Chapter 30
First class huh.... Is this how rich people feel? My new employers got me a first class ticket. Not much was different but there was a lot of space. I fiddled on my phone for the most part of the trip. I slept for a few hours and woke up to read fanfiction. The story was really interesting and I couldn't wait to know what happened next.
By the time we landed I was done. I'm a vivid and fast reader. I get anxious when I'm left wondering. Most times my curiosity costs me sleep, why am I lying it's not most times, it's all the damn time. I have slept late so many times because of a show or a book. It is unhealthy and I wish I could stop but it is hard. I try not to start a new show or book before going to bed because I might end up not sleeping at all.
My new employers have been communicating with me through my trip. They sent someone to pick up at the airport to ease my mind which I thought was very thoughtful on their side. The plane was landing and at that moment I felt pressed. The human body is very mysterious. All through the trip I didn't feel like using the washrooms even once. But when we were landing, suddenly I felt like going number 1 and number 2 at the same time.
Once we landed I went searching for the washrooms. While I searched I couldn't help but laugh. I remembered a meme that said , when you watch too many Japanese shows and you think you know the language that is until you visit Japan and there are no subtitles to read. I felt like that. I thought I could read hangul clearly but well, I was stumped.
The good thing is , it was an airport so they had both Korean and English writings on most places. After giving up, I actually asked for help from one of the guards around. The one I asked was so friendly that he took me to where the bathrooms were.
I relieved myself and freshed up. Sitting in a plane for hours made my legs numb. I felt like I wasn't walking properly. When I got out, the guard was not waiting outside.
" Shit!! Which direction should I take?" I asked myself.
I had my bags with me and I was stranded. Anyone I asked didn't speak English so it was hard to understand them.
" Fuck it! " I followed the arrows. I didn't know where they were taking me but it was better than staying in one place like an idiot.
I roamed around the airport until I saw an exit. I didn't know if it was the exit I was supposed to use but I assumed it was.
While I was busy dragging my bags, I didn't have time to look at the road. Why did I have so many bags??
While I questioned my life choices to carry too much, I bumped into someone.
" I'm so sorry," I said as I squatted to pick my handbag that fell down.
" It's okay" a soft manly voice spoke.
He knelt before me and took the handbag from my hand. Raising my head to look at him, I found him looking down at me . He had a mask on his face and he was wearing a cap. His eyebrow piercings caught my attention. They looked beautiful. I wondered who would rock such a look effortlessly.
"Mmhh!" I got on my feet and dusted my knees pretending to remove dirt.
I was nervous obviously. He was so tall that he was towering over me.
" Do you need help?" He asked
" No, it's okay" I tried brushing him off.
" You have so much luggage. Let me help you" he insisted.
Before I could say no, he took my two large suitcases and handed me the handbag.
" I'll hold onto this" he continued
" Okay, thank you for your help" I said helplessly.
I didn't have a choice but to accept his help. I walked forward and he followed me. I remembered I didn't know where I was heading.
" Actually do you know how to get to the exit?" I asked him.
" Sure I can take you"
" I'm sorry for bothering you again" I apologized.
" It's no bother"
He took the lead and I followed. His voice, his posture and his body were all familiar. I have definitely seen him somewhere but I wondered where. I didn't dwell so much on it as I had other problems to think about like how the hell I'll get out of this hellhole.
I followed him for a while until we got to the exit. Finally I could see the way out. I could finally breath properly without feeling like I was choking.
" There is the exit" he pointed at the open door.
My eyes followed his finger and noticed something new. He had a tattoo on his nuckles. When I tried to read the tattoo, it was A, M, R . Arm? No it's can't be something so meaningless. I tried a few combinations until it hit me. It was Army. Who has an army tattoo? There was only one person in this world who had an army tattoo. Jungkook.
It was Jungkook. The golden mackne. Freaking Jungkook helped me out. I didn't know if I should be happy or worried. How in the hell did I run into Jungkook of all the people. And where were the paparazzis that always followed them around. The exit we used was very quiet and except for a few visitors, we were the only ones there.
Then it hit me. The exit was like this because of him. I wondered why I kept walking around and I couldn't seem to spot anyone around. So this was his doing. I fixed my face and pretended not to know of his identity. I mean that was the best way to avoid trouble.
Even though my heart was beating so fast from meeting Jungkook again, I pretended not to know him or even care. I treated him as I would treat anyone.
" Thank you so much for your help" I said
" You are welcome" he said politely.
He talked so playfully, who would have thought he was a world famous artist.
" I wish I could thank you for your help" I continued.
It was out of courtesy. I didn't want to sound like a rude person. After all he went out of his way to help me.
" You can buy me a meal and we will be even" he said smoothly.
Jungkook what exactly are you aiming at? What is your goal? Was he trying to hit on me or what....
" Ooh"
" You can give me your number and I'll text you" he continued
I was sure he was smirking under his mask . He knew he had caught me. I was not planning on talking to him again.
" I don't have a Korean number yet. Why don't you give me your number and I'll call you" I tried deflecting again.
" No it's okay, that will be a long process on your side. Just give me your number and I'll text you on WhatsApp "
" You have WhatsApp " I asked surprised by how far he was willing to go.
" Yea I do. I have some foreign friends " he explained.
Shit! I had no way out. I couldn't lie my way out of this one.
" My number is*****"
He tapped on his phone.
" What is your name?" He asked casually
" Avah"
" Hello Avah, my name is Jungkook " he introduced himself.
As if I didn't know his name. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.
" Nice to meet you Jungkook. Thank you for today but I have to go"
" It's okay. I'll text you and we can plan when we will go for that meal" he said.
" Sure. Bye bye"
I took my bags and walked outside. I dragged them even though I felt tired. I was surviving on little sleep and I was jetlagged. I easily found my driver after getting out. My name was written in capital letters it was hard miss it.
Once I settled in the back of the car, I could finally rest. South Korea had alot planned for me it seemed.