to illuminate your path... Armand, maybe someday...
Those were the words that Juliet had managed to write in her diary, before someone knocked on her door, after closing that little leather-covered notebook and wiping her tears, she ran to open the door, before her stood a very worried Alexander, who, seeing her with a red nose and a dull look, just hugged her, to let her know that she was not alone. It had already been six years, six years, since that sad separation, and even when she tried to be serene, she did not succeed completely, because those people who knew her perfectly knew the pain she tried to hide. Alexander missed that impertinent and vivacious young girl, he had already tried twice that, between his little sister and his best friend, they would meet again, but everything had been in vain. She was still stubborn in not looking for him, something that, to him, was very strange and when he tried to inquire more, she always managed to evade the subject.
I'm not going to ask the reason for your tears," she said in a whisper, caressing his back.
Alex, I...
Little girl, remember that I know you very well, so well that you can't deny to me that you weren't crying. Jul, he interrupted, separating from her a little and lifting her chin, making their gazes meet. You can't go on like this, it's not healthy for you to kill yourself working hard, just to keep your mind busy. Even Grandma, she's worried, she doesn't want you to get sick and the boys, they... they don't know what to make up to make you laugh like they used to, Thom has suggested to the others, that maybe a cruise would do you good. Even I'm considering it.
Alex, I'm fine," he said trying to sound convincing, as he did many times before.
Your mouth may say one thing, but your attitude and countenance say otherwise, they cry out for help.
I don't have time to take a vacation right now, not when the clinic is at its best, we have so many patients to take care of... I can't do that to Dr. Alister.
I am aware that you love your profession, because not for nothing, you managed to stand out as the best pediatrician in the country, but....
Please, Alex," interrupted the blonde.
All right, he asked, in a tired tone. I only ask you to reconsider, it's time for you to think about yourself.
I will, he said, smiling that sweet smile.
All right, now you'd better get ready for lunch, you know that grandma doesn't like people's unpunctuality.
It's true and I don't want to be reprimanded, not now that we are starting to get along.
By the way... I forgot to tell you that we will count on Robert's presence.
Is he back from Germany? I ask surprised.
That's right, he finally managed to arrange a very good business deal, so I shouldn't be surprised if in a very short time the Smiths' fortune equals ours, but you know I hate talking about business, as I'm not used to being the head of the family. Well, little one, hurry up, I'll see you in an hour.
As you say, sir," he asked in an amused tone, before closing the door.
It was true that Robert had changed a lot, now he was polite and very centered, no doubt having moved away from the bad influence of his sister, had helped him a lot, to the extent of having apologized sincerely to Jul, for his bad treatment and dirty tricks, making a cordial and sincere friendship between the two of them.
Leaving her pain behind for a moment and as almost always, she hurried to select a suitable dress for the occasion, she hurriedly took a look at her closet, which was full of delicate garments that matched the fashion of the moment, and the responsible had been her grandmother, who after having lived more with the young girl could see for herself, how generous and noble the blonde was, thus making her decide to take her under her protection, and eventually turn her into a perfect society lady, although with a little difficulty, she was getting it.
I've come to help you, Jul," interrupted Samantha, entering the room.
Sam, you know that's not necessary.
It's your grandmother's orders," she protested, approaching her. We'd better hurry, you don't want to be reprimanded by her, do you?
You're right," she said defeated, handing her the dress she had chosen seconds before.
This dress will look great on you, besides, if we manage to tame your curls and place a thin silk ribbon as a headband. I'm sure you'll look perfect," he finished, pushing the young woman into the dressing room, where he helped her into a beautiful pale pink dress with short sleeves and a discreet neckline.
You know, something Sam?
Tell me.
Sometimes I miss my simple clothes, confessed the blonde, who was being combed by her friend and maid.
You know, it's not wise anymore.
I know, and that's why sometimes I wish I could go back in time a little bit so I could....
Jul, we must learn to let go of the past, it is necessary to move forward, encouraged the maiden, noticing the sad voice and countenance of her dear friend. Smile and live life to the fullest and if there is something you really long for... then fight for it, it's time to think about yourself for once, forget about others, she finished, just when she finished placing the silk ribbon on her. You look beautiful, now, don't forget to smile, you know it suits you very well.
I don't know how to thank you for everything you do for me, Sam. I mused, going to hug her.
Just be happy and live. Now, let's not get sentimental, because I don't want to be forced to put make-up on you.
At what the maid said, Juliet made a horrified face, because she was still not used to being made up, only when it came to accompany Alex to public events or when important people came to the house for dinner, either for business or to try to woo her. Before she could say anything, Patrick's voice from the other side of the door came through.
Jul, may I come in? asked the light brown man.
Come in, Patrick.
Thank you, Grandma sent me for you," I mused without looking at her yet, until .... Sublime! Wonderful! You look radiant, I praise, approaching her and spinning her around.
I think you're exaggerating, Patrick.
I'm telling the truth and I'm sure others will agree with me. Now, let me escort you to the dining room, as we are expected.
I thank you," the blonde asked, accepting the arm he offered her. Robert, has he arrived yet? I asked, when they were both leaving the room.
About five minutes ago. It's ironic how life is, before we couldn't stand each other and now, now we are almost like brothers, although I clarify, he would be the adopted one.
Oh, Patrick, don't be so rude," the blonde scolded him.
It is inevitable for me not to play a joke on him. Having him away for almost three years has been overwhelming for me, since it is not the same to play jokes on him through letters or by phone.
They'll never change, huh?
I'm afraid not, and you have to understand us.
They're so hard-headed, I finish off, descending the last step and entering the large, well-lit room.
Who are you calling hard-headed? growled Robert, getting up from his seat and walking over to her.
Robert! the blonde exclaimed euphorically, hugging him tightly.
I missed you so much too, Jul...he said almost breathless, due to lack of air...would you mind, not trying to kill me.
Sorry...I...apologized, almost instantly as his cheeks began to tinge with crimson, causing Patrick, Thom, Josephine, Alex and Anne, to burst into laughter, after Robert's misfortune.
Enough! Grandma scolded them. Juliet, you must learn to modulate your affectionate demonstrations. It is not proper of a lady.
Yes, Grandmother, I mused in embarrassment.
Grandma, please don't be so severe with Jul, it's natural her reaction, since we all missed Robert's rascal, Thom interrupted.
Thom is right, Grandma, said Robert at last, who was trying to even out his breathing. I must confess, if I were in Jul's place, I would have done the same thing.
What an outrageous thing to say, Robert, the old woman mused in scandal.
Please, let's not start an argument," Alex interjected. We're all glad you're back, Robert. Be welcome.
Thank you, cousin.
Jul, you look beautiful, the years are getting better and better.
Come on, don't be a liar. It's obvious there are women much more beautiful than me.
But none that surpasses your beauty," praised the brunette. Grandma, would it be too much to ask for a few minutes to talk to Jul? It's just that I want to give her in private a little present I brought for her.
Go ahead, then," said the old lady.
I thank you, come on Jul," she said, offering her arm and leading her to the library, where once they were alone, she took a small sack from her coat pocket. I hope you like it.
You shouldn't have," he mused, taking the sack and becoming speechless as he pulled out its contents. Robert, I...
You know that my feelings for you have not changed, I still love you and that is why...
I accept, interrupted the blonde, giving him a warm smile.
Jul, you don't know how happy you make me,he answered, placing the ring on her ring finger and then placing a shy kiss on her lips. I swear you won't regret it.
I'm sure of it, she replied, feeling a pit in her stomach.
Now, let's go back to the dining room and tell the others the good news.