Chapter 19
My relationship with Namjoon for the last few days were short of a miracle. We spent so much time together. We made love on every surface in his room and every surface in my room. We were at it every minute, every hour like horny rabbits. We spent so much time together that I still feel like it is a dream.
He helped me come to terms with my loss. The main reason why I wasn't falling apart at the moment was because of him. We ordered room service the first two days because we could barely get out of bed. We were exhausted but happy. Well I was happy, I don't know about him. However he does seem happier and relaxed.
We read together in the afternoon, each with his or her own book. We spoke about our lives . We didn't go too deep to talk about our families or jobs. However We did know each other on the surface ,what each of us did for a living. In retrospect I knew more about him than he did about me. I was a fan so I have followed almost every show, every game, every song , every album and every interview.
I knew what his face looked like when he gets angry. The way clenches his jaw, his eyebrows move up and he flashes the person making him angry a fierce glare. The way he switched between being friendly and being professional. The way he holds his tongue when he knows he has nothing nice to say .
However what did he know about me? My name? My profession? Other than that he didn't even know which country I came from. I wish I could tell him but there was this barrier between us, that didn't allow us to be so forthcoming with information. I don't know which one of us created it but it was there for a reason.
Today I forced him to watch some kdramas with me. He has seen a few but not any of my favorites. We have been watching Crash landing on you since morning. Five episodes down eleven to go. This was my first kdrama so it held a lot of memories for me and I wanted to share something intimate with him.
Even though I couldn't share more intimate aspects of myself, I wanted him to know me a little bit. Weird huh??? I knew this wouldn't end well yet I wanted him to know me . Was that weird ?
Anyway I was sitting in front of him ,my back plastered on his front. We kept changing positions in bed as we watched the show. I wondered how we could have such a peaceful time without the other members bagging in.
" Where are the other members?" I finally asked
" Oh, they are busy doing their own thing" he shrugged the subject away
" I thought I saw Jungkook in your room a few times. Why hasn't he come around yet?"
" I told them I wanted some privacy"
" Ooh okay. I get it. It would be weird to find a half naked woman on your bed" I laughed awkwardly.
I didn't know why but his answer hurt me. He didn't want the others to meet me. I mean why did I feel sad? It was in his best interest to keep whatever we were doing private. Otherwise it would hurt his career. I do understand his reasoning but it didn't help the stab that pierced my heart.
We ordered lunch and ate as we continued watching. After eating I felt my stomach was fussy. It started to bloat . So I excused myself to use the bathroom. Holy shit! How was I going to poop when he was right next door. How do people do this? What if I fart really loudly?
The anxiety wasn't helping my stomach at all. In fact it was making it worse. My stomach was so bloated that I wondered if it would explode. I sat on the toilet seat and slowly released the gas. In short I was farting quietly. I was praying to all the saints to help me. And lucky enough the saints did help.
My stomach felt better after a while but my lady parts started misbehaving. I felt a cramp seize my lower abdomen. I grabbed onto my abdomen tightly as if to punish my naughty uterus. Was it that time of the month? Shit! It could be
" Joonie!!!!!" I called out
" What is it?" He stood near the door.
" Could you pass me my bag"
" Sure"
I heard something fall and I immediately knew it was him. The god of destruction. I didn't like that name though. He knocked on the day.
" Here"
I opened the door a little and took my bag. It was personal care bag. It had everything I needed to survive. I opened the bag and checked the calendar written inside. I had two days to go. So the cramp was a warning. Even though I get crippling cramps, at least I get a warning before hand.
When I finished my business, walked outside and found Namjoon leaning on the wall near the bathroom with his hand holding my national ID.
" So you are from Kenya huh?" He asked
" Yea, hand it over please"
He handed me the ID and put it back where it belongs. Losing an ID in a foreign country would be the worst luck. I wouldn't be able to go back home. Speaking of which, where was my passport? I didn't mind if he was watching me as I looked for my passport. When I found it I sighed in relief.
" I have misplaced my passport twice, it's not a good experience" he said
We laughed it off and continued with our day. We watched till late evening until I got a call from Kahina.
" What's up?" I asked as I leaned on Namjoon's shoulder.
From this position he could hear our conversation clearly.
" What are you doing tomorrow?" She asked
" Why?"
" Answer me first" she insisted
" You answer first" I teased her.
" Aaargh!! are you going to answer or not?"
" Fine. Maybe I have plans" I say glancing at Namjoon.
He only smiled and continued scrolling on his phone.
" Tomorrow afternoon, I'm coming to see you with a friend. Be prepared" she said
" Be prepared by doing what?"
" Are dumb?" She said in frustration " apply a little makeup. It won't kill you"
Makeup? When I'm meeting Kahina? Why do I need makeup. That means Kahina was going to bring a guy over. Shit! Shit! Namjoon heard everything. When I looked at him he didn't react to my phone call. Maybe he didn't hear her. But how could he not hear her, she was extremely loud.
" Shall we continue?" He asked
" Yea" I said refusing to ruin the mood by thinking about tomorrow.