Meanwhile at sea. The hustle and bustle of the ship's staff was already present because in a few hours they would be on land, Armand, left his cabin and went to the deck wanted to contemplate the beautiful morning, but again he felt that strange feeling, it was a mixture of fear and happiness, but fear of what? Maybe returning to the place that brought him such good and bitter memories, caused him that. He prayed inside himself that everything would be alright.

Are you ready, son? asked Richard who stood next to him.

Yes, you know I have a strange feeling. The last time I had it was when she and I were separated," he said gloomily.

It'll be all right, he encouraged, placing his right hand on one of her shoulders. Besides, I suppose you have that feeling because of the memories that place brings back, but I give you my word, they won't be mere memories anymore.

Sometimes I am intrigued by your certainty in saying such things.

Hope is the last to die, isn't it?

I guess it is," he said, without encouragement.

There is no need to be pessimistic, a Hamilton, never is, and before you say you are not, you will always be a Hamilton, for you are my son, and I want to make that very clear to you.

I will bear that in mind, father.

Meanwhile at Thompson's villa, at breakfast, all was laughter at Juliet's jokes, and as usual her victim was poor Thom, for the young man was too absent-minded and noble, so much so that his cousin took advantage of it. As expected, once the grandmother entered the dining room and took her place at the other end of the table, she reprimanded her granddaughter for her scandal, because according to her, that was not appropriate for a young society girl, to which Juliet always reacted by going to hug her and giving countless kisses to that stern-looking woman. The grandmother, who could not resist her granddaughter's flirtatiousness and who always managed to give her a big and sincere smile, adored her granddaughter, for she was the spitting image of her late daughter, who in her youth used to have the same vitality as the girl who was now hugging her.

That's enough, Juliet," he said a little sternly. You know I don't like it when you behave like a savage.

Grandmother, Alexander interjected. That's no reason to call her that.

I'm just telling the truth, how long will she know how to behave like a society lady?

Grandma, do you really want her to be like one of those stuffy young ladies? asked Patrick incredulously, who was putting his fork and cutlery down on the side of his plate. On the contrary, you should be thankful that she doesn't look a bit like them.

My brother's right, Grandma," Thom interjected, wiping the corners of his lips with his linen napkin. It's a blessing that she's different from the rest of the girls, what do they do, by the way," he questioned, pretending to think about the answer. It's true, they only think about dressing well and getting a rich husband, so that he can support their frivolous lives.

Thomas! mumbled the old woman, standing up suddenly. What nonsense, you're saying.

Grandma, Alex pleaded. Let's not ruin a nice breakfast, besides my sister wasn't doing anything wrong.

You people are going to kill me with anger," said the old woman, taking her seat again.

Grandma, I'm sorry if my manner has upset you," Juliet hastened to say a little apologetically. My intention was never to offend you, I just wanted to make the breakfast enjoyable.

Let's forget the incident, and resume our breakfast, suggested Grandma.

Once breakfast was over, Grandma said goodbye to her grandchildren, arguing that she had a lot to do regarding the preparations for the engagement party, while Alex asked Robert, Patrick and Thomas to accompany him to his office to review some important documents, as he wanted the upcoming dinner with his new partner to be a success. For her part, Juliet as usual went for a walk in the company of her inseparable friend Max, a grey grey greyhound, when she was finally far enough away from the family villa she began to run freely until she reached the wonderful lake, the one that years ago witnessed her first kiss with Armand, the man she would always love, with a melancholic look she leaned against the trunk of a leafy tree, the same one that provided her with shade. "Armand, what are you doing? Are you still thinking about me? But what nonsense I think, if he is already happily married to Cecil," she reprimanded herself. Just when that fateful day she felt she was dying came to her mind, it was only three years ago when the messenger gave her a letter, she had it in her hands, she tore the envelope to begin to read its contents, as she read it several tears ran down her cheeks, because Cecil was the one who wrote to inform her how immensely happy she was with Armand and that they were only two weeks away from getting married. However, she also told him how he had changed, as he was now very loving and in love, that was not the worst part, because the worst came two days later, when on the front page of the She saw a picture of Armand and Cecil kissing, and it was then that she vowed to herself to try to get on with her life, even though the pain was imminent, which is why she spent most of her time locked up in the hospital, working long hours, because at least that way she could keep her mind occupied.

"What a fool I am. I'm still suffering for him and he's already happy with her, it's time for me to bury this love. It's not fair to Robert, he's only been good to me and I should reciprocate," she scolded herself again.

While she was staring at the lake and still fighting with herself, two gentlemen arrived at the Hamilton villa, where they were greeted by two of their loyal employees, Katherine and Steven, that couple had been serving the Hamilton family for almost twenty years, and that was why they felt such a great affection for the family. Armand, did not hesitate for a second to run to embrace Katherine and lift her up in the air, while he made her spin in the air, the housekeeper did not hesitate to laugh and hug her little boy, even if he was already a man, for that woman, he would always be her boy, the one she took care of and comforted when he felt lonely. After having greeted the employees and chatted a little, Armand, as if by magnetism, went to that pink room, where years ago he was with his beloved, when he entered he looked carefully around him, everything was still exactly the same, it was as if time had not passed there. He could notice how in that armchair that was located in front of the fireplace there was that pink dressing gown, the same one that Juliet wore in that rainy afternoon, with extreme delicacy he took that garment and inhaled the aroma while he closed his eyes and whispered the name of his beloved, to his mind came the image of her wearing that garment, she sitting in the armchair and he sitting on the floor, both looking at the fire. That afternoon had undoubtedly been one of the most glorious, out of nowhere he felt the need to visit that lake, the one that had witnessed his first kiss, he left the villa in a hurry, his hands were inside his trouser pockets as he got closer, he felt that strange sensation again, Suddenly his nervousness increased, he was only a few steps away when he stopped in his tracks and was in shock, he could not believe his eyes, for an instant he felt that his mind was playing a bad trick on him, when just at that moment a pair of emeralds looked at him in equal surprise. Juliet felt like she was losing her footing, her legs were trembling. She wanted to say something, but she was speechless. On the other hand, Armand was incredulous, he feared that it was just a hallucination, because his pain would be great if he approached and his beautiful Juliet disappeared, the only one who reacted was Max, who immediately rushed to where the familiar visitor was, when he arrived he began to tear his trousers in a cheerful manner.

Hello, Max," greeted Armand, cheerfully, as he bent down to stroke the greyhound's head. "So it's true... she... my Juliet, is here, how is it possible?" he thought to himself. As best he could, he began to walk, his heart pounding with every step he took. When he was finally close enough to his beloved without a second thought he caressed her cheek, he did it with such love and devotion, he wanted to transmit to her all the love he still felt for her.

You're real... you're really here, he managed to say, without looking away. At last, he said again and finally hugged her tightly and without holding back any longer, he cried. How long he had longed to hold her in his arms like this, he wished fervently for time to stand still. He wanted to stay like this forever.

Ar...Armand, the blonde managed to say in a barely audible voice, clinging to his chest.

Don't say anything, please, he begged. Let me hold you like this for a few minutes, she said in a whisper, for all she wanted was to feel the warmth of that petite body. Juliet... nothing has changed in me. I love you, I love you, he finally confessed.

Juliet's eyes widened as she heard this. How long she had longed to hear those words, but why was he coming to her now? Just now, when he was already married and she was engaged. Once again fate was playing a dirty trick on them.

Armand, separated a little from her, to appreciate the beauty of her face, she looked more beautiful than ever, her eyes, those precious emeralds still had that special glow and her freckles, her beloved freckles, all still in place. When his gaze fell on her lips, those pink and fleshy lips, he couldn't help but kiss her, at first it had been a warm kiss, but as Juliet tried to pull away, he boldly grabbed her waist and held her tightly to him, intensifying the kiss, which caused her to unconsciously wrap her hands around his neck and reciprocate. She let herself be carried away by the sensations of the moment, she couldn't deny that she felt so good in his arms, they were both so lost until...

You're still a bloody spoiled brat! shouted Juliet, slapping him.

Armand, furious, grabbed her again by the waist and pulled her back to him, tried to kiss her, but she was still stirring.

Let go of me! How can you be such a scoundrel? I hate you, Armand! I hate you! she cried, as tears flowed down those precious emeralds.

Julieta...please...Understand that I love you, I don't care what I have to do, I'm going to get your love back, he said resolutely and hugged her again.

No, that's not right, you're married to Cecil and I...I'm engaged, she said finally, facing him for the first time.

Who is it? he questioned angrily, holding her arms tightly again. Answer me! he commanded.

Armand, understand that I don't love you anymore, she said confidently. Leave me alone, as best she could, she broke free from his grip and ran away, Max, her inseparable friend, followed her.

Armand, listening to Juliet's confessions, was stunned, how was it possible that she was already engaged? He had to find out who this guy was. In any case, he would not leave her so easily, for he was sure that she loved him, her kisses had confirmed it. Juliet kept running while crying bitterly until she tripped over a branch and fell to her knees, Max stopped in front of her, licking his hands.

Why now that I'm trying to get my life back together, why do you have to show up? Why? She cried bitterly, she didn't understand why life had to play dirty tricks on her, just when she was getting peace and burying that love.

After having had a long and exhausting meeting with his brother and cousins to review the figures of their recent business, Patrick had decided to go for a walk to clear his mind, he was convinced that a bit of fresh air would do him a lot of good, especially now, when he was feeling a severe headache. He was so engrossed in his thoughts, until he heard some sobbing, which immediately caught his attention, so he carefully approached them, but great was his surprise to see Juliet on her knees crying, without thinking he ran to her and began to question her with obvious concern.

Jul, Jul, what happened to you? Answer me, he commanded in fear, bending down to be at her level.

Ar...Armand, she answered in a breathless whisper, still crying.

Patrick, horrified, thought the worst. What did that scoundrel do to you? Jul, answer me! What did he do to you? Patrick, already furious and desperate.

Why does he have to show up ...just when I'm trying to get my life back together? she sobbed, clinging to him.

He...he's here? she asked incredulously. Please try to calm down and tell me what happened.

After a few minutes. Juliet, managed to calm down and as best she could, told him what happened with Armand. Patrick just listened to what his cousin told him and to a certain extent he was happy. It was true that they never liked each other, they even hated each other, but now he realised the immense love he felt for his cousin, the first thing that came to his mind was to go and look for him to clear things up and warn him, because if Robert found out what had happened, he would do anything not to leave Juliet and push for both the announcement and the wedding to take place.

Jul, I know this is going to sound very forward of me, but I need you to tell me the truth. Do you still love him? she finally asked, a slight blush tingeing her cheeks.

I... I know... that's wrong, since I'm engaged to Robert.

But it wouldn't be fair for you to marry someone you don't love. Besides, his engagement seems to me so absurd, I ask you to reconsider, there is still time. Don't keep giving him false hopes.

But I gave him my word, I can't leave him.

You are very foolish; look here, if you marry, you will both be damned. He'll be damned for thinking you love him at last and you'll be damned for pretending to love him when you love someone else, I know it will hurt Robert, but he'll understand. Stop this, you are the only one who can do it. You know you will always have Alex's support, Thom's and mine, she expressed sincerely, although deep down, she was aware that if she cancelled the engagement, she would run the risk of being alone and getting hurt, since as far as she knew, Armand was already married to the actress, or so she thought.

I just can't," she said between sobs.

It's obvious you don't want to, don't be foolish. No one can be with someone out of gratitude or affection.

Even if I decided to leave Robert, Armand, he's married and happy. Besides, I took an oath and I must respect it.

Are you still at it? he asked incredulously.

That little woman took advantage of your good heart, and although she knew perfectly well that Armand didn't love her, she decided to cling to him and now, look at the consequences, both of you are suffering. You were very foolish to have let her have her way.

Please don't go on, Patrick.

I'm telling the truth, because I can't bear to see you suffer, since that day you're not the same. It's time for you to be a little selfish and think about your happiness, fight for it," encouraged the light brown, who was helping her to stand up. Robert, you will understand, it will hurt, but in the end you will understand, I trust in that, now let's go back to the village, because I don't want them to start questioning us.

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