Get 15,000 dollars


"How much do you need?" The man asked me with a glint of silver irises in his eyes.

"Fifteen thousand dollars. I should get the money in three months." My voice trembling, almost desperate, I looked at him with full expectation.

The man raised his eyebrows and stared at me for a moment. I don't know what he's thinking. Will he refuse my request? Oh, if he did that, I am not sure I can get it from anyone else.

"I'll try to replace it with any job, sir. Really!" I see, fifteen thousand dollars is not a small amount. I can't even make that kind of money in my whole life easily.

"Oscar, please get me the fifteen thousand dollars that's in my safe." The man finally spoke up telling his bodyguard to take the money that I needed.

Oscar immediately carried out the order even though I could see a look of surprise on his face. Then the Big Boss showed me a fifteen thousand dollar bill. "Here you are!" The man handed it over to me in cash which took me by surprise. I never thought he had fifteen thousand dollars in his house. I thought he would give me a check as a means of payment.

"I allow you to work with me. But you must comply with a few conditions. First, you may not say anything what you see or hear in this apartment to anyone. Second, you may not touch anything in this house without my permission. Do you agree?"

"Yes, I do." I answered without hesitation. I think it's a standard requirement that is required by many people. "Then what must I do in this apartment, sir?" .

"I don't have any ideas yet. Right now, you just need to be in this apartment. You have to be ready whenever and wherever I need you. So, you have to live with me in this apartment."

I frowned for a moment. The job sounds weird to me. But I have no other choice. I really need that money. "But can I go to my house first? I want to deliver this money to my sister."

"Sure. But you can't use that excuse to run away from me. If you break your promise, I'll be able to find you anywhere. When that happens, I'll make sure your corpse is never intact."

I gulped my saliva, I shivered at his threat that sounded like real. I can assure you my face turned pale by this time. "Yes, I promise I will come back to you, sir." I nodded my head.

"Good! You can go now." The man waved his hand.

I immediately walked quickly to my house to meet my sister. I felt that the man did not give me much time to finish my business. "Helena!" I entered the house then called Helena.

Not long after that, she came out of her room. "Why are you shouting at me like that? You're disturbing my sleep!"

"I brought what you need." I took money out of my bag immediately.

Helena gaped at the pile of money. Her eyes twinkled. Helena then looked at me with a probing gaze. "Where did you get this money?"

I'm nervous. "I...." I haven't provided Helena with a good reason for the money. "I got a job. I borrowed my boss's money." I spoke hesitantly. I don't know what to say to Helena.

"Are you being a bitch?" Helena's next question made me even more confused.

The man did not explain about my work. But, is it possible that he will hire me as a bitch?

Helena waved her hand. "Regardless, I will never care what you do. Even if you have to sell your life to get this money. You deserve it."

"Helena, I'll be away for an indefinite amount of time. I don't know when I'll be back."

"Up to you!" Helena completely ignored me. "I'd love it if you never came back. Unless you had a large amount of money with you." Helena snorted lightly. She pushed my body immediately out of that place. "See you, Helena!" I said for the last time. After that I went to the man's house to keep my promise.


"Sir, why did you hire that girl?" Niko who couldn't hold back his curiosity asked me. "Isn't that dangerous for us? What if that girl knows our identity and tells it to someone else, the enemy will surely be easy to lurk." Niko provides more explanation.

I imagine with the dazzling eyes of Sheina. I can not escape the fact that those eyes have managed to captivate me. But I can't tell Niko that reason for my pride.

"I think, I will need that girl later." I muttered under my breath. "I heard that fucker George Geraldo is in town. He even managed to set up a big company in this town." I immediately diverted the topic as soon as possible to avoid any more questions from Niko.

Nico nodded his head. "You're right, sir. Oscar and I discovered that fact five years ago."

"And you didn't report it to me? Niko, are you starting to take me for granted?" I bulged my eyes, staring at Niko fiercely.

"No sir. How can I do that?" Nico stammered.

"Then why did you withhold that information? Besides you are also questioning my wisdom." I turned things around quickly making Niko stuttered.

"I'm sorry, sir. I never thought to underestimate your wisdom."

"Enough!" I let out my low growl. "I want to stake out his company."

"I'll get you a car right away." Nico moved swiftly. I was walking in a hurry with my car. I can't imagine living side by side with such disgusting creatures.

The bastard came out of his office which made me give a grunt of disgust. Suddenly, I saw him approaching a scavenger. I can read what's on his mind, he will definitely eat that scavenger. It annoyed me. George and the vampire clan are always making trouble on this earth.

I got out of the car and walked quickly. Right before he bit the scavenger's neck, I first hit him with a kick on his body that made his 'prey' slip out of his grip. "You never change, dammit! A creature like you doesn't belong in this town."

"Damn it! You're interrupting my dinner." He bared his fangs while I readied myself against his punch. At the right time, he took out a revolver from under his cloak. "You will Die, bastard!"


I dodged too late until the gun hit my arm. That's really bad. The gun is equipped with silver bullets that easily hurt me. Luckily the bullet didn't hit my heart. If not, I'll make sure I can't survive. "Sir!" Niko and Oscar caught up with me. They immediately pulled me away, saving me before the second bullet from the blood-sucking creature hit my body.

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