Stanford-New York Theatre Company
"It's been almost six years, six bloody years, in which I haven't been able to forget her. There is not a day when I don't think of her, when her image haunts my thoughts... if only I had never met her, who am I kidding, she was the best thing that could have happened to me in my miserable life, and so it has been, after our separation, on those hospital stairs, she took not only my heart, but my will to live, now... now I am like a living dead, who only acts by pure inertia, who breathes, because it is an essential part of subsistence. If before, I was taciturn and moody, now I'm worse, my only refuge is the harmonica, the same one she gave me years ago, I take care of it as the most sacred thing I have, at least, this way I can feel that I have a part of her here with me, although the sad reality is the opposite.
My impending torture begins exactly at eight o'clock at night, when I am forced to visit Cecil in the residence I bought for her, her impertinent mother, still insisting that I dispossess her, and she, she still hopes that one day I will come to love her, which I swear, will not happen, my heart will always belong to her, to my beloved Julieta. Juliet, are you happy, do you still remember me, or maybe... there is already someone else in your life?"
Those were the melancholic thoughts of a handsome brown man, who was sitting in a small armchair in his dressing room, watching how the hands of the clock that was hanging on the wall, advanced, even though he had managed to establish himself as one of the best actors on Broadway, that could not satisfy him, because the great passion he felt for acting, every day was declining, but for the ingenuity of Bryan, he would have given up and perhaps, disappeared. With regret, he got up just as the clock struck eight o'clock at night, without any courage, he took his jacket and the keys to his car and went out to where his executioner was.
After twenty minutes of driving, he stopped at the entrance of that sober and elegant residence, after letting out a big sigh, he got out of his car, every step he took to get to the door weighed on him, he wished that that small path had no end, but his bad luck came, just when he was already in front of the door, where almost automatically, Cecil's mother, opened it, allowing him access to that cold home.
Good evening, Armand. For a moment I thought you weren't coming tonight either," she asked mischievously.
Good evening, madam. You know very well that we finished rehearsals very late yesterday.
These are absurd pretexts, my Cecil, he became very sad. If only they would marry...
I'm not going to argue about it," he blurted out in annoyance.
If only you'd stop thinking about that spoiled little girl.
I won't allow her filthy mouth to even mention the name of the woman I really love," he said in a threatening tone, approaching her. You know better than anyone that if I agreed to take care of your daughter, it was in gratitude for having save These are absurd pretexts, my Cecil, he became very sad. If only they would marry...
I'm not going to argue about it," he blurted out in annoyance.
If only you'd stop thinking about that spoiled little girl.
I won't allow her filthy mouth to even mention the name of the woman I really love," he said in a threatening tone, approaching her. You know better than anyone that if I agreed to take care of your daughter, it was in gratitude for having saved me from that tragic accident, and to be honest, if I had known that the price I was going to pay would be very expensive... I would have preferred a thousand times, to be in your daughter's place.d me from that tragic accident, and to be honest, if I had known that the price I was going to pay would be very expensive... I would have preferred a thousand times, to be in your daughter's place.
How dare he? He's a wretch, that's one thing I'll never forgive him for.
Believe me, madam, we'll be even.
Mother... please," said the blonde, approaching them, helped by her wheelchair. I don't want you to argue... Armand, he is not to blame for anything.
Cecil. whispered the mother.
I beg you, mother.
Hello, Armand, I thought you weren't coming," she whispered in a barely audible voice.
I'm sorry I didn't come last night, but rehearsals finished very late and I didn't think it wise to visit you.
Don't worry, I'm happy now because you've come. Could you help me to my room? she asked pleadingly.
Of course. He answered sharply, taking her in his arms in a delicate way, which Cecil took advantage of to wrap his delicate hands around her neck and lean her head on his chest, breathing in that manly perfume that she loved so much. While Armand felt that the young woman's body was too heavy. Try as he might to be even a little affectionate with her, he simply could not, for the memory of his beloved always came to his mind.
I wish time could stand still and be like this forever," Cecil confessed, caressing his face. Armand, I love you.
Cecil, please...
I know you're still thinking about her, but I'm sure... she's happy with someone else now.
Those words struck deep into the heart of the brown man, wishing to strangle that little blonde woman he held in his arms for her audacity to say something so cruel, containing his fury and the desire to flee from that place, he simply accelerated his steps to reach Cecil's room, where as soon as he entered, he deposited her cordially on the comfortable and large bed.
Thank you.
You'd better get some rest, I've noticed you've been very tired lately.
I'm fine, I just want to enjoy your company.
All right," she finished, sitting down on a chair near the window.
Can I ask you something, Armand?
What's the matter, do you want me to call your mother? questioned the brown man, standing up quickly, fearing that maybe she might feel bad.
It's just that...
What's the matter?
I can't take it anymore," he said in a barely audible voice.
Have you been feeling sick? We need to go to the hospital," the brown-haired man hastened to say.
I... I've been feeling fine and it's all thanks to your care, now with the help of the prosthesis I can walk and I'll be able to lead a normal life in a very short time. he answered slowly and let out a big sigh. Armand... I... want you to leave," she said at last, tightening her grip on the thin quilt that covered her lap.
For a moment, he didn't even know what to say, he just stood there. That last word he didn't even know how to interpret.
You kept your word. You stood by me and watched over me, but I don't want you to anymore. I know you can never love me as you loved her. It hurts me to know that you still haven't forgotten her... forgive me for being so selfish," she pleaded and tears began to run down her cheeks. I clung to you knowing that you didn't love me and I deceived myself, thinking that in time you would, but time itself has confirmed the opposite.
Please don't say anything.
Armand couldn't help but feel pity at that confession, for he was sure that, if he hadn't met Juliet, he would certainly have given himself a chance with Cecil.
I appreciate what you are doing for me and I want you to know that you can always count on me, it is thanks to you that I am still alive. But what will happen to you?
I will return to theatre. Not as an actress, but as a scriptwriter. Bryan, he's read my writing and he's loved it, so much so that he's offered me to come back to the company.
That's great news and I'm really happy for you, Cecil.
I wish, with all my heart, that you will be very happy, if you allow me, I will always be there for you as a friend.
I don't know how to thank you....
Looking for her and being happy with her, so you can thank me.
Armand hugged her, which made things worse, because when she felt the warmth of that masculine body and after inhaling his perfume, she wished that time would stop to stay forever in those strong arms that made her feel safe. As best as she could, she pulled out her strength and she broke away from him, caressed his face and kissed his cheek. Be very happy and now please go away...I would like to rest.
He gave her one last look and placed a chaste kiss on her knuckle and withdrew, leaving her alone again, she no longer restrained herself and wept bitterly, but at last she had done the right thing.
Armand, on the other hand, still could not believe what had happened minutes before, it was a great miracle, a miracle he had been waiting for six years. He arrived at his flat and after closing the door without turning on the light, he went to his window.
Do I still have a chance, or do you...? He thought again what he feared so much, the simple fact of imagining his beloved married to someone else, made him sick and filled him with fear, he prayed that nothing like that would happen, because she was the engine of his life and he could not bear to lose her once more. Fighting his worst fears, he stayed awake until the early hours of the morning, when he finally decided to get some sleep, before going to visit his mother and tell her what had happened.