The day of departure arrived, both gentlemen said goodbye to the beautiful lady and boarded the ship, no doubt it would be a long journey, but it would be worth it. While Armad, retired to his cabin to rest, Richard stayed on deck thinking about his next move, for he had to be very careful if he wanted this to work. He only prayed that his new partner and friend, the great tycoon Alexander Thompson, would be able to talk some sense into his sister, for both gentlemen were aware of the young woman's true feelings, which is why they both decided to intervene and do what they could so that the young lovers could be reunited. After the incident at school, Richard had not heard from Juliet again until two years ago, when he finally met the young woman who had managed to captivate his rebellious son and of course that was when he understood everything, even though that beautiful young woman not only belonged to one of the wealthiest families in Chicago, but she also went out of her way to help others, At first glance, one could think that she was a superficial young woman who only lived by squandering money, but when they managed to talk to that young woman, many people would turn their backs when they discovered how simple and warm she was.
For a moment he could imagine his future grandchildren, no doubt they would inherit not only their mother's kindness, but also her warmth, and at the thought he could not help but smile. He wished with all his heart that his son would be happy, what he in his youth could not be, due to his foolish obstinacy to keep up appearances and his duty to the crown and his family.
Thanks to the long journey they both had to go through, they finally managed to iron out their differences, making Armand tell him in more detail about his life as an actor and what he had lived through with Cecil and how it all ended up setting him free, he seemed calm until beautiful emerald eyes caught his mind, and he instinctively changed his countenance to a more nostalgic one.
I know how much you miss her, son, and I swear, I will do everything in my power to help you, Richard reminded himself again, but would you be willing to do anything for her? he asked curiously, looking up at him with a raised brow.
Armand, abandoning his thoughts, looked with bewilderment at his father. I would do anything for her, he replied solemnly, holding her gaze. I think I've told you what she means to me, she's my life, she's what gives meaning to it, I know it sounds corny and pathetic, but I've become codependent to her and that sometimes scares me, but it's the truth. These six months have been a torture for me, it's as if I was dead in life, I was about to give up acting... I even thought, I looked down and clenched my fists, making them turn pale. I wished with all my soul, to die.
Hearing this, Richard couldn't help but feel helpless and disgusted with himself, if only he had listened to his son when he asked for help. Things would definitely have been very different.
I was a fool, obstinate, who did not know how to listen to you and who clung to the frivolous customs of the aristocracy, without realising it, I came within an inch of forcing you to be like me... when you, you, you are much better than me, for love you gave up your family name and your noble titles, without caring if you were left in the street and had to start from zero.
The truth... I have nothing to forgive you for," he managed to say, looking him in the eye. I haven't been a good son either, always getting into trouble and you, having to pay so I wouldn't get kicked out of school. Neither one's life has been easy, it's clear to me now, however, I don't hate you anymore, maybe I never did, I was just angry at you, angry because you separated me from my mother and because you married a woman who was imposed on you, who never liked me and who always humiliated me and called me a bastard whenever she had the chance.
You must know that Lady Sofia and I have annulled our marriage," confessed the duke. I couldn't go on with her, there came a time when I couldn't stand her myself, I hated having to come to the castle and listen to her complaints and grievances. Despite the years, I still love your mother, I love her as the first day I met her. That's why this time I came not only to fight for her, but for you too, I want to rebuild that little family that I myself destroyed.
You know it will take time, don't you? However, I trust that very soon, all our wounds will heal and we will be able to start again.
As father and son talked on that boat about how unhappy they felt. At the Thompson villa. Juliet, who stood on the balcony of the white drawing room, admiring the beauty of the gardens, was so distracted that she did not hear when Robert approached her.
Here you are, my love. I've been looking for you," he said, standing behind her and embracing her around the waist.
Ro...Robert...you frightened me," she mused, jumping up and down.
Are you pensive again, is something the matter? he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder. You know you can trust me, my love.
No, it's nothing," he hastened to reply.
I'm sure she's thinking about him,'' he said to himself. I know how much you miss your patients, but you must relax.
I'm trying to, but you understand that I love my job," she replied, turning to face him.
It's not for nothing that you are one of the best paediatricians. At least do your part to make sure we have an unforgettable few days, she pleaded again and not holding back any longer, he took her chin and kissed her. Until the voices of Alex, Thomas and Patrick were present.
I think we've interrupted the lovebirds," mocked Thom, who stood to one side of the couple.
So it would seem, Patrick interjected. But please, Robert, could you avoid such demonstrations, for I'm afraid Grandma will have a heart attack.
You're a sourpuss, Patrick, Robert replied in annoyance at the interruption.
Don't fight, boys," interjected Alex. Robert, I have come to inform you that next Saturday, my partner is coming to the villa for dinner, so I will need all of you to help me.
Don't worry, everything will be fine with your partner, assured Robert. May I know who it is? -he asked curiously.
You will know in due course, he mused, addressing everyone.
I don't like it when you get all mysterious," grumbled Patrick. You don't tell us everything lately, do you not trust us anymore?
Not at all," assured the blond. It's just that there are things that must be kept secret.
If you say so, I'll pretend to believe you.
Patrick, don't be so dramatic, sometimes you just baffle me.
Come on, boy, don't palliate," Thom interjected. Brother, you have to understand our cousin, you know, being the head of the family, he has to be careful with everything.
That's right, I'm sorry if I came on too strong," he said embarrassed.
Well, now that that's all cleared up, what do you say we have a bonfire? suggested Thom, very enthusiastically.
I think that's an excellent idea," Juliet interrupted, turning away from Robert.
No more," Thom mused, grabbing Juliet by the shoulders and dragging her out of the room.