Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Finally! Sitting for four hours without moving a muscle was a pain in the ass. My salonist sprayed my hair signifying it was done. Finally, I could breathe and move around. I paid the bill and practically ran out the door.

I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. Fixing it takes hours every single time. I have tried simpler styles, but the wait was almost the same, so I gave up. I dedicate at least one afternoon to my hair every month.

I started rambling without introducing myself again, didn't I? Well, it's a habit I have when I'm talking to my friends. I could talk for hours, jumping from one topic to another without breaks. So I'm going to assume it's the same.

My name is Avah, which has a lot of meanings. According to my people, it means water, life, voice, and desire. It has diverse meanings, but the meaning that I like the most is life. It gives me a sense of joy when I think of it like that. I am a black girl, well yeah, now you understand the hair situation.

I am 5'0. Yes, I am short. I have heard all the short jokes all my life. I was angry at first, but after some time, I just learned to ignore it like every man who has ever approached me.

As warm as I sound in this text; I am the contrary. I am a very reserved and introverted person. I don't talk to strangers. I think I took the lesson we learned as kids a little too seriously. My job forces me to be extroverted, but after work, I revert to being an introvert.

I am a medical doctor. I pat myself on the back every time I say that. I worked so hard to be able to call myself a doctor. I turned 26 quite recently. Maybe starting my late 20’s freaked me out. I started feeling like I was running out of time. I had a million things I wanted to do, but I didn’t have enough time to do them. I believe every person on this earth feels the same at least once or twice in their lives.

I was no stranger to work. I have worked since I was young. From helping on the farm to tutoring kids in our neighborhood. I have been busy all my life. Studying to become a doctor was no different. I slept less and worked more until I graduated and did my internship. I thought perhaps after my internship I could rest, but it doesn't work like that. After the internship, you search for a good job. Luckily, I found one at one of the busiest hospitals in my county.

Sometimes I think I thrive in the chaos around me. I'm used to running up and down all day so when I get a day off I sleep through it.

You've already guessed it, I don't have a life outside work. Most people who work hectic jobs don't have lives outside their work. We can try, but juggling everything is too stressful and draining.

Instead of being in a relationship, I read about them a lot. I like to immerse myself in a book. I'm a fan of supernatural books and historical fiction. I mean the world is already ordinary, I want something out of this world.

Side note: do you guys think vampires exist out there? Stupid question but I keep wondering anyway.

Speaking of stupid things, I planned an impromptu vacation. My vacation days were fast approaching, and for the first time in years, I wanted to rest. I wanted to go someplace quiet, away from everyone, and lounge all day reading while sipping cocktails.

Something I thought would stay a dream until retirement. However, all it took was being headstrong, writing a letter informing my bosses I would be taking my vacation days, and booking a trip to God knows where. I wanted to run away from everyone and sit alone for a few days. That was all I asked.

Was this how parents feel when they get tired of their kids?

I wanted to go see Niagara Falls. I didn't have a particular reason why I chose this place. I happen to like the sound of water falling and hitting stones. Long story short I like water, just as my name suggests. If I decide to build a house one day, I'll make sure it is near water.

Not too close and not too far away. Preferably somewhere with a small waterfall. Huge dreams for a broke person.

I happened to book the trip on a whim, so I wasn't as prepared as I should be. Although I knew my spending habits, I was aware that I might return penniless and I was good with that. Memories and peace are worth every penny.

My bags were packed and ready. The plan was to get my hair done, eat dinner, take a bath, and head to the airport. I had to board the flight at 10pm. I was cutting really close to the deadline, but I wasn't worried. I was used to running through fire trying to keep everything in check.

Good thing I had some leftovers from lunch. I ate dinner, took a bath, prepared myself, and called an Uber. While the Uber driver loaded my bag, I checked my handbag. I made sure I had all my essentials in there.

Once everything was good we headed for the airport. I boarded the plane on time and headed to the US.

I slept through half of the trip and for the other half, I watched “Business Proposal” on Netflix. There was something about this show that had me in a chokehold. I loved Kang Tae Moo's character, he is a walking green flag.

The way he defended his fake girlfriend gave me butterflies, not to mention the second lead syndrome.

By the time we got off the plane, I was done with the show. The hotel sent someone to pick me up. As I sat at the back of the car, I could barely keep my eyes open. Immediately we arrived, I rushed to my room refusing to eat anything. I took a shower, changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.

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