Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

🎶Forever we are young,

Forever we are young🎶

The music was cut off after the performance.

" Kim Namjoon"

Kim Seokjin

Min Yoongi

Jung Hoseok

Kim Taehyung

Park Jimin

Jeon Jeongguk


The chant went on and on as the army's shouted their names to their hearts content. The artists on stage couldn't help but smile at their fans.

"Aaaaaarmmmmy" yelled Namjoon

The armys cheered loudly.

" This is the last concert of the season, unfortunately but we have had so much fun" he continued

" We love you army" yelled Jungkook

" Borahae" said Taehyung

The cheer didn't die down.

" We will see you next time"

The team walked off the stage and headed back stage.

" I'm so tired right now" Suga complained

" We did our best today, I'm proud of us" Namjoon complimented.

" The armys were loud today. It was so refreshing" said Jungkook

"Let's get them out of their outfits and take them to rest " one of the managers ordered.

The stylists and makeup artists helped the members remove their stage clothes . Once everything was done ,they were led to a car to drive them to their hotel. As they passed the venue they could see the armys leaving the venue and heading home. Although it was late the armys had smiles on their faces despite standing for a few hours.

The members chatted amongst themselves until they reached the hotel they have been staying at. After they had dinner they all left for their individual rooms. Kim Namjoon was extremely tired but he was happy. Performing on stage was his dream . The screams, the choreo was all exhilarating.

They didn't get to where they were from sheer luck. They worked hard. They literally put their blood ,sweat and tears into their careers. Being an artist means constant work. They don't get enough rest in between work but the finished product was all that mattered.

Their fans mattered. Their army. They have been with them through thick and thin. Defending them against haters and malicious groups . It was just them and army against the world. The big, wide, cruel and sometimes beautiful world.

Namjoon couldn't help think of their journey. His decision to join the group, create the group and choose them every single time. His decision to be their leader and protect them however he could. It wasn't easy back then and it's still not easy but they have come so far and they have a long way to go.

He fell asleep happy and content.

The next morning they were all seated eating breakfast. Some conversed with each other, while others were on their phones. It was normal for everyone to do their thing every morning. While they ate one of the managers came in.

" Anyeonghasayo, I hope you guys slept well. According to the schedule we are to fly back to Korea this evening but there's been a change of plans"

" What's happening" Jungkook interrupted

" I was about to inform you Jungkook. Bang pd and the managers have decided that you guys deserve a break. "

" Wow really?" Jhope asked

" Yes really, so when we leave this hotel we will take you to the next hotel where you'll spend you break. Not break ,I mean vacation. Are you guys okay with this?"

"Who wouldn't " shrugged Suga

" We deserve a break anyway" seconded Taehyung.

" So when you go back to your rooms, pack your things, we will leave late evening. Is that okay?" He asked

" Perfect "

" Good"

" I'll leave you guys to prepare "

" Okay"

The members hangout for a while before they all retired to their rooms.

Within no time they were being ushered to the cars that were to take them to the other hotel. Jhope , Namjoon and Suga were in one car while Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin were in the other. One hour into the trip and the macknae line were asleep.

The journey to the said hotel took almost four hours. They arrived at 9pm. The hotel staff quickly settled them to their rooms. Due to their presence in the hotel, the hotel will not take anymore customers. The ones who had already checked in before their arrival remained.

Four hours of rest did not elivate their exhaustion. They had been practicing day and night for their concert with little sleep. Now they could sleep all day if they chose to. They tiredly went to their rooms and slept through the night.

The knock on Namjoon's door forced him to wake from the bed. He opened his door only to find Jungkook on the other side.

" Hyung, what do we do today?" the wide eyed macknae asked as he breezed in.

"What do you want to do Jungkook?" Namjoon asked as he closed the door.

" I want to go eat outside the hotel. We haven't done that since we shot Bon voyage "

" We can do that. We have all the time in the world to explore " Namjoon agreed

" I heard there's a lounge not far from here we can go and enjoy some buggers ,fries and pizza" he stated excitedly.

" I'll ask the managers to organize our transport" Namjoon said and took his phone to text one of the managers.

While he texted another knock was heard.

" Jungkook open the door please"

Jungkook opened the door to find Jimin and Taehyung. They pushed in and closed the door behind them. Namjoon sighed when he saw them. The young ones always follow him around but he wasn't bothered by it. This was their way to show love . He would be worried if they didn't come around.

" Do we have breakfast here or do we wait till we get where we are going?" Namjoon asked

" Where are we going?" Jimin asked

Jungkook filled them in on the plan and they all agreed to wait. They also texted Suga and Jin and informed them of the plan. Since they were to have breakfast there, they all showered and got ready to leave.

They arrived at the middle sized lounge at 11am called Love. Their table was already reserved. They sat and ordered their breakfast.

" Who would name a lounge love. It sounds weird" said Jin

" Well maybe people fall in love here hyung" said Jimin

They argued amongst each other on the meaning of the name until their food arrived.

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