
Ever since Mary got in an accident it has been rough for everyone. Dad has been calling off work for a while so he can visit Mary along with mom, even though I haven't been to school for a while. I'm someone that mom and dad don't have to worry about so much anymore. Which is good, right? I am worried about her but I usually do things to keep me busy. Like playing games, doing football with dad here and there. Me and dad used to play football almost everyday until my birth mom passed away. Can hardly remember what she looks like anymore. If I ask dad he might not say anything or just dismiss me. Which I can understand since it was hard for him when she passed.

I walked downstairs from my room to get a glass of water, tap water to be more specific. We didn't have any jugs of fresh water nor a water dispenser. Dad thought there was no point in getting one and even said that the pipes are new and always filters the water. But I can tell that he was lying since tap water does not taste fresh but tastes like rusted metal.

Dad can be quite cheap but when we first got this house you can tell that he wasn't very cheap like. These types of houses are small but are worth a whole lot. I sat the glass on top of the table that was right beneath the staircase. As I walked into the living room I could see the old fireplace staring right at me. I never liked fireplaces especially this one, I don't know why but I believe once you start a fire in this thing the whole house will burn down. Which is what happened to my best friend from elementary school. Not sure on what the details were but I heard that the fireplace wasn't fully secured. Which is probably why we left, so we can get a new start. She almost burned to death that day.

I sat at the couch watching the ceiling fan spin around faster than the flash himself. I sighed loudly hearing it echo through the quiet and somewhat empty house. The house was a bit too quiet, yes it was quiet when everyone was here but not so quiet to the point where the silence was deadly. Being alone in this house gave me the creeps. I have been alone in this house a few times since I have grown old enough to stay at home alone. But I would rather be alone in our old house instead. At school I have heard rumors about a killer running about in this neighborhood. I don't even think mom and dad knew about it before we moved in which makes sense anyways. If they did know then we would have found a better place to live in.

I personally am not sure if these types of rumors are true but it sure does give me the creeps the most. The number one thing that I don't want to happen is to get killed at home. Especially not when your house is where you would feel safe at most. It's a nightmare that could come true for anyone, guess killers aren't very picky or have feelings for people. Can't really consider killers themselves to be "people" not when they kill their own kind.

Enough with killers and people dying, shouldn't really jinx it or anything right now. I stood from the couch, walking back into the kitchen. Grabbing the phone off of the counter to call dad.

I put the phone up to my ear, hearing the phone ring. Dad sent me a messages.




Hey dad, I'm a bit tired and craving some pizza. Can you order some?


Uhm, yeah I can do that. What kind of pizza?


Just the classic, pepperoni pizza.


Alright I will order it and don't forget to look outside of the window before answering the door, Okay? Don't need you to get hurt also.


Alright I will make sure to not forget that, alright?


Okay, see you later then, son.


Yeah, see you later dad.

Dad hung up, the phone was beeping in my ear. As I put the phone back down to its stand, I went to grab my glass of water. I walked room. up the stairs and went back to my room.

There wasn't much that I could do in my room right now. I finished playing some of my video games, I got comic books but I don't feel like doing anything right now other than eating. Not sure if this is normal but I can feel my stomach churning just thinking about food. Hope dad knows what pizza place to order from. "Doctors pizza" A pizza place that can sometimes have weird looking pizzas but tastes so good. Especially their pepperoni pizza that has extra cheese, the crust having a whole bunch of pepperoni in it including melted cheese and diced jalapeno peppers. Other than that this place is more popular than some other pizza places that exist. Weird name but good pizza.

I laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling until dad sent me messages again.


I just ordered the pizza that you wanted?


Did you order it from "Doctors pizza"?


Yes I did, it will take a few hours to arrive though.

Edson What? How come? It shouldn't take that long.


Well I was hardly able to get a phone call in just to order one box of pizza. I guess the place is just busy. Hold on for a little bit alright? Me and your mom will be coming home during those few hours anyways.


Alright, see you in a few hours I guess.


Yeah I guess so. Bye, son.


Yeah, bye dad.

I turn off the phone this time, I sighed in disapprovement. Can't believe I have to wait. I place my phone on my nightstand. A nap won't be so bad right? Other than that I will have to wait a little while just for pizza. I tossed and turned until I was comfortable enough in my bed. Eventually I fell asleep. As time passed by, I felt a warm touch of a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes, turning my gaze to face a strange looking man; His face was almost inhuman, I can smell his breath from miles away as it smells like garlic.

My vision was still blurry; I'm not yet fully awake. I blinked a couple of times, my vision slowly started to become crystal clear. What? I furrowed my forehead. Where is he? I rubbed my eyes as a second measure. There was a man here I'm sure of. But, I just now realize that I'm becoming just like my older sister; Mary. She would always talk to mom and dad about this killer and that she keeps having these dreams. I'm sure it's nothing though, even mom and dad think the same way. So what is there to worry about? Absolutely nothing.

Or so I thought...

I heard knocking on the front door, so I went downstairs from my room. I looked outside of the window beside the front door. It was the pizza guy, I sighed in relief. Relief? How strange.. I unlocked the door and looked up to see this tall slim guy wearing a pizza hat and the doctors pizza uniform. What a classic, I smiled softly. "Hey little dude." He gave me a fierce half knocker nod.

"Hey, is that pepperoni pizza?" I pointed at the box of pizza using my eyes.

He nodded, "Sure is, it's already been paid for. So here you go, little dude." He gave me the pizza box; It was feeling hot underneath the box. Nice and hot, you can tell that it was newly made and fresh.

"Thanks for the pizza!" I gave him a big smile as I was happy that I finally got to eat. "I was starving!" I chuckled softly.

"Yeah? Well enjoy the pizza while it's still hot and toasty." Be gave me another nod and went towards the car that he uses to deliver pizzas.

I closed and locked the door, I put the box on top of the kitchen counter. Grabbing a glass plate and some cold ranch dressing as a sauce. I knew that I get to enjoy what I call real food, food that is actually edible, unlike mom or I should say step moms cooking. All the food she ever made was always dry and yucky. Just didn't bother telling her all that, which would have hurt her feelings.

I picked up my plate of food and took the ranch dressing with me; Placing them both on top of the table. I went into the fridge to find something good to drink other than tap water. There wasn't much except the rip off of Dr. Pepper, guess that will do. Dr. Thunder is the rip off but it tastes the same as Dr. Pepper and it's cheaper. Kinda wonder who bought this, whoever it was step mom or dad or whatever, might as well thank them for having this available. It didn't take me long to finish the pizza, there were still a couple of slices of pizza left in the box. I put the leftovers on a plate and put it in the fridge, tossing the box onto the side. Dad didn't tell me that I wasn't allowed to go outside but I feel like mom wouldn't want me to. Having this kind of feeling must mean that I'm connected to her still but spirit.

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