The next morning, Robert, planning to spend the rest of the day with his beloved and more now upon learning about Armand's presence, did not wish to get away from Juliet for any reason, as he was afraid that he might meet her and perhaps in one of those, she would end up cancelling the engagement, she had to think of something and quickly, she couldn't take a risk, not now that he was almost nothing away from seeing his greatest dream realized.

¿What plans do you have for today, Jul? Robert asked, once breakfast is over.

I wish to take a walk near the lake A beautiful day ago, he rushed to answer.

I think it's a wonderful idea, what does it stop you, if we have a picnic? suggested the light chestnut, begging for her not to reject such a suggestionJust when, Juliet, was about to answer, Alex, interrupted the seemingly happy couple.

Robert, I need you to help me with some documents, I request the blonde, at the same time he stood up, to go to his office.

Alex, but I haven't dated Juliet for several days now, complained about the light chestnut.

In the business world, you have to make great sacrifices said without hesitation the blonde, who stopped in his tracks, to face his cousin Moreover, you have to take responsibility for all the family's actions and as such, resting is a luxury we cannot afford I thought it had already become very clear to you, Robert Also, I'm sure Jul, you'll understand, isn't it?

The best thing will be for you to go to work, don't worry about me, there will be more days, he responded with some relief and I give him a warm smile.

Okay, he replied with resignation Jul, I'm so sorry I can't accompany you, but I promise you, I'll reward you later, he said kissing his forehead.

You don't have to apologize, I'll also be accompanied by Max, she responded happily.

Jul...I'm just asking you not to get too far away please, he said almost pleadingly.

Don't worry, he responded affably by giving her a smileThey both stood up, until…

Jul... I love you, don't forget it and I will never allow you to be taken away from me, he said staring at her You are the most important thing for me, you are the reason why every morning I wake up with a big smile, because when I look at you, you illuminate my days, even when these turn gray, he confessed, I'm about to kiss her, if I hadn't been interrupted again by Alex.

Robert, wait for me in the office please, asked for the blonde, holding back, because he hated that his cousin used those blackmails against his sister.

Sure, he responded and withdrew.

Little one, are you okay? she asked with obvious concern, approaching herLook at me.

"I'm fine, Alex, don't worry," he responded even with his eyes down. Did you.

¿So, because you don't look at me? he questioned again, delicately raising his sister's chin Once his eyes met, the young blonde man couldn't help but feel sadness when he saw deep pain in those precious emeralds.

It's just that I feel strange, she confessed in a barely audible voice I want to continue with my life like I have until now... but I just can't.

It's because of Armand, right?

Julieta, sighed and lowered her gaze again, even if it was difficult for her to admit freely, she continued to love her rebel, nothing had changed in her either That's right, and I also feel guilty, for a part of me wishes to see him again I know it's wrong, this thing I feel.

Small, if you still love him, why don't you fight for him? think about your happiness, you can't keep thinking about others, it doesn't get fair to me I'm afraid people take great advantage of you, because of your noble heart, hell, Juliet, for the first time dare to be selfish, that you don't care about the consequences or what they will say I want it to be very clear to you, that I will always be for you, no matter what, that's why I'm your older brother My duty is to take care of you and look after your well-being.

Alex, I hesitate, wiping his nose inelegantly.

Think things through, for once the decision has been made, there will no longer be any going backwards Now if you excuse me I must meet Robert, he said affectionately kissing the brow of the blonde and immediately left the room. did he leave the room.

¿How to fight for someone, who already has a life?, she questioned herself «I wish it were so simple, besides I can't break the promise I made to Cecil» She thought with regret almost instantly that I let out a big sigh After smoothing the skirt of her dress, I call Max, the greyhound quickly came to the call of its owner.

Here you are, Max, said the blonde cheerfully, bowing down to take delicately the face of the dog, who did not take long to lick his face What do you think if we go for a walk?

The dog, more than excited, began to wag his tail and bark playfully Thus, without waiting any longer, they both left the villa apparently calm.

¿Don't you think it's a beautiful day, Max? questioned the blonde, dedicating a smile to the greyhoundHow I miss the hospital and my little patients, she said with melancholy Once they reached the lake, Julieta, dropped into the grass, the same one that made the greyhound She self-absorbedly observed the light blue of the sky, while she felt the soft, fresh breeze caress her face, without a doubt, that place not only brought her good and sad memories, but also gave her peace of mind. Once she found out alone, she let out a long sigh, she decidedly stood up, which caused her faithful companion to look at her surprised, and even more so with what she was about to do.

¡I hate you, Armand!, I scream a little annoying I hate you, for making my life complicated again, she said out loud Without even realizing that a couple of sapphire-colored eyes were looking at her expectantly. did they look at her.

Julieta, with her heart beating a thousand and with her nerves she was shocked, she wanted to run away but her feet did not react, as she could, she managed to turn to observe how Armand came down from a tree, with his typical and big mischievous smile.

Ar... Armand.. i... i.... Stutter.

Calm down, Jul, it seems like you've seen a ghost. Don't you know that when you get scared you look more like freckles? He said gracefully, approaching her.

You are a cretin, he attacked, crossing his arms and looking the other way. Are you a cretin.

¿Don't you know it's in very bad taste, talk pests about someone who is absent? He asked arrogantly again. That's not about ladies.

I'm not interested in being a lady, he attacked her again Besides, it's not good manners to spy on people either, he defended himself.

I wasn't spying on you He clarified It's not my fault, being casually in the same place as you.

You are insolent, you will never change.

At Juliet's indignation, Armand could not help but let out a loud laugh She adored like that young girl whom she loved so much, she was angry, she looked so tender and sensual.

I must go, Armand, he hastened to say the blonde, seized with nerves, knowing she was watched by him Just as she was about to leave, he pulled her arm and stuck her to her body, delicately took her chin and lifted her, to look her in the eyes She loved that pair of emeralds, for in them was such a captivating brilliance, without thinking about it and once again the kiss, this time it was a soft, delicate kiss, but above all with a lot of love.

Of something he was very sure he would never tire of kissing those fleshy and sweet lips When at last I stop kissing her, I caress her face, he wished to tax every faction of her This time, Juliet, he simply let himself go, and kept his eyes closed, for inside he longed that he should not stop Armand, seized by the tenderness she caused him, I sketch a big smile and without waiting any longer, kissed her again Juliet unconsciously, with her arms I circle around his neck and deepen the kiss Armand, realizing that she was not indifferent to him, felt immensely happy, wished that time would stop and thus have his beloved forever.

Jul, I love you, I express with infinite passion, taking it hard from the waist, to deepen the kiss again.

I...I... I manage to hesitate You know that ours is now impossible, he managed to say, at the same time that he abruptly separated from him and turned his back on him.

We have to talk, we need to clarify a lot of things, he said supplicantI need to clarify a lot of things for you.

Armand, please, don't make things more difficult, he begged with a broken voice, cleaning up those tears that were already beginning to run down his cheeks.

I'm not going to lose you again, I don't care if I have to challenge Robert to a duel, he said resolute If I die, it will be worth it.

Don't you dare, understand once and for all that I... hesitate I don't love you You are already part of my past, he lied.

I don't believe you, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore, he ordered, taking her by the face and forcing her to look at him.

Juliet, I couldn't look him in the eyes, I felt that if I did it would falter and fall at his feet It was just what I needed, I'm leaving... but first I want you to remember that I always love you That said he left, furious with life, but this time he wouldn't give up so easily, he would fight until the end.

Juliet, once again recriminating herself for her bad behavior, this time, I don't cry, she just stood there in shock, feeling that a part of her was dying Without encouragement, she sat under the same tree that Armand had come out of, minutes ago she lost track of time, until Patrick went to look for her because the sky was already tinged orange, a clear sign that he was already getting sunny, the questions were not needed, he alone hugged her and gave her words of encouragement, They both stayed like this for a few moments, just looking into nothingness.

¿Will you be okay? he asked with obvious concern.

"I will be, it's always like that," he said without encouragement.

It pains me to see you like this, Jul. As I wish you smiled again, I miss that insolent young girl.

Oh, Patrick, my life is chaos.

It is because you wanted it that way I know that the decision you choose to make is not easy, however, you should know that you are not alone.

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