Chapter 5
They ran until they got to the gate if the mansion where a car was waiting for them and Alyssa heaved a sigh of relief as it took off and sped away from the huge house.
The girl beside her turned to her. “Okay, my lady. What was all that about?”.
“What are you talking about?” Alyssa asked, feigning ignorance.
“What you did back there with the king! You have never talked to him in that manner before. And this is the first time you are ever questioning his authority. Is everything okay with you?”, She asked, with a concerned look on her face.
“Of course. I’m fine. I just… I just got so fed with him today, that’s all. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling a little stressed and under the weather”, She lied. Thinking back now, she wished she had hit him a couple of times and she probably would have if she knew she would get away with it so easily. Who did he think he was? He might be the damn king of this weird kingdom in this strange world but she was a modern independent woman and she didn’t take orders from anyone. Except, of course, from those who employed and paid her.
“You got fed up with the king? This is the first time I’ve ever heard you say this. You’ve always bee in love with him”, The girl stated.
Alyssa didn’t bother to respond to her. Her thoughts had taken her far away already.
She was in a world where she didn’t belong and people recognized her, the King and this servant girl. They certainly didn’t know that she wasn’t the Allisa that they knew, the Allisa of this world and the fact that they knew her, or the owner if this body, it meant that there was someone who bore a similar name and identical look that lived in this world.
She stared out of the window and saw the city and the huge buildings as they drove by. There was really not much difference between the two worlds. It seemed it was only the King that enjoyed living in a castle that looked like it was built hundreds of years ago. Or maybe it actually was. She barely knew anything about this world anyway.
But why me? Why was I brought here by that stupid book? Why do I have to bring a world where I hardly knew anyone? She thought.
The car ride up the driveway into a beautiful estate and Alyssa couldn’t too herself from admiring the place.
She got down from the car , ignoring the outstretched hand of a random man that was trying to help her out of the vehicle.
The maids and guards around bowed towards her and she surmised that the Allisa in this world was definitely not as poor as she was.
“Shall we, my lady?”, The girl asked and Alyssa nodded, still in awe of the environment she would possibly now start living in.
As soon as she got in, she saw a middle-aged couple dressed to the nines even though they were only relaxing in their home, seated in a plush couch and engaged in hushed conversations in the expertly designed and decorated home.
“My dear, how did your trip to the palace go?”, The woman asked and when she turned to face her, Alyssa gasped softly. It was her mother. Or a beautiful woman in an exquisite gown with diligently applied makeup who looked just like her mother. She felt tears well up in her eyes and sh blinked them away quickly to not attract too much attention.
“It went well” , She said, staring at the stranger who smiled brightly at her.
The handsome man with salt and pepper hair who looked nothing like her father said, “I hope you didn’t upset the king. Because I know you, dear. You’re already very good at upsetting your dear old dad”.
Alyssa smiled. “No. I was well behaved”.
“Alright then, darling”. Turning to the girl, the woman said, “Take care of your mistress, Rin. She looks quite pale” .
“Yes, my lady”, Rin said and ushered Alyssa up the stairs.
Alyssa couldn’t help but notice how big the house was and when they got to the room that was supposed to be here, she gasped out loud.
“This is my room?”, She questioned.
Rin giggled. “My lady must be feeling quite silly today to ask such a thing”.
Alyssa faked a smile and picked up a perfume from the huge mahogany vanity table. She opened the cap and spritzed a little onto her wrist . It really was the brand she had always wanted to possess, the one she always sneakily used on herself whenever she went to the expensive part of the mall but she had never owned enough money so she hadn’t been able to get one for herself.
She turned and jerked slightly in shock and the perfume bottle fell out of her hand.
She was staring at a portrait of herself… no, a portrait of Allisa. There was no question about it. The Allisa of this world looked exactly like she did except with some minor differences. The girl had long blonde hair and she had a prestigious aura about her and from the portrait, you could easily tell that she was royalty. Alyssa looked down at herself and saw that she wasn’t wearing the baggy t-shirt and joggers that she had in when she had entered the museum. Now, she was in a pretty black dress with her feet clad in a pair of beautiful sandals and feeling around her neck, she had a gorgeous butterfly necklace that looked like it was made from actual gold and so did the bangles and bracelets that adorned her wrists. She tugged at her hair and instead of her tangled brown hair, she saw smooth and glossy gold locks that had been tied into a cute bun.
What was this? Why was she brought into this world? What in Earth had she gotten herself into?