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Chapter 1

The wizards' magic is still bound to the borders of the Dark Land, where the witches are imprisoned and banished to the immortal world. This leaves a large barren area without a single blade of green grass growing. A very suitable place to fight and die without having to regret spoiling valuable fertile lands. Many battles between packs took place in this area without worrying about the witches attacking. Like now.

A brown wolf looked so pitiful under the claws of a black wolf who stepped on his body while he stood proud and dignified. The Alpha King glared fiercely at the Carlot pack and then bit the brown wolf's head under his sharp claws, right in the vital area, making the poor werewolf's life flee in an instant. A sight that made the warrior of the Carlot pack relax.

The Alpha of the Carlot Pack, who saw his pack members being slaughtered, didn't stay silent and went straight to challenge the Alpha King, who was still kind enough to give the Carlot Pack members extra time to enjoy the stuffy air in the barren area bordering the Dark Lands.

The Alpha Carlot Pack howled, then ran quickly toward the Alpha King, then jumped, showing sharp claws to pounce on his opponent. An inch before the curved, pointed claws touched the Alpha King, a gray wolf slightly smaller than the Alpha King had already pounced on the Alpha from the Carlot pack, leaving a long, deep claw mark on his shoulder.

With a single blow, the Alpha Carlot Pack was blown far enough and landed painfully from the beta power of the Eclipse Pack, where the Alpha King and Luna Queen led all the packs in the immortal world. It would be a mistake to face the Beta of the Eclipse Pack, let alone challenge the strongest Alpha, the Alpha King, the Alpha of Alphas.

The Alpha Carlot pack rose to its feet, shaking its dusty body slightly, and then came face to face with the Beta Eclipse pack, known for its fighting prowess. Not to be outdone, the two formidable wolves tussle again, leaving a splash of red blood that soaks the barren land of the dark border. Alpha is tired of facing Beta's endless attacks. The brown-black wolf's body is covered in claw and bite marks, and thick blood stains his fur. The slow healing process makes Alpha Carlot's pack even more desperate. The gray wolf, on the other hand, is still standing, with barely a scratch on his thick, soft-looking fur.

In an instant, the two wolves tussled again in an unbalanced state. Alpha, who was exhausted, began to go crazy, scratching Beta's chest and belly deep enough with her pointed claws. In response, Beta dug her fangs into Alpha's neck and then slammed the brown and black wolf's body hard to the ground. Not to be outdone, Beta immediately bit into Alpha's vital area, forcing her head away from her body. The howl of the Alpha Carlot pack sounded so heartbreaking that it signaled the pack's defeat in battle.

The Alpha King howled, followed by his warriors, a sign that victory had been won. And now the Alpha King stood before the warriors of the Carlot Pack, radiating a powerful aura.

From now on your pack is under the control of the Eclipse Pack, I hereby offer you protection and security by being part of the Eclipse Pack, which recognizes Alpha King and Luna Queen as leaders that you must respect. If you refuse, you will have no choice but to die right now or die a miserable rogue,' the Alpha King shouted through the mind of the warrior Carlot Pack, who was still confused by his guts that had loosened up after seeing the Alpha die. 'It would be much better to die honorably on the battlefield,' the Beta Carlot Pack thought just before pouncing on the Alpha King.The Alpha King dodged, biting into the neck of the Beta Carlot Pack as fast as lightning, then ripping his head from his body as easily as pulling grass from the ground. Their courage waning as they watched the Alpha and Beta easily killed, the Carlot Pack warriors decided to surrender and submit to the power of the Eclipse Pack.

On the border of the Dark Lands, behind a magic spell. The barren forest dried up, leaving large trees without leaves. Three figures in black robes seemed to smile with satisfaction as they watched the bloody spectacle unfold before their eyes.

The triumph of the Eclipse Pack is not the end. The Guardians and Warriors still have to take care of the Carlot Pack members who haven't fully joined the Eclipse Pack. Elder, who has the next task after the battle is over. Recruit new members after their packs are destroyed and make sure they don't betray.

The Alpha King will not destroy other packs for no reason. The three races, vampires, wizards and werewolves, have made rules not to hurt or destroy each other, called the Delmonte Rules. The witches refused, so they were imprisoned in the Dark Land and in their hearts. Some packs reject the Delmonte Rules, others want to free the Witches from their imprisonment so they can rule the immortal world and then expand into the human world. The Alpha King is in charge of all the packs in the immortal world. The matter of the pack's rejection of the agreement between the three nations was the Alpha King's to deal with as the leader of the entire werewolf nation.Members of packs that have been conquered by the Eclipse Pack will be accepted as new members of the Eclipse Pack itself. But first they are tested and sworn to be loyal to the Eclipse Pack, and then they are marked. Johanna, the Assistant Grandmaster of the Wizard, who helps the Elder mark the new recruits. Crescent and wolf-shaped markings appear on the shoulders. The mark will disappear if the member who has it is truly sincere and loyal to the Eclipse Pack. But if the member who has it is not sincere, then the mark will not disappear, it is only necessary to wait for the time when the member will betray, and the mark will kill him. Very few recruits have died because of the marks on their shoulders. The Eclipse Pack provides a very good life for all its members, including the Omega group. That's why every time an Eclipse Pack wins a battle, the power of the Eclipse Pack will increase. Only a small part of the destroyed pack members chose to become rogues and ended up as food for the vampires or the demon tour.

Different races, different problems. Like the vampire nation, the need for fresh blood is growing. Before the Delmonte Accords, the Vampires were the most dangerous nation in the immortal world. Vampires would attack territorial packs of werewolves and then greedily drink their blood because werewolf blood is so delicious and precious. But that didn't last long, because the werewolves began to increase their strength, so the vampire nation was reluctant to attack the werewolf pack again, unless there were werewolves that strayed far from their territory.

When werewolf blood became scarce, many vampires switched to drinking animal blood, but most others tried to break through to the human world to get fresh blood. The portal that connects the human and immortal worlds is heavily guarded by wizards, who cannot stand by and allow humanity to be threatened. A battle between wizards and vampires ensues. With the help of the Alpha King, who mobilized nearly all of the great packs, the battle ended in a crushing defeat for the vampires.

Negotiation is the only way to save the vampire nation from destruction. So the Delmonte Rule was created two thousand years ago. The wizards cast a few spells to suppress the vampire's dangerous thirst for blood and to make them satisfy their thirst, if only by drinking animal blood. Vampires who refuse and continue to let their bloodlust take over turn into Demontour, blood-crazed vampires.

When they are thirsty, they will indiscriminately suck the blood of any creature around them. The demontour issue is a private matter for the vampire nation, it's different from the wizards' problems with humans. Wizards are people who study magic. While witches are humans who study black magic, which makes their hearts and souls black. Witches attack, damage and destroy everything they want. They make trouble and even go around enslaving, that's why Wizards locked them up in the Dark Land. Wizards have to work hard to catch the witches and keep them in the Dark Land and prevent the number of witches from increasing as more and more people learn black magic. It took hundreds of years for the wizard to create an unbreakable confinement spell and destroy the books containing the teachings of black magic. And now, after several hundred years, peace can be achieved.

A dashing man with gray pearls entered a luxurious mansion that was heavily guarded by guards. Several guards and warriors who passed him saluted immediately. After passing through the hall and up some stairs, the man from his pack arrived at Alpha's desk. The door was knocked on several times before he was allowed to enter.

"Alpha Sentinels," the man greeted Alpha King.

"What are you doing here, didn't I give you leave until your wife gives birth, she needs you more," the Sentinel replied without taking his eyes off the pile of other documents on his desk.

"Liliana will be fine without me, the business of the pack is far more important. I'm here with a report, Alpha," Daniel handed over documents about the developments in the territory of the Carlot-Pack. The Sentinel took the document Betanya had just brought and read it carefully.

"There was no real resistance from the pack, it's just that Luna and some werewolves ran away," he added.

"That's okay Daniel, the important thing is that there isn't much bloodshed," the Sentinel replied after closing the document he had just finished.

"My work is done, would you like to accompany me to inspect our new territory?" the Alpha Sentinel offered Betanya, who looked so serious.

"Of course, Alpha."

"Don't be so formal, we've been friends since childhood. You can be formal when other people are around," Sentinel patted Daniel on the shoulder in a friendly way, and then they began to talk casually as they walked out of the packhouse.

In the front yard of the mansion, a boy of about two years old was practicing running with his mother and nanny. The child's expression remained flat, both when he managed to walk upright and when he fell, unlike most toddlers who show different expressions depending on their mood. Again, when the child managed to walk far enough away from the mother and the caretaker, he suddenly swayed because he lost his balance. Luckily, a pair of strong hands managed to catch him and scoop him up before he actually fell.

"Sean be careful," Sentinel said as he kissed the chubby cheek of his son who was now in his arms. "Aa..ya," an innocent slurred voice came out of Sean's mouth, a sweet, intelligent toddler as his blue pupils caught the presence of his father kissing him lovingly.

"Sentinel, are you leaving?" she asked. Luna of the Eclipse Clan.

"Yes, I'll be gone for a while, pack business. Please take care of Sean," Lyra took Sean from Sentinel's arms and then a soft kiss landed on her forehead before Sentinel left.

"Wait, I won't be long honey," Lyra smiled with a rosy blush on her cheeks and then continued her activities in the packhouse.

Daniel averted his eyes as best he could from his Alpha and Luna. Fortunately, the second moment only lasted a moment. The memory of Liliana made her uneasy and strong at the same time. Anxious for the safety of the person she loves the most and strong because there is a little baby that will soon be born into the world, waiting for her to come home and embrace her in the warmth of a father's arm.

Two horses, one with a black mane and one with a brown mane, stand at the front gate of the packhouse, saddled and bridled. Sentinel rides a black horse, while Daniel rides a brown horse. It took nearly two hours of riding through the Eglo Forest to reach the territory that had once belonged to the Carlot Pack.

Two weeks have passed since the battle. The situation in the region is still not completely stable. Though some of the commoners had begun to get along with the few warriors and guards of the Eclipse Pack who had been purposefully sent there.

Upon arrival, Alpha and Beta were immediately greeted by Axellio, one of the three strongest Gammas of the Eclipse Pack, who had been chosen to oversee and organize the government in the new territory. The meeting was held in a mansion that had once been a packhouse, though certainly not as large and luxurious as the Eclipse Pack's.

"Alpha, the activities of the inhabitants of this region have begun as usual. Only the defense is not very good, considering there are only a few warriors stationed here," Axell reported.

Sentinel seemed to think for a moment while reading some of the documents Axell had prepared, "Maybe we can send another forty warriors, this area is still quite fragile. What do you think Daniel, do you have any other suggestions?"

"I agree, Alpha, but it would be better if we also repatriated the newly marked warriors so that the inhabitants of this region will more confidently recognize themselves as members of the Eclipse Pack," as usual, Daniel was Alpha's representative who always had the best solution.

Sentinel and Axell half agreed, considering the small risk that this would happen. After discussing the issue of endless packs. The Sentinel suggested a more relaxed conversation for a moment before moving on to other topics.

The title of Alpha King that Sentinel carries does not necessarily make the Alpha of the largest pack a hard and cold-blooded person. On the contrary, the Alpha King's personality is more friendly and relaxed, but still authoritative. It's different when he's on the battlefield, his wolf form looks very fierce, cold-blooded, arrogant, but full of authority. There is no reason to doubt Alpha King's abilities in battle. In less than a minute, thirty heads were severed from the body by its powerful jaws and deadly bites.

Sentinel and Axell also have a sense of humor that tough werewolves rarely have. The relaxed atmosphere, accompanied by a bit of laughter, made Daniel seem more relaxed and immersed in the conversation. The usually stiff expression without a smile now showed an occasional grin. But soon the expression on his face became tense. Pain in his chest, accompanied by a pounding heart. Even his werewolf howled hoarsely.

Daniel, something has happened to your mate," Werren thought in Daniel's mind.

"What is it, Daniel?" asked the guardian, noticing the change in Daniel's expression.

"Liliana," Daniel mumbled subconsciously.

The Guardian knows what Daniel wants to do now. Go as soon as possible and meet his wife who might be fighting death for their first child."Go on, don't miss your first moments of fatherhood," Sentinel whispered with a reassuring smile. Daniel's initially panicked face tried to calm down. After saying goodbye to everyone in the room, Daniel walked out with great strides.

"How did you know it was Alpha?" asked Axell. The Guardian forgot that Axell is a werewolf with a high sensitivity, so that even the slightest whisper can be heard, even though he is only seventeen years old.

"It just happened that Lyra told me. I don't have to tell Daniel myself because he has high sensitivity. When are you going to look for a mate yourself?" the Guardian asked back, to which Axell answered awkwardly.

Daniel walked quickly past the stairs, then the columned living room towards the exit of the mansion. Werren kept jumping up and down and howling despite Daniel's haste. Undeterred, when he arrived outside the mansion, Daniel didn't ride home, but immediately ran, using his wolf form to let Werren take over. Some of the residents were surprised to see a large gray wolf running in such a hurry. He ignored the astonished looks of the guards and warriors who passed him. Werren Daniel's wolf form continued to accelerate his running speed.

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