He looks at me, his eyes wide open, as if trying to convey something. I immediately lean in, trying to remember my acting classes from high school. I take his hand and pull him up, nodding, and with an almost inaudible voice, I say yes. I throw myself at him and hug him tightly. He does the same, lifting me and spinning me around.

At that moment, everyone enters and starts applauding. Harry puts me back on the ground and slips the ring onto my finger. After that, everyone starts congratulating us, and I leave as quickly as I can.

I walk towards the backyard, and a panic attack begins to take over my body. I feel like I can't breathe and pace back and forth. My sister comes out and tries to calm me down with deep breaths. Gradually, I start to calm down, and we sit on a bench.

"I can't do this, Miranda."

"Yes, you can, little one. You just need to calm down. Look, breathe, close your eyes, I'm here with you."

I do as Miranda says, and suddenly I feel someone's gaze on me. I open my eyes, and there's Harry, standing at the door, looking at me seriously. Our eyes meet, he shakes his head, and he walks away.

This man will give me a lot of headaches. His mere presence makes me uncomfortable. I don't know how I'll endure living with him.

I wake up very early to go for a run for a while since I haven't done it in the past two days. I grab my phone and see over fifteen messages from Ana, I roll my eyes and decide not to reply.

I leave my room and jog down the stairs. I walk to the kitchen and meet my mother.

"Are you going to have breakfast?" my mother asks, and I shake my head.

"I just want a glass of orange juice, Tere," I say as I look at Tere, our cook.

"Have you talked to Harry? What are you going to do today?" my mother asks while checking her phone.

"I don't even have his phone number."

"Oh, don't worry, he has yours," she says with a smile and leaves the kitchen.

I roll my eyes, and Tere hands me the juice. I drink it quickly and leave.

Once on the street, I start running in the opposite direction of the sun while Dua Lipa delights my ears. I run for half an hour until suddenly a guy appears in a corner. I can't brake in time, and he doesn't even notice my presence. We both fall backward, and I let out a small scream.

"Idiot! Don't you have eyes?" he looks at me and starts laughing.

"You're the one without eyes. I was walking backward, and as far as I know, we don't have eyes back there," I look at him angrily, furrowing my brow.

"And what sane person walks backward?" he laughs and gets up.

"Do you need help?" he extends his hand to assist me, but I don't take it and get up as quickly as I can.

"I don't need help from the guy who tripped me."

"Rich girls are always so special, aren't they?" he says, laughing, and extends his hand again. "I'm Imanol, and I'm not rich like you, but I am polite." I narrow my eyes, sidestep him, and continue jogging.

"It was nice to meet you, beautiful!" he shouts, and I can't help but laugh. I have to admit he's a very handsome guy.

An hour later, I return home and take a shower. I go downstairs to have breakfast, and the doorbell starts ringing.

"Miss Ana," I hear Morgana, the housekeeper, say.

"Hi Morgana, where is Allison?" Ana asks with her shrill voice.

"Ana, I'm in the dining room," I say, and I immediately hear her hurried steps.

"You have to tell me everything, babe," she has a big smile and wide-open eyes.

"Sit down, babe," I say, and I immediately start telling her everything.

After half an hour, I finish telling my best friend everything, and she seems confused.

"So, who is more handsome?" she asks, shaking her head.

"I don't know, both of them, I don't know. Either way, they're both unbearable, and I'm going to marry one and never see the other again."

"Okay, like, but you don't love Harry, and Imanol works nearby, so you could have a wild affair before becoming Mrs. McBride," she looks at me disgusted, and I shake my head.

"You're crazy, Ana. It's better if we go to the pool to cool your brain off."

"Whatever, but if I were you..." she doesn't finish as the sound of my phone interrupts her, and I immediately pick it up.

It's an unknown number. I look at Ana, trying to seek advice, and she gestures for me to answer, so I do and put it on speaker.


"Allison," I hear the voice of a man that sounds somewhat familiar. "It's Harry. I have a business dinner tonight, and I promised my girlfriend would accompany me, so I'll pick you up at eight." I look at Ana and furrow my brow.

"Harry, thanks for the invitation, but..." I don't finish the sentence as a sigh interrupts me.

"Allison, it's not an invitation; it's a commitment. I'll be at your house at eight. By the way, I don't like waiting." he says, and before I can say a word, he hangs up.

I roll my eyes and throw the phone against one of the pieces of furniture.

"Do you think it'll be possible to live with this ogre? He's unbearable," Ana looks at me and smiles.

"I find him sexy," Ana says, sighing.

"Oh, gross, Ana!" I look at her disgustedly and walk towards the backyard.

We spent almost the entire afternoon at the pool, and after eating, we went to my room to watch movies.

"Ali, it's six-thirty. Aren't you going to get ready for dinner?" I see my best friend and widen my eyes.

"Darn, it! I completely forgot."

I wake up with a jump and start searching for dresses. Ana tells me she'll look for one for me and that I should go take a shower. I follow her advice.

Ten minutes later, I come out and she already has a beautiful red dress on the bed. I finish getting dressed, and Ana helps me with my makeup and hair. Suddenly, someone starts knocking on my bedroom door, and I rush to open it.

"Miss Brown, Mr. McBride is here."

"Thank you, Louis. Tell him I'll be right down." Louis nods and leaves.

"Ana, are you staying overnight?"

"I can't, friend. There's a party tonight, and I can't miss it." I look at her with disappointment.

"Ana! Alright, alright, just close the door when you leave."

"Yes, don't worry. Now, go, quickly!"

I follow her advice and hurry down the stairs, but my heels prevent me from going faster.

When I reach the door, I start feeling nervous again, but I gather my courage and open it.

"You're late," says Harry, leaning against his car and staring at me intently. I look at my phone, and it's exactly eight o'clock.

"It's eight o'clock," I tell him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Get in." He opens the door and gestures for me to get in.

I do as he says, and then he gets in. He starts the car, and we speed away from there.

The atmosphere remains tense throughout the journey. There is an endlessly uncomfortable silence, and now and then I look at him and realize that it's as if I'm not there for him.

Harry gets out of the car and walks to my door, opens it, and I step out. As I exit, Harry takes my left hand, where the engagement ring is, and kisses it. I look at him puzzled, but he acts normal, closes the car door, and interlocks his left hand with my right hand.

I feel uncomfortable. He is still a stranger to me, and his behavior, acting as if he loves me as if we are truly a couple, makes me uneasy.

We walk towards the restaurant, and he gives our names to the woman at the entrance, who, by the way, flirts with him right in front of me. She's a rogue. We enter the restaurant and make our way to a table where several men of my father's age, their wives, and a young woman, about Harry's age, are sitting.

"Harry, it's good to see you're here," one of the men speaks, stands up, and greets him.

"Mr. Fisher, it's a pleasure to see you again. Allow me to introduce you to my fiancée, Allison Brown." Harry takes my hand and brings me closer to him. I greet Mr. Fisher, and he smiles at me.

"The Browns from Brown Technology, right?" another man at the table questions.

"That's correct," I reply with a smile.

Harry greets everyone at the table and introduces me to each of them. When we reach the last man, the one sitting next to a young woman, I notice how he looks at me and then at the woman.

"Harry, we've missed you. Isn't that right, Camila?" he looks at Harry and then at the aforementioned Camila, who smiles and nods.

"I missed you too, Mr. Smith. Let me introduce you to my fiancée. This is..." Harry is interrupted by the man.

"Yes, I know, she's Miss Brown. Harry, I thought your future wife would be my daughter," he looks at Camila and then at me. "No offense, Miss." He apologizes, and I smile at him.

"Harry, don't mind my father. You know he's always had this idea that we would make a good couple since we were inseparable as kids," says Camila, looking at me challengingly.

"Yes, I know, but things change," Harry smiles and tightens his grip on my hand. He seems tense, and I am twice as tense.

After that awkward moment, we take our seats right across from Camila and her father. They start talking about business, then ask us some questions about the wedding. Camila's father talks about what a great couple Harry and his daughter would make, and well, Camila spends the whole dinner flirting with Harry.

I decide to go to the bathroom or somewhere away from them to relax. I feel like I don't belong here; all these people talk about things I don't even understand, and what I do understand makes me feel bad.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I whisper in Harry's ear. He nods, and I get up. "Excuse me, I'll be right back," I say to everyone, and Camila's father stops me.

"Where are you going, Miss?"

"To the restroom, Mr. Smith." I smile at him, and he nods.

"Do you want me to accompany you, dear?" Camila asks with excessive politeness.

"No, thank you, I'm fine alone." I smile and quickly walk towards the bathroom.

I enter the bathroom, turn on the tap, wet my hands a bit, and then dry them. I look at myself in the mirror and stay like that for a long while.

When I leave the bathroom, I see a small terrace and step out to get some fresh air. I sit on a small bench, and the air brushes against my cheeks. I close my eyes and start hearing the air softly whistling.

Suddenly, a hand lands on my shoulder, making me jump and immediately open my eyes.

"Harry!" I exclaim, looking at his face in front of mine.

"What are you doing here? We're waiting for you." I see his brown eyes and lower my gaze.

"I don't belong here, Harry."

"Look at me," he orders, and I immediately comply. "You need to be clear about one thing: wherever I am, that's where you belong."

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