Axel stayed by my side as I analyzed the result of the tests, days after what we suspected, we had a definitive answer.

The condom failed.

"Positive," he confirms.

I sigh, hiding my face in my hands. I hadn't had the strength to say it out loud. I hadn't even fully processed it yet.

"A child," I raise my gaze.

Perhaps my eyes are filled with tears and anguish from the scene, but my heart leaps with joy at this news. Because having spent those days with the possibility of being pregnant in my mind filled me with happiness.

Despite the complicated situation, the baby is not at fault. And even though it's not fully formed yet, I already love it.

"You're pregnant," he opens his mouth, surprised, and I mimic him. "Damn, I'm going to be an uncle."

I laugh, infected by his happiness. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me in the air. I kick my legs to make him put me back on the ground, and as he does, he kneels in front of my slightly bulging abdomen.

I can't believe I hadn't noticed my weight gain. I didn't pay much attention to it because my weight is never stable; I tend to fluctuate. And I've had so many things to deal with that my menstruation never crossed my mind, damn it.

"How's everything in there? Forgive me for ignoring you, little one, your mommy is stubborn," I playfully tap his head, and it's a strong hit.

I smile, wishing that action had been Arthur's.

Axel keeps talking to my belly for several minutes, and everything he says makes me laugh or cry with tenderness.

"I don't want to know how you'll react when you're born," I comment, rolling my eyes.

I walk to the kitchen with him following my trail. He runs alongside me when he notices that I'm circling the cushion.

"Be careful there," he moves it aside, lifting it off the floor. "I'll take care of it while you sleep, of course, unless the father claims his rights."

My smile fades, and I purse my lips as I continue walking. I grab a ripe banana from the countertop and start eating it under his watchful gaze.

"You don't plan on telling him," he asserts on my behalf. I exhale. "I'm on your side always, but this time I have to tell you something. Whatever happened between you two should not affect the baby; he needs both of you. And the idiot has the right to know he's going to have a child."

"He doesn't love me, Axel," I remind him, and he presses his lips together, moving closer. I nibble my cheek. "If he doesn't love me, he won't love the child."

He reaches my side, places his hand on my head, and tucks the unruly strands behind my ear. I keep my gaze forward, leaving the banana peel on the counter to throw it away later.

"You don't know that," I grimace. "You don't know if he wants it."

"He has shown me that he doesn't, and besides, the contract specified that he doesn't want children, and... he told me to my face."

"And did he tell you why? Since obviously, the reason is not that he can't have them," he rolls his eyes, and I hit his shoulder, laughing.

I bite my lip, exhaling.

"He didn't tell me."

He grimaces, running his fingers through his black hair as silence settles in. The fine strands distract me enough to have to blink and furrow my brow when he speaks again.

"What will you do?" he interrupts the peace.

I move my hand away from his hair, place it on my belly, and caress it under his watchful gaze. I bite my lip, thinking.

"From now on, I can't think about what I need but what the baby needs," I smile, imitating him weakly. "I'm keeping the baby, obviously, but I have to consider telling Arthur. One of the two reactions he'll have will hurt me, and I'm not ready for that."

He nods, planting a kiss on my cheek as he gently pats my shoulder.

"I'm on your side," he says.

I exhale, and the sound of the door interrupts both of us in whatever we were thinking about. Axel goes to see who it is while I take another banana and eat it.

"Michelle," I look at him at his low tone. "They're looking for you."

My eyes shift to his companion, and I swallow, approaching them. I shake my hands before extending one toward him. Arthur's lawyer.

"Harold, how are you?" he smiles at me.

He takes my hand, responding to the greeting with courtesy. I glance at Axel, who goes to the kitchen with the excuse of leaving us alone. Despite that, I know he'll listen to everything.

"Michelle, I come with news from Mr. Müller."

My nerves skyrocket at the mention of his last name. I invite him into the living room, and we take a seat. I try to control my nerves and my racing heartbeat. He's not even in front of me, yet I feel like I'm fading away.

"Now, what kind of stupid thing has he done this time?" I question in Spanish, causing him to purse his lips for not understanding me. "I mean, what's the news?"

He straightens up, and I shuffle my fingers.

"I have the divorce papers signed by you," I narrow my eyes and nod. "And Mr. Müller."

I'm speechless. Did he sign them? I know he wanted that, but right now, I don't know how to feel.

Too much news at once.

"So... legally, we're nothing," I nod.

I lower my gaze to my hands. In one of them rests a wedding ring and another one of our "engagement," an engagement that never existed. I caress the material and the gem they hold.

The memory of when he gave it to me flashes in my mind, and I do everything I can to hold back the tears.

"To finalize everything, only a dinner is needed."

I purse my lips.

"A dinner?" I cross my legs clad in jeans.

He nods, running his blond hair through his fingers slowly. He licks his lips, raising his gaze to my confused face.

"Yes, Mr. Müller wants to go over the important rules he must follow after divorcing him," I scoff.

I'm tired of his stupid rules.

"I know what those rules are, and I will comply with them. Tell your idiot of a boss that I do know how to keep my word."

"Miss Michelle," I look at him, behind those round glasses is a remorseful gaze. "I'm sorry for putting you in this state with my news, but I must tell you that the dinner is scheduled for tonight at Mr. Müller's residence."

Where does Mr. Müller reside? I mean, I have to go to the stupid mansion he lives in for that.

"What happens if I don't go?" I raise my chin, crossing my arms. I don't want to see him.

He fidgets at my question, exhaling as he waits for his response. His eyes scan the room, avoiding me. Harold's green eyes are truly a marvel, and he always exudes that shy aura that makes him look endearing.

It is impossible to hate that man.

"You know how he is, miss."

"A possessive idiot, arrogant, conceited, son of a bitch..." I growled.

I know how he is. If, in case I don't go to that dinner, he would be capable of anything against me. Even destroying me in front of the media. He has the power, I won't give him the motivation to do it.

I discreetly caress my belly.

It's best for the baby, not for me.

"Tell him my presence will be there to fuck up his ass and his existence," I smirk.

He nods, quickly getting up, not giving me time to accompany him to the door. I sigh, he's scared for some reason.

"Are you going to the dinner?" I sigh.

"Axel, the best thing I can do now that we're not together is to keep him happy, believe me, it bothers you more than it bothers me.

He snorts, plopping his butt down next to me to keep me company. I kiss his head as I feel his fingers caressing my belly.


I tense up.

"He's capable of destroying me."

He sighs, a concerned look growing on his face. I smile pleased at his growing concern.

"Well, I'll take you to his house."

"Knowing him, he'll send someone," I roll my eyes.

"Well, we'll tell that someone to fuck off, I'll take you and make you look beautiful. It's not up for discussion.

I laugh, patting his round butt after he gets up to go to my room.

"Don't do anything extravagant."

He sticks his head out again after wandering down the hallway.

"No, I'll just dress you to kill."

And knowing him, he will.

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