Finally, on the night of dinner, Juliet arrived, for that occasion, she wore a beautiful red ceda dress, which highlighted her beautiful and graceful figure, her hair was worn loose, causing her beautiful golden curls to divinely fall down her back, without a doubt her maid had done a great job, looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection, thanking her friend. Until Robert's voice, requesting permission to enter the room, was present Once Juliet allowed him to pass, Robert barely set foot inside the room was stunned by so much beauty, he was undoubtedly a very lucky man.

Jul, you look really beautiful, expressed delighted, kissing her lips.

You, too, look very handsome, Robert, said sincerely, dedicating a shy smile to him.

There is no doubt that my fiancée is the most beautiful woman in the world.

You exaggerate too much, he said with fun and laughed.

I'm just telling the truth Now if you allow me, I'll escort you to the dining room, Gallantly offered her his arm, causing her to take it Both were descending the stairs, until Juliet stopped at once, taking the hand she had free to her chest Robert, seeing his fiancée's reaction, was disconcerted, but when he looked at the newcomers, he tense his jaw and cursed his bad fortune, how was it possible that damn aristocrat was there and the worst thing that looked at Juliet so sinically.

Richard, here come my cousin Robert and my sister Juliet, he reported, Alex with enthusiasm.

Nice to meet you, Robert Alex has spoken very well of you and allow me to congratulate you on your very fruitful business, said the Duke sincerely, who shook the young man's hand.

Your Excellency, it is an honor to have you visiting and I appreciate your congratulations, I try to respond with serenity.

And this beautiful young girl is my sister, the pro... Alex was interrupted.

My fiancée was quick to say Robert, who was possessively taking Juliet by the waist.

"I had already had the opportunity to see you at some charity dinners, miss," said the duke, who kissed her back.

Your Excellency, be welcome, you managed to respond.

Armand, upon hearing this for a moment, assumed that it was a joke, but seeing how the light brown man was taking Juliet from his waist, he felt that the blood was boiling him, all he wanted was to stamp his fists on the face of that despicable subject, but he would not even be intimidated and would take advantage of any opportunity to make him uncomfortable.

I'm glad to see you again, Juliet, there was a hurry to greet Armand, who didn't take long to kiss her back Allow me to tell you that you look really beautiful, I express with flirtation, just to prove to the light chestnut, that I wouldn't make it easy for Julieta to feel those lips rub her hand, she couldn't help but blush and get more nervousI'm glad to see you, Robert, I hardly recognize you, sarcastically let go of the chestnut.

Robert, he was about to go on top of him, if it had not been for the intervention of Alex, who made the invitation for them to go into the dining room Once at the room, Robert as the gentleman he was, ran the chair to Juliet, and gave her a big dinner was served and Armand, I can't stop looking at his beloved.

Your Excellency, it would be a great honor if you attended our engagement dinner, Robert, who caressed Juliet's hand, was quick to say.

"I will do everything possible," the duke replied politely, cleaning the corner of his lips with the linen napkin.

Of course you're invited too, Armad, Robert maliciously let go, heading to the chestnut tree. I hope you and your wife attend.

Thank you, I'll let you know, replied arrogantly, the chestnut man. do you.

¿And how is your acting career going, Armand? Thomas was quick to ask, who could feel the tension that was beginning to form in the environment.

Alright, that's why I spend long hours in the theater.

I imagine, but I guess tiredness isn't an obstacle for you, right?

That's right, he just responded. did you.

¿How is your wife, Armand? it's a surprise that she's not accompanying us tonight, she asked again with some malice, Robert.

She is in New York, and thanks to therapies she can walk with the prosthesis, she responded, appearing serenity, which she was far from feeling.

I'm glad to hear that, because I guess, with that, he can accompany you everywhere, right?

Maybe, I don't really know and it's not something that worries me.

«I think there will be a » duel here, thought Patrick, who was the only one who hardly participated in the conversation. did you.

¿You know, Alex? the Duke intervened Since our businesses are being so fruitful, I would like to open some offices in France and have someone you trust manage them, he was quick to say, sipping their wine.

That seems like a wonderful idea to me and I think the right one is Robert, since he knows the family businesses perfectly, and I also manage to close some businesses with the Germans. What do you think, Robert? Wouldn't you like to live for a while in France? Alex questioned.

It seems to me to be a wonderful proposition Moreover, that Juliet and I could build our own home, and educate our children, he answered safely, dedicating a look of love to his fiancée.

«Keep up like this, enjoy while you can, damned whippersnapper» thought a very furious Armand.

"No, don't think you're going to take Juliet from me," Robert thought, dedicating a challenging look to Armand.

«I have to do something to help my son» thought, Richard.

So, don't say more, Alex interrupted, We'll have to agree Richard, also don't forget that we have another important matter that we have to talk about.

I don't forget, Alex and if that's okay with you, I'd like to talk about it in my villa, unless you have any problems.

I have no objection, just put the date and time.

Okay, just let me coordinate some earrings and as soon as I see myself a little free, I'll let you know.

I'll be waiting.

You have my word.

Dinner passed tensely and it was no wonder, because Robert, at every opportunity that came his way, gave smiles to Juliet, caressed his hand and released biting comments against Armand, but he was not far behind since he did not I hesitate to respond with ironic comments and even if I couldn't touch his beloved, if I could look at her freely and even pay him compliments, leaving a Robert, completely furic.

«Damn aristocrat, don't even think you'll get away with it » Robert thought to himself, looking challengingly at Armand.

«I don't know, if I laugh or feel sorry for you» thought Armand, who was holding his gaze.

«The best thing will be to plan something and soon to help that pair of rebels in love» Alex thought.

Once dinner was over and the English gentlemen left, Juliet retired to her room to rest, in which Alex imitated her, meanwhile, Robert, Thomas and Patrick went to the white room to talk about dinner a few minutes ago. minutes.

¡Damn and cursed a thousand times! Robert shouted, crashing a porcelain vase into the wall.

Calm down, Robert, you'll wake up grandma, Thomas asked. will you.

¿How do you want me to calm down? he asked ironically Don't ask me to calm down, not now that he has appeared But don't even think I'm going to let him take Juliet's love from me.

¿Have you had it? Patrick questioned incredulously, taking a seat in one of the armchairsHe leaves that silly idea once and for all, that Jul, will love you over timeWe both know that won't happen.

¡Don't say stupid things, Patrick! he mumbled, about to go on top of him.

I'm just telling the truth There's no worse blind man than he doesn't want to see, sensible Robert, he said with great peace of mind.

You don't know what you say.

Because I know, that's why I dare tell you in the face.

No, you don't know, he said upset, taking his cousin for his shirt. do you know.

Robert, calm down, leave Patrick, Thomas ordered, trying to separate his cousin from his brother.

Don't mess up, Robert threatened.

Of course I get in, my brother is right Listen...I just ask you not to be selfish, think about her You know I love you like a brother... but I don't agree about the commitment, even if you bother, I just want you to do the right thing, he said calmly before I manage to bring it down.

The best thing will be that we leave Robert alone, at least to calm down, having said this both young men left the room Once Robert, left alone, let out a great sigh of frustration, he still didn't believe in his bad luck, just when he was about to fulfill his dream, Armand, had to appear to ruin his happiness.

«I know that in time you will come to love me, Jul and I swear I will make you very happy, I will only live for you, I will not allow you to be taken away from mi», while Robert, debated in his thoughts In the Hamilton villa, exactly the same thing happened with Armand.

«I don't care what I have to do to get you back, I won't give up, not this time I won't miss this opportunity I know you don't love him, your look tells me I swear I will fight for our love, my beloved Juliet»

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