Chapter 27

Three years later...........

" Thank you for coming today Miss Avah. It was a pleasure to have you"

" Thank you for having me" I said confidently.

" The process will take three months, so you can start planning for your move" he continued

" Move?" I asked " why is it so fast?"

" As you know Miss Avah, we have been trying to get you on our hospital board . We know of how skilled you are. We have heard of your praises everywhere in the country. We don't want a gem like you to be stolen away"

" You flatter me too much" I blushed

" It took a year for you to listen to our request. We want you on our team as soon as possible" he continued

" Moving isn't something I had considered before but I have decided it's for the best"

" I'm so glad that we are on the same page then"

We shook hands and he led me out of his office to my car. Do they treat people the same way they treat me? It was too fancy at first but I will have to get used to it somehow .

I started my car and drove into the highway with the intentions of going home. I had moved to Nairobi after a job offer three years ago. It has been three years. Can believe it? How have you guys been? Did you miss me?

Well quick recap of the three years you missed. I went back to Kenya pretty heart broken from my vacation fling. In that broken state I decided that I will never put myself in such a position again. After taking some time off at home, surrounded by my family, I went back to work.

Working really helped. I was so busy that I had very little time to pity myself. I was healthy, I was working, I'm still beautiful. What was there to feel sad about? I decided then and there I will never pity myself again.

I pulled myself together and focused on my job. Helping patients. Seeing my patients recorvered and happy made me happy. I felt joy as I watched them fight for themselves. I felt joy when they didn't give up despite, how much the odds were against them. They gave me the strength I needed to move on.

Two months after I went back to work, I was approached by a job offer to work at the country's largest hospital. Of course I took the job. I didn't hesitate. It was a chance for me to grow as a doctor.

The other medics were very nice to me. They helped me adjust and showed me the ropes. Within a month I could do things on my own. Since then I have focused only on my job , my health, my family and friends.

Anyone who approached me with anything love related was rejected. Call me a coward but I didn't want to experience it again. One time was enough for me . One heartbreak was enough for me to learn my lesson. I took my heart and enclosed it in a safe and build walls around it for protection. It was as impenetrable as the safe in a bank.

It has been three years , I know, but it doesn't change anything. The decision has been made and I will not change it. A couple of good men have approached me, with the intentions of marriage but I couldn't seem to let it go of myself and give them a chance . I can't seem to like any of them. Possibly something inside me is broken. I think something in me broke that day and I have never been the same.

I know you are probably wondering if I still think about him. I do. I still think of him everyday. But you can think of someone every day and still not look for them. I understood where he was coming from. After years of replaying what happened, I get it.

He was in a tough spot and he had to deal with it. Even if it were someone else he would have done the same thing. He would have had to protect himself first before he can protect someone else. I waited for the news to break out but nothing happened. I was glad that nothing happened. I didn't want to ruin the career he has worked for decades for. It would be wicked.

I still listen to his music. His solo albums and the albums of the other members. They are still my favourite artists. I still love them but I decided to see them as who they were, idols. People I will never meet again. People I was not supposed to have contact with. They were flourishing and that was all that mattered to me.

As long as he was happy, then I was happy for him. That is all.

Well , today I went to check out a job offer. They have been trying to get me for over an year. I went to their interview the first time as a joke. At the time I wanted to prove to myself that I had moved on from him. I also wanted some validation. I wanted to know if I could qualify to work in another country.

The news of passing the interview freaked me out. They even sent an email asking me to go to their embassy but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Why tempt fate? I almost didn't survive last time so why should I put myself in a situation that might harm me.

They sent people to look for me and I ended up lying to them. My excuse was I didn't want to be separated from my family. I asked them for more time to consider my options. Sincerely, I didn't really think about it. I was hesitant about it and when I'm hesitant it means it's a no.

However my parents learned of this and they kept pushing me to accept the offer. One year of them repeating the same thing was enough for me to agree . I was moving to South Korea....huh! Lord have mercy.

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