Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Well,everyone had their speculations about who the goddess of war in the video was. In the end,when Claire,Sophie's sidekick was questioned,since she was visible in the video,she revealed that it was Ariel who beat them up the previous day, when they went to teach her a lesson on behalf of their boss. People were so shocked to find that such a thin and frail looking girl could deal with those strong girls who were the bullies of Anderson high school on her own.

The following day in the morning,when Ariel arrived in school,she found students all over the school seemingly waiting for someone.When the people saw Ariel,they started taking pictures of her. They couldn't help it,she was so good looking. Ariel sensed something amiss but couldn't actually put a finger on it . Since that was the case,She decided not to pry and try asking what it was so she matched her way into the class. In there,she felt people staring ar her but when she turned to look,she only saw everyone buried in their books . She shook her head and proceeded to her seat. Perhaps she was overthinking things. On her desk,she saw a packet of milk tea and three steamed buns . When she looked to her right,she met her desk mate's eyes (Maya) looking at her expectantly. She tasted the milk tea and it was just to her taste,sweet and with a creamy taste. Maya her desk mate,had observed and noticed that Ariel had a sweet tooth so aside from bringing her the milk tea,she decided to buy her a pack of lollipops of the strawberry flavour since she noticed that everything Ariel would have a strawberry lollipop I'm her mouth,especially when she was in a bad mood. While facing such considerations from her desk mate,Ariel felt warmth fill her heart for the second time in her life. The first person who always gave her such a feeling was her late grandmother,who used to stay in the countryside with her before dying of an illness.

"Boss,there's someone doing a background check on you,what do we do?" Ariel was just about to sleep when her cellphone chimed with this message from Rick,one of her employees.

"Give them the usual details" Ariel replied to the message. But the 'usual details' she meant the fake profile she had made about herself. Ariel had made up stories about herself except the part of her being the child of the Hovstad family . She gave out details about how bad her habits were I the countryside,which made people have a bad impression of her.

On the other side,Mr Bellamy's assistant Mr Liam,knocked on his boss' door of the study.

"Come in" A voice ordered from inside.Mr Liam pushed the study door open and entered.

"Speak!" Bellamy ordered once again since he was so busy with work and he didn't like wasting time since he was a workaholic.

"The thing you asked me to check is ready. I mean the background check" Mr Liam explained while placing the large envelope on Mr Bellamy's table. On hearing this,Mr Bellamy paused a little amidst what he was doing then continued as if nothing happened.

"You can leave." He told his assistant while still flipping through the files he was reading. Once the assistant had left and closed the door of the study,Mr Bellamy impatiently grabbed the envelope and poured the contents it had on the table. He curiously started rummaging through them.

'so she is from the Hovstad family yet she is so pitiful?' Mr Bellamy thought inwardly. Well,ever since the day he saw her fighting those girls,Mr Bellamy felt the need to protect her. She looked so thin,frail and lonely on her own. That was why he asked his assistant to do a background check on her.Bellamy himself didn't understand why he felt so. He just wanted to hide her from everyone and keep her to himself. He didn't understand himself and his thoughts either.

While Bellamy was still engrossed in the files,Ryan,his childhood friend,suddenly barged into his study excitedly without knocking.

" Hey,have you seen the trending video ?" Ryan asked mysteriously while smiling.

"What video?" Bellamy asked nonchalantly.

"Oh my friend! here,take a look" Ryan said while signing and gave his phone to Bellamy.

"How's it? isn't she incredible?" Ryan asked Bellamy,his voice full of worship. Bellamy was still engrossed in the video. Of course he knew who the girl in the video was. He just wondered what idiot recorded the video.

"Fuck,I'm telling you,I'm going to look for her and ask her to be my girlfriend since she is already my goddess! I.." Ryan was still blabbering when she felt an icy gaze directed toward him. He immediately shut up. Bellamy hated it that someone already had his eyes on her.

On the school forum,a heated debate suddenly arise on who was fit to be the campus belle between Ivy and Ariel. In the two photos,one of Ariel,who.was standing with her head tilted to the side and one hand in her pocket. Her side profile looked so enthralling that people could barely take their eyes off her. Ivy on the other hand,had delicate make up on her making her appear lime an angel. She was beautiful,but the contrast between her and Ariel was just ii wide and obvious. Since it was a matter of opinion polls,Ariel garnered more than half of the school's votes while Ivy just got a third. Thus,Ariel was made the new campus belle . Ariel,oblivious of what was happening,was sleeping soundly on her desk due to boredom.

Ivy was busy doing her assignment when she felt strange gazes being cast upon her. She was confused since she hadn't done anything wrong as far as she could remember. She suddenly had a bad feeling and hurriedly took out her cellphone to check. She was met by different comments from the debate that was ongoing about who was fit to the campus belle. The more she read the comments the darker her face grew. She clenched her fists so hard that they bled but she didn't care.

"Ariel..." She muttered the name,her voice filled with immense hatred.

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