Scotland 1920...

That lake with its imposing beauty, its crystal clear and pure water, the chirping of the birds and the gentle breeze, made that moment something special. A young blonde girl, with emerald-colored eyes, was looking at that marvelous landscape. Nothing at all had changed, it was as if time had stopped and she kept those memories, memories that she would treasure forever, for in them was her one true love. A slight blush tinged her cheeks when she remembered the unexpected kiss, she could still feel the rose of those lips and inevitably whispered that name that caused her joy and a deep sadness at the same time. She missed him too much, she still loved him and it would always be like that, at least she would live with her memories and try to be happy. She was so pensive, until the feeling of some hands resting on her shoulders made her react, it was Robert, her now fiancé, as she could, she sketched a warm smile, to hide her sadness, because no matter how much she tried to love her fiancé, she couldn't love him at all and that made her feel terrible. Robert was a good man, gentlemanly, loving and patient.

Robert... you scared me, what's wrong? she asked turning to face him.

I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted was to scare you. But I've been talking to you and you seem to be so distracted that you didn't hear when I called you, tell me what are you thinking about? he asked with great interest.

I was thinking about the hospital, she hastened to answer. It's the first time in a long time that I don't take a vacation and the truth is that I feel very strange, I miss my work.

I am aware of that, so much so that I can assure you that your patients must miss you very much. To be honest, I understand them, who can live with your absence? I muse, giving her a warm smile. But I beg you, at least for once, let's try to have a good time, without worrying about anything or anyone. I didn't find it easy to take time off either, especially now that business is going so well.

I know, Robert," nodded the blonde. I appreciate your taking the trouble to plan this family vacation.

I know how important this place is to you, my goal in this life is to make you immensely happy. You are the reason that every day I want to be a better person and I give you my word that once we are married, I will only live for you and our children, I declare, taking her chin and placing a warm kiss on her lips. I've been thinking and I think it's time we set a date to make our engagement public. I honestly don't think I can bear to keep it a secret any longer. We've waited long enough.

You're... you're right, she replied in a barely audible voice.

You certainly make me the happiest man in the world. We'd better inform grandmother, let's go!" he mused with great joy, taking her by the hand and returning to the family villa.

Meanwhile at the Thompson family villa, Grandma, Alex and Patrick were in the white living room having tea and chatting, until Robert and Juliet abruptly entered the room, earning a good scolding from the old lady.

What manners are those? I asked in horror. It is not appropriate for people of our lineage to behave like savages, where have they gotten to?

We're sorry, Grandma," apologized Robert. But Jul and I have something important to tell you," he said at last.

Speak then, encouraged the old lady, placing the porcelain cup on the coffee table.

We have decided to make our engagement public next week, she said with determination, intertwining her fingers with the blonde's and smiling triumphantly.

Patrick, hearing that, couldn't help but choke on his own tea. He didn't really understand why Juliet accepted Robert's abrupt decision as if it were nothing, but what really worried him the most was knowing that his cousin didn't love Robert, at least not as a man.

Are you all right? asked Alex with obvious concern, tapping her on the back. Merciful God, you almost died," he said in a mocking tone.

I'm... I'm perfectly fine, she inquired, clearing her throat and stirring in her seat.

Robert. I cannot accept that decision, the old woman replied sharply. As a member of the Thompsons, you understand that there will have to be a big reception and it will take me at least three months to plan it, because it is an important event and therefore cannot be taken lightly," she said sharply. Although she really wanted to drag out the announcement of the engagement, because she knew perfectly well that her granddaughter did not love her other grandson, but she could not get directly involved, she had to keep up appearances as she had been doing so far, she only prayed that Juliet would react in time and stop the farce.

But, grandmother," Robert protested. We have already waited too long, and besides, it seems that you are not happy about this engagement.

If you continue to be impertinent, we will postpone it until next year. I'm not in the mood for silly discussions," she said sharply, standing up ready to leave the room.

Alex, please help me, Robert begged.

I'm sorry, but this time Grandma is right. You must understand that organizing a wedding is not just any old thing and it takes time.

Then...it will be done as you say, grandmother, I mused with resignation. I think I can wait a little longer, for at the end of it all, it will be worth it, I confess, looking the blonde in the eye.

Very sensible of you, Robert," she said approvingly. Now if you will excuse me, I must start making the guest list, he announced, finally leaving the room.

Little one, I wish to speak with you, Alex requested, standing up.

Of course, brother.

Oh dear, Robert... don't look so frightened, there's nothing wrong with me wanting to talk to my little sister. Ever since they got engaged, you've totally hogged her, I reproach him. Besides, I give you my word that your fiancée will be fine.

What a thing to say, Alex. Of course I don't see any inconvenience in you wanting to talk to your sister, and as for monopolizing her, it's true. I've been very selfish, but you know I love her.

I know, because ever since you graduated from college you've done nothing but talk to me about it," he said in a mocking tone. Well, Jul, I'll wait for you in the garden," he said again and then left the room.

While you two talk, I'll go bother Thomas," Robert hastened to say.

You two, you're two of a kind, the blonde reproached.

What can I say, he is my favorite cousin.

I thought I was, reproached Patrick, who looked at him with a frown.

You are too, but you won't let me lie that Thomas is an easy prey for jokes.

My poor brother is so naive," he said in a whisper. Sometimes he doesn't seem like the oldest.

Come to think of it, the blonde interrupted. The three of them look like little boys, for they do nothing but fight.

You're not helping, Jul," Patrick complained. Besides, didn't you arrange to meet your brother in the garden?

Be grateful for that, otherwise....

You'd better save your threats for later and hurry up, because remember that Alex is not very patient.

See you later.

Sure, said both young men in unison.

See you later, Patrick," said Robert, leaving the room.

Don't make a big mistake, Jul, as you will regret it, you deserve to be happy and that happiness is not with Robert, if only he could help you'' Patrick thought to himself, once he was alone in the room. He really couldn't understand the absurd idea of his cousin wanting to marry his cousin.

Meanwhile Alex and Juliet went out to the garden and sat under a leafy tree.

Little girl, are you sure you want to get married? asked the blond, looking her straight in the eyes.

Of course, Alex," she replied decisively.

If you don't feel safe, I can cancel the engagement, as fortunately it has not been made public. All I want is for you to be happy and we both know the truth. You don't love Robert. You are only with him out of affection and gratitude. I don't want you to be unhappy for the rest of your life, I won't deny that I feel a strong affection for our cousin, after all we are family, but for you, I am capable of doing anything.

I... I hesitate for a few seconds and look down. I am sure that with time, I will be able to love him as a man.

Don't fool yourself anymore, Jul. We both know that you still love Armand, what I can't conceive is this foolish obstinacy of yours in not wanting to go and look for him.

I can't, Alex... it's not that easy, I mumble regretfully, squeezing the sides of her skirt.

Of course it is, it's just that you don't want to.

I took an oath and I can't break it, she finally confessed, letting a lone tear run down her cheek.

To hell with that," the blond man blurted indignantly. That woman took advantage of your good heart, she knew that if she played the victim and begged you, you, even against your own feelings, would be able to give up the love of your life, so that she would be happy.

However, I cannot break my oath, we Thompsons are people of our word.

Think things through, don't be hasty and make a wrong decision, I will try to convince Grandma to continue to extend the announcement of the engagement," he said with an almost paternal voice. I pray to God, that he makes you reconsider and that you come to me, determined to go and look for him, having said this, he stood up and returned to the residence.

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