Chapter 16
I didn't expect to see him. Let me get this straight ,I was hoping and praying to find him in his room but I wasn't expecting anything. You know when you wish to see someone so badly and the universe decides to play tricks on you. Well , the universe has been mean to me so far .I didn't know how I got to his door or even what I was doing there . All I knew was he was standing in front of me.
"Can we have a drink together?" I practically begged him.
I don't know if it was the urgency in my voice, or the fact that, my voice broke so many times in that one sentence but whatever it was I was greatful.
" I would love to" he said
I didn't understand why I was doing this. Why was I asking him out of all the people, I could have called my friends but instead I sorted him out. I was also puzzled by the fact that he accepted my invitation. It was evening already so it was the perfect time for a drink.
" How about now?" I asked shyly
" Okay, give me a minute" he said before he went back to his room.
Ten minutes later he was back. Dressed differently. He closed the door and followed me. Why didn't he ask alot of questions? It's weird how he just accepted my request and followed me. What if I meant to cause him harm. He should be more careful.
We went to a small area I discovered with Kahina. It was an extension of the lounge but it was a bit quiet and private.
" I didn't know this was here" he said
" I didn't know either until we stumbled upon it accidentally" I answered
We chose a table and sat. Both of us didn't say anything. A waiter came to take our orders immediately we sat down.
" Have you eaten?" He asked
" Not yet"
We ordered food and some drinks. I was confused and nervous. Why was I here? What were we doing? Was this safe??
"Are you doing alright?" He asked with a concerned expression
"Huh!.... I don't know " was all I could say.
He didn't push any further. It was getting akward sitting there in silence like strangers. Technically we were strangers but strangers who have been in each other's pants.
" Thank you for the care package. I really liked it" I said sincerely
" You are welcome. I wasn't sure if I should send it or not because of what we agreed to but...."
" That's okay, don't worry about it" I cut him off
I didn't want us to talk about our night together.
" I know your wondering why I asked you to drink with me" I said
" Yea, alittle " he smiled
" Well, I needed to talk to someone and you are the only person I know here. Is this okay?" I asked
I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.
" It's fine. What's on your mind?" He asked
I wondered if I should share what was happening. Ellah's death felt like a load on my shoulders. I couldn't forgive myself even though I was not to blame.
" Let's drink first"
The food and drinks arrived. We ate in silence. After finishing our food ,we started drinking. He was drinking an expensive whiskey while I drank a cocktail. I remember he liked whiskey.
" I feel tired" I said out of nowhere
" What happened?" He asked
" I know you have alot on your shoulders, so I don't want to add my problems onto yours"
" I'm here to listen to you remember? " He said " tell me what has you feeling so sad"
His presence felt familiar sometimes. I remember looking at his pictures at home and feeling like I had seen him before even though this was the first time we met. But somehow his energy was comforting me.
" One of my patients died today"
He didn't speak for a while.
" I'm sorry for your loss" he said
" Thank you"
" You are a doctor?" He asked
" Yea I am."
At the moment my profession didn't feel like something I should brag about. I didn't feel like it was something to be proud of. Infact it felt like a burden.
" Was he or she the first patient you have lost?"
" No she is not"
" Why does losing this particular patient make you feel so sad?"
" She was ten" I stammered " just ten..."
" She was young"
" Precisely, that's why its weighing so heavily on me" I said
" Do you blame yourself?" He asked
When did he become so good at reading people's minds?
" To some degree yes" I answered honestly
" I think that is very normal"
" You think so?" I asked
" I know so. She was under your care and when you lost her it felt like you failed her" he explained
" I mean that is true .....she used to tell me wants to travel the world" I chocked
My eyes started to fill up with tears. I was about to cry again.
" You can use my shoulder to lean on anytime" he said
I don't remember how I flew to his side. I placed my head on his shoulder and let the tears flow. I hadn't really mourned her. She was so young that I thought of her as a younger sister. I was so attached to her.
" This is why we were told never get attached to our patients" I groaned
" I think being attached makes you more attentive " he tried to console me.
" Everytime I close my eyes I see her beautiful smile. She loved smiling. She was so kind even though she was not born healthy. "
" Sounds like you really loved her"
" I did. I always ran to see her in the hospital and outside the hospital. She was like the sun, shining down om me"
" You can take as much time as you need"
I cried so hard . I really mourned Ellah that day. The life she would have had, her future and all the things that were supposed to happen to her.
" Why do good people die quickly while the evil ones die at an old age?" I asked
" Well, I don't know Avah. However when it is your time there's nothing you can do"
" I suppose so"
I wiped my face and blew my nose. I didn't move away from him. He wrapped his arms around me. He was comforting me the only way he knew. After crying too much I fell asleep in his arms.
Authors note:
Hello guys, how are you doing? This chapter is very dear to me. It's based on a real life event. For all of us who are still mourning our family and friends, I pray for strength to go on and make everything easier everyday. I love you💜.