The next morning after breakfast, Robert proposed to go out for a paddle, since it was a beautiful day, Patrick and Thomas accepted immediately, but Juliet was silent and crestfallen, she was still thinking about Patrick's words and whether she wanted to or not, she had to make a decision which would not be easy at all.
My love, what's the matter with you? asked Robert with evident concern, who was holding her hands in his. Since yesterday you seem sad and more distant from me, did I do something to displease you? If so, I apologise, the last thing I want is for you to be upset with me.
On the contrary, Robert, you have always been affectionate and attentive to me," she said affectionately, caressing his cheek, "but the truth is that I would like to stay in the village.
Jul, come with us. Besides, what are you going to do here alone? asked Patrick ironically.
My brother is right, Jul, what are you going to do here alone? interjected Thomas. That's all there is to it, Juliet, come with us and that's an order," he said with authority, who soon burst out laughing.
Very well, I'll go with you, only because you gave me an order, Thomas," the blonde replied in an amused tone, winking at him. I'll get my hat, wait for me at the entrance," she ordered, standing up and running out of the dining room. When she arrived at her room she took her hat and put it on, she looked at herself in the mirror, her aspect was not at all cheerful because she was afraid that Robert would discover Armand's presence, she prayed to God that they would not find him, she did not want a scandal to break out.
"Armand, how I would like to hate you. But that's impossible for me." Enough, Juliet! You're already a committed woman, she reprimanded herself. Regaining her sense of time and feeling that she had already taken too long, she rushed off in the direction of the grand entrance where three gentlemen were impatiently waiting for her.
Gee, Jul, I've gotten older," Thomas joked, with the sole purpose of making her smile.
Boy, is he right. Now that you mention it, I see a few wrinkles around here, Patrick said mockingly, touching his brother's forehead and laughing.
Very funny, Patrick," she chided him. We'd better hurry up.
You're very sensitive today, brother, are you all right?
Not really, no... I miss Josephine too much.
You don't say, I miss Anne," said Patrick gloomily. I wish she were here.
When will she be back from France? asked Juliet, turning to look at her cousin.
The thing is, we've already finished....
What happened, she mused in surprise, for although Anne had never said anything to him in any of her letters, she had not told him.
It looks like he's met someone else. We've been fighting a lot lately... I guess it was only a matter of time.
Don't be like that," encouraged the blonde. You'll see that soon someone who really values you will come along.
I hope so, although for now I really want to concentrate on the family business, especially now that it's going so well.
I'm glad to hear you say that," he said and started to walk away until....
Jul, Patrick interrupted, causing her to stop.
Yes, she replied, stopping short.
I wouldn't want your friendship with Anne to change because of our breakup.
Don't worry, we hardly saw each other anyway, as we were each focused on our own projects, and the only one I've been closer to is Josephine.
I thank you, Jul.
Well, let's put aside our sorrows and hurry up," suggested Thomas, hurrying the others.
The four made their way to the small dock at the villa, where two boats awaited them. Robert, like the gentleman he was, helped his beloved into the boat, while Patrick and Thomas boarded the other.
Are you ready? Thomas asked enthusiastically. What beautiful memories this place brings back, he said happily, letting out a big sigh.
I don't think so," said Robert with obvious annoyance. He was reminded of the summer holidays where Armand spent most of his time with Juliet.
I can't believe you're being serious, Robert," Thomas complained. Yes, those were unique moments.
You're out of your mind, Robert reproached him. The best moments are the ones I live with Juliet and the ones we're missing.
Stop fighting and let's start rowing, Patrick ordered with annoyance, for while he hated to see his brother and cousin fighting and even more so now that he knew of Armand's presence, if Robert ever saw him, he didn't want to imagine how he would get and how possessive he would be of Juliet.
You're right, brother. We'd better start paddling and try to have some fun.
In one boat, Patrick and Thomas rowed, while in the other, only Robert rowed, while Juliet looked at the beautiful scenery, as she did so, she couldn't help remembering those beautiful holidays and every single moment spent with Armand. She still loved him and would never stop loving him, maybe and only maybe until death, but while her feelings were still intact and locked away, she had made the decision to continue to feign indifference and so move on with her life, for her and Robert's sake, she didn't want to hurt him, not after he had been attentive and patient with her.
By the way, Jul, the grandmother, ordered a dressmaker from London to bring you the measures, he was quick to say Robert, because he had noticed her silence and feared that he was thinking about that little actor in the country house.
I'd like to wear one of my many dresses, she was quick to say, shaving her eyes off the wonderful landscapeI hate wearing those over-the-top dresses, she said with some annoyance, causing Robert to start laughing.
I understand you, my love, but this time it will be a special occasion In addition, he trusted that the dressmaker will do a wonderful job and you will look more beautiful, he said with great pride, stopping rowing for a moment, to take his hands between his and kiss them with devotion, as he always used to do.
Unfortunately, I don't have many options and it will be best not to contradict Grandma, he replied, subtly removing her hands from his.
What I like about you is your way of being, you are not interested in frivolities, you always worry about helping others, that is why I fall in love with you.
¡Oh! Come on, Robert, don't exaggerate, he mumbled, showing her his tongue, as if it were a little girl.
The four of them were having a great time, making runs and joking, until the melody of a harmonica was heard. did you.
¿Do they hear that? Thomas asked, stopping rowing.
Keep rowing, Thomas, Patrick ordered.
Patrick, keep quiet and listen.
You're crazy.
That melody is familiar to me.
Well no to me, now he's still rowing, Patrick ordered again, begging because it won't be Armand.
Meanwhile, Julieta felt her heart beating hard, she feared that the wild beats would give her away, to listen to that beautiful and melancholic melody again, they made her shudder, unconsciously she began to look around for the performer, but when she did not find it, she felt a great disappointment, something that for Robert did not go unnoticed and he had to contain his jealousy.
That melody...he had heard it before, he hastened to say Robert, stopping rowing «But, if she was the one playing that damn aristocrat» «Damn it! what has she come to?» thought with obvious annoyance» You know my love, I'm sure, the person who is playing it, is nothing other than a poor Devil, he said disdainfully, rowing again.
Meanwhile, Armand, above a tree was playing the harmonica, as he did to his mind came the image of his beloved and each of the beautiful moments that passed that summer, right in that same place «Juliet, I swear this time they will not separate us I will fight for our love», he said to himself.
The boat ride was fun for others, except for Robert who, upon learning of his rival's presence, felt infinite jealousy. What he wanted most was to erase him from the map, cursed his bad luck a thousand times, but he was very sure of something. sure, he wouldn't give up Juliet, not now that she had given him a chance. She already belonged to him and would make it very clear to that aristocrat.