
"Do you want any peanut butter toast? Or maybe.. some fruit" She asked as her head was peeking through the door of my room.

"No, I'm quite alright actually. Don't want anything to eat, especially not when that incident happened." I lay on my bed, my head and upper back resting against the cold wall.

"What exactly happened?" She came into the room, sitting on the bed.

"Well, it may sound a bit weird or strange, but. I fell asleep as soon as I came back from school, I thought I woke up but I guess I was still dreaming, but the house was unfurnished, the floorboards covered in dust. Like everything was covered in dust and cobwebs. I then saw that creature."

I shrugged, I felt uncomfortable talking about it all but I guess it's nice to talk about it to someone.

"What house? Are you talking about this house we are currently living in?" She narrowed her eyebrows.

I nodded, I stayed silent not wishing to talk anymore.

"Also, what is this creature you are talking about?"

I shrugged, "I don't know what it is but it was trying to kill me, nor do I think it was human."

She nodded, "Well, I think I will have to talk to your father about all this." She patted me on the back.

Great, now my dad is gonna know. They probably think I'm crazy or something.. I sighed regretting telling her everything I just said. What's next? My dad barging into my bedroom? Or my little brother, Edson, walking in here to check up on me? Either way I don't want to be bothered. I feel like absolute garbage after all that happened. All I need right now is a break. Maybe a quick nap can do the trick? But what if I go back to that weird dream again? I don't know anymore.

I tuck my head between my knees when I lift them closer to my torso.

I groaned in despair, getting a migraine from all the chaos. Knowing that Kristin will bother me when I get to school is one of the issues, and she's really just the beast in my dream. I stayed in the same position for almost 30 minutes; nobody came barging in, not even my own dad. I lifted my head to look at the door; my neck was stiff and sore, it might as well be purple. The hell? Where am I? I looked around me as I was stranded in the middle of nowhere. When did I get here? And how?

I stood up, my whole entire body was stiff. I was wearing the same clothes when I left the hospital today, the only thing was that I wasn't wearing my shoes. I should still have socks on but I didn't, I was barefoot; my feet were covered in dirt as if they were buried, they were cold, too cold, so cold that they are literally numb to the touch. I started to walk hoping to find a path or just hope I haven't gotten too far away from home.

The cold air was stiff as in thick, it was dark but I was still able to see a tad bit because of the light that the moon is giving off. I started to stumble, stepping on a vine of thorns. I didn't feel the pain that the vine was giving me, but I do know that the bottom of my foot has been pricked a couple of times. I don't have anything to use to stop the bleeding. It is bleeding right? I cant tell anymore. I don't know why but it just seems like it got darker. Am I seeing things? Are my eyes messing with me? I couldn't feel the pain but there must be something, right?

I started breathing heavily as I looked around my surroundings. My leg was bent as the toes of my prickled foot were touching the ground. Now what? Do I just keep going ahead or do I stop? Well.. If I did stop then I would freeze to death out here and who knows what will happen next kept walking ahead, feeling my blood run cold. All I could really see was pitch black, I could hardly see anything. Can't tell if i'm getting deeper into the woods or getting closer to the road or something. It already felt like an hour since I woke up here. I'm not sure if this is reality or a dream. I was at home before all this so I wanna say that is all a dream, but it feels so real, this all so confusing.

I have been walking for a few hours already, I can feel my legs wearing out. Don't think I will last any longer. How long has it really been since I came here? How did I come here? When did I come here? Well, I'm not sure, I don't even think I'm able to answer any of those questions. Did I sleepwalk? Or.. do I sleep walk? I don't think I have ever slept walk before. It's all new to me if I do sleepwalk.

I heard footsteps following behind me, they were slow but sounded heavy. Who else could be here? And why? I stopped for a second, waiting for heavy footsteps to come closer, but I heard nothing except for the night critters that lay about. The hell? Am I hearing things? I start walking again but a tad bit slower. The footsteps started again, this person or thing isn't trying to get caught or found but it's quite obvious that they or it, is pretty smart.

I stopped walking again but this time the footsteps came closer and closer. I felt my heart stop beating, what's this? They're not stopping? I furrowed my eyebrows as I was confused.

"Hey." A strange voice was erupting from behind

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

I turned around, facing a man who looked to be in their 60's. I stayed quiet.

"Hello? Why are you here? You should

know that it's dangerous." His tone of voice was alarming, serious.

"Well, I don't know why I'm here. I woke up and I was in the middle of nowhere." I wasn't sure on how to respond but I must be honest, I need some help getting home.

"So you I don't know why?" He raised his brow as his gaze was fierce, unfriendly.

I nodded, "Yeah I don't know, I was at home asleep but woke up here somehow."

"Where do you live?" He was holding a

shotgun that was by his side.

"I live in a popular neighborhood in town, uhm.. ferret street."

"That's a long way from home, ferret street is on the other side of town, almost half there already."

"Oh, I didn't know.. but could you help me get back? My parents must be worried sick about me."

"You wanna get back? Where is it that you wanna go to?" He spread his arms wide as he still has the shotgun in hand.

"I wanna go back home. Now, I will give

you something in return?" I Fiddled with

my fingernails as I felt uneasy around this man. "I will take you back as long as I get paid."

He rested his shotgun as it was on his shoulder half way. "How much do you want? 50 dollars, 100 dollars??"

"Hmm, make the 100 dollars to 1,000 dollars."

He chuckled as he had a groggy smile. "I'm just joking with ya, make it 50 dollars." He sighed as he mumbled something to himself. "You really wanna go back home?" He asked me in reassurance.

I nodded, "I do."

"Alright, but be careful, if you're living at that house that woman got killed in, I won't be helping you or your parents out. At all." I blinked rapidly,

"What do you mean? The house, uhm 367?"

He sighed harshly as it sounded like he had something in his throat. "Yes that house, a woman used to live there but was killed by her own husband. Even had two kids. Such a pity." He sighed once again but this time he sighed in grief. "My poor daughter." He whimpered as he covered his face with one hand.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, but yeah I do live in that house." I looked down at the ground as I felt bad for his daughter.

"Anyways, enough about her and that house." He cleared his throat as he wiped his eyes. "Let's go, My place ain't far from here."

"Alright, then lead the way."

He nodded as he gave me a short lasting smile.

"Here we are, home sweet home." He chuckled as he sighed in relief.

The house was a small cabin: built with mostly wood, the only part that was stone was the chimney that's on the side of the house. It had a soft shiver but was also a great reliever at the same time.

"This is a nice home you got here." I smiled softly as I admired him as he had a more comfortable home than I do.

"Thank you, my dad was the one who built this house. Was passed down to me after he passed away from a car crash. I was only 43 years old." He sighed, "You must have lost many people that are a part of your family?"

"Well yes and no, my mom is alive, my brothers are alive, and my only friend is still alive." He went towards the entrance of the cabin, "Come along now, must be prepared for tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow? I thought you would take me back now." I furrowed my brows as I scoffed.

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