Chapter 25
Namjoon's pov...
" the woman who asked me to take pictures of you was not Avah" she confessed.
Her eyes were swollen and teary. If it were someone else I would have cared but not her.
" Excuse me!!!" One member spoke
" What!!" Another said.
" What the hell is this???" And another
" What do you mean?" Another asked
You can imagine how surprised we all are when she said that. Surprised doesn't do it justice. We were mortified. Everyone else was surprised but I was mortified. That one statement brought forth chaos.
" Tell me everything or I'll call the police" I demanded.
Fear flashed through her eyes before she tried to hide it and pretend as if she was not affected by my threat.
" Hey, you! Start talking!!!" Suga demanded.
We were all tired of this bullshit. Did she just call us here to lie again or what.
" A month before you checked into the hotel, a woman approached me. She was white but she said she was working for someone else" she paused
I was so impatient at this point. Could she tell us the story without pauses! We were dying to know what was going on. Especially me , I needed to know. I needed the truth like the air that I breathed.
" She informed me of your stay since I was from another department,so I was not aware. She paid me a deposit and asked me to watch you guys but especially Kim Namjoon" she paused again.
I have never wanted to choke anyone so much in my life. She knew pausing was irritating us yet she kept doing it. I have never beaten a woman in my life but at the moment I was loosing my mind. I won't beat her but I can glare at her.
" And surely enough, you guys checked in. I have been watching you during your entire stay. At first nothing was worth reporting until you and Avah got closer. When I informed her she demanded pictures. That is why I took those pictures. I'm sorry" she tried pleading.
" What did she do with the pictures you sent her?" I asked
" I don't know. But when I sent the last picture she sent me a thousand dollars unfortunately I was caught by one of your bodyguards"
" Who caught her?" I asked
" Me, I found her always larking behind you guys so I started observing her. That's when I found out but it was too late as the picture was already sent"
" Why did you say it was Avah?" I asked her.
" My client didn't want you guys to have any sort of relationship and also, I panicked. I knew you wouldn't believe me if I explained what happened "
" We wouldn't be-lieve you... huh!"
My hand landed on my head on its own accord. I ran my hand through a few times but still what happened wasn't sinking in. I couldn't understand what she was saying.
" Do you realise what you have done?" Jin asked angrily
" Now I do . Okay....I needed the money that is why I agreed to this arrangement in the first place. I didn't plan on hurting anyone " she started shedding tears.
My hands formed fist as I thought of how I became someone else's pawn. Just like that I ruined everything. Believing her words again was going to be difficult.
" Send her to the police and keep me updated " I said.
I didn't wait for the pity party that would follow after we have discovered the truth. I walked out the room and went outside. I needed some fresh air to clear my head. I don't know how many rounds I have walked outside but I couldn't quite understand what happened.
So Dawn was employed by a mysterious client to keep tabs on us. As she was stalking us, she noticed my relationship with Avah. So naturally she had to report what was happening and the client asked for a pictures to prove it. She sent the picture but in the process she was caught.
She panicked and blurted out that Avah was her client and not the mysterious client. In the process her client stays happy because our relationship ends and Dawn gets to keep the money. Have I mentioned everything? Did I miss something?
In the end I trusted the wrong person and I broke the trust of someone who loved me. Damn....this was so messed up. I thought I was the victim here turns out I'm not. Avah was the victim. She was caught in the crossfire. Her feelings towards me were genuine but I destroyed everything.
What was I supposed to do? I wish there was a do over button. I couldn't get her face when she begged me to believe her out of my head. The image was in a loop. Her gasps as she bowed repeatedly to show her sincerity. I was so blind I couldn't see it. I couldn't see her.
My fists were so tight that the nails were digging into my palm. I didn't care, this pain was so minor compared to what she felt. The image was not going away so I started hitting my head.
" You are so dumb " I kept on repeating.
In deed I was dumb. Living in my torment I didn't hear the hyungs surrounding me. They pulled me in for a hug. Suga especially grabbed the hand I was using to hit myself and held onto it.
" What did I do?" I asked
" Namjoon, your reaction was very normal. Any of us would have reacted the same. It wasn't your fault" Jhope said
" You don't understand " I sat on the ground
" Tell us what happened after you found out the truth?" Asked Jin
" I went to the room and found her watching TV. I asked her about it but she kept saying, she had no idea what I was talking about. Turns out she was right. I accused her of stalking me and taking pictures to blackmail me"
No one said a word, they were all listening.
" She started sobbing while she said she didn't do it. She begged me to believe her but I didn't. She went on her knees " I paused as tears ran freely down my cheeks.
" She bowed so many times, hitting her head on the tiles. She asked me again and and again to believe her. She apologized even though she did nothing wrong. Eventually I asked her to leave. She took her stuff and left" I finished.
" I'm so sorry Namjoon this happened to you" Jin grabbed me for a hug.
They were seated on the floor like me. I cried for a while before I couldn't anymore. I finally understood why my heart broke everytime she said it wasn't her....I had feelings for her. What is the point of knowing their existence right now when everything is ruined?
" You need to apologize" said Jin
" How can I possibly face her after everything that happened?" I asked sincerely.
Wasn't I being cruel? I didn't deserve to be forgiven. Even though our story started out weird, she trusted me and did what was best for me even at the last moment, when she left. Where could I get the strength to face her?
" We will go with you" Suga decided.
They helped me up and we took the elevator to her floor. I was hesitant to press the bell button but Jhope did it for me. We waited and waited but no one opened the door. Perhaps she really didn't want to see me. Was our story going to end like this? Full of pain and betrayal.
My head was full of her words. Her proclamation of love will forever haunt me.
" Let's go to the front desk and ask for their help" said Suga.
We rushed down to the front desk.
" Excuse me do you happen to know if Avah from room number..... Is around " I asked urgently
I didn't want to end things the way the did. I couldn't handle that type of ending.
" What is your relationship to the one using the room?" He asked
" I'm her boyfriend " I answered without hesitation
He tapped away on his keyboard before he sighed. This is bad.
" Ms Avah checked out this morning, she had a flight back home in the afternoon " he announced.
Namjoon: Our time together was never enough but we'll love again in a place where time doesn't exist.