2- First meeting on earth

I'm blocked, I haven't eaten in months but I'm not hungry. I can't close my eyes, I also don't know if I have them open. I can't think, my mind is blank. The light is blinding and neither is it shiny, I know because the tickles and vibrations that fill my essence with brightness have ceased to be felt. For sure I don't know how long it's been since I fell as a shooting star. With silence comes the day, and when I hear some wish again, some star has fallen indicating that the night has returned. I don't know if there are more of my species in this huge hole resembling a white pit where fallen and never fulfilled stars are buried. I think I'm now in the Van Allen belt. I can't think of Dasy, something breaks, tears my soul scourged in millions of flashes and it is impossible for me to break, turn off, or even starve to death by not eating darkness. Everything is white and that infinite whiteness seems to be always in motion. I think of Dasy and there is no greater pain than not seeing her shine, not knowing how long I will be like this. If anything, my condemnation of having fallen is to spend eternity banished from the universe.

I don't know if I'm dead, I probably am, and the hell of the stars is much like the revelation of their own light for the rest of eternity. There must be stars in hell with their untimely death setting fire to the most serene souls. Kissing on the forehead the sins of others, and with dreams full of brightness wiping away the demons, marking them with their white signs in the shape of a sun. Maybe I have been born again, and my light never dies from the earth. All I see is a white, perpetual light. All I hear are desires. This state must be the closest thing to limbo, with my soul suspended and people whispering to me their sorrows and longings without ever being able to help them.

When I was a star I was a channel to enlighten others, to realize the impossible, the desires of those people. Then I understood it, desire is something ephemeral. The desire is changeable just like the person. Respecting the wishes once taken and decreed to the universe is the personal challenge of those who ask for it. They must have faith in their desire and renew their energy in the direction of the desired in order to manifest it. The desire to have something is ephemeral, they come and go. Remembering why I was here was what made me want to live, to keep my desire to be human on. I wanted with all my soul to live. I wished I could make a wish to the universe and have someone listen to me too.

I felt a strange, scratch-like sensation in one of my limbs. I imagine Dasy being drawn to her through that tangible seduction that is the human body. She is probably an human now. I wish could be human with Dasy. Feel her company, see her shine, listen to her voice. The images were flashing in my mind, not everything was a heavenly light. I could also imagine and create with my mind... create colors and see it in the shapes of my imagination. I could see her again if I could fully imagine her. Know what it would look like if she were on earth. Would it be Male or Female? He calmed the noise of desires, soothed the thoughts of humanity with images of Dasy. I imagined and dreamed about being human, and the pure and hard white that kept her absence, this place were I rest now, became more tolerable. I can imagine Dasy living in Earth, she, being happy, her face how it would look? I wanted love and feel happiness. May Venus guide her in her birth and fill her life with love and sweetness, may Jupiter fill her heart with fire and wisdom with the arrow of the centaur. And the constellation of Taurus will grant you stability and wealth. May Cancer's creativity grant her a gift full of art and light. Those were my own desires. Wishes to Dasy. Then I understood that unconditional love and natural generosity reigned in my soul. If I was born I would probably do it under the sun in Pisces, but that was not possible. The night had fallen when the Moon and Venus aligned, and I was sure that my destiny would be a new life under the star of Aphrodite, the planet Venus: Libra or Taurus ruled by Venus. O Cancer: sign ruled by the Moon. She wouldn't be fragile and delicate like Pisces, and Dasy wouldn't be wild and fiery like Sagittarius, but I know we would carry in our essence a little bit of all the planets, of Neptune and its unconditional love, of Jupiter and its desire to go away in search of new horizons, a little bit of everything that conforms the Universe, shaped us during our star life.

I wanted Dasy's glow to be like music resting on the wind, ethereal, transparent. I wish She never stops shining and went through human life transforming sound into something beautiful from its existence, like the music. If Dasy didn't keep her star memory when she came back to life, how could she love me and remember I was a star like her? How could I find Dasy if we forgot everything at birth as human beings? Wishing She would never stops shining was the most desperate and deep desire in my heart. Only if we both retained our star brightness could we meet again, that was my true desire: the need that dwelt in my soul. Shine next to her.

I know probably She will has an heart and star soul, as well than an human body to claim, I wanted to remain myself shining just like Dasy's. To have the fortune to give her my love, and find her, in human life. To give my heart, a heart that beat and pumped blood to a body, a body that could give love and feel loved, exploit my body, my beauty, exalt my power through my mind, give wisdom and kisses to Dasy. Learn to kiss, learn to be human with Dasy. Then the thoughts no longer hurt me. I used to meditated in Van Allen into the day and at night I discarded thoughts until I chose those that favored me, I practiced the force of attraction that I saw humans practice so many times.

I understood after long days of meditation that now my light was traveling, and that while this travel I keep existing like part of the Universe. One part of me, is now this whiteness forged in flashes, I could not see the night because it was no longer a star. But my light and soul were still alive. I tried to shine for people, show them the way, make them understand that the solution was in their own confidence, so I continued to listen to the wishes of humanity, they could see me although I could not.

Many of the desires I heard were eradicated in the greatest fear I have ever known in humanity. The fear of not being enough to be loved, or the fear of not being loved. They seemed to me fears of a poignant simplicity to be eradicated. It was all in faith, in their personal assessment. The faith and the value they will find in life. One of the things I understood was that, I couldn't forget that fear humans use to feel, is a shadow that hides our inner light. Stars know that fear doesn´t exist. On the other hand something inside of me let me know that I would soon become into an human being, that Dasy already was, I think humans call her intuition. I will be a man, the man destined to find her. Although the stars know the fate of each and every human being, we ignore our own. And if my intuition did not fail, when I was human I could not forget those two fears of "not being enough" that of "not being loved". I had to keep my wisdom intact, and my way of seeing things from certainty and tranquility when I came to human life. People made monstrous mistakes by believing those wrong thoughts. They were easily influenced. They allowed comments from harmful people and full of criticism for what was imposed in society, to tell them what should be indicated. All human beings have personality, the happiest are those who are faithful to it and remain authentic. They find their life purpose more easily than those who refuse to listen to their inner certainty.

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