Chapter 37
I arrived at the said location and from what I could see from the outside, it looked like a hotel. A very expensive hotel. I walked to the front desk and all they did was stare at me. I searched through my outfit and I couldn't find anything wrong with it. So why were they gaping?
Not only were the staff staring but also the customers. Especially the male guests who couldn't stop peeking. I have never been a shy person. I stood straight and followed the staff who was supposed to guide me. One of the male guests who was walking towards me had his mouth open as he checked me out and I winked at him.
He stopped dead in his tracks and ogled openly like an idiot. I wanted to ask him what was wrong with him but I understood. I was hot, sexy, gorgeous, and cute all put together in one package. We took the elevator up as I scrolled through TikTok. One of my favorite apps.
" This way," he said to bring my attention back to the task at hand.
We went through a long corridor before we stopped at two large doors.
"This is it... Are you ready ?" He asked
Why would he ask me that? Why wouldn't I be ready? I ignored his question and grabbed the handle.
" Please let me" he pleaded.
I wondered if this hotel was strict with its staff. Maybe they would punish him if I opened the door instead of him. I didn't want to cause him any trouble so I let him.
I followed him in, my heels making some noise as I walked. The setup of the room wasn't important as I didn't care. However, I wasn't prepared to have seven pairs of eyes staring at me. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taeyhung have met me before but the rest have not. Or so they thought. It is very easy to forget someone if you have no interest in them.
They weren't even blinking. For a moment I thought they were having a stroke, but all of them together, at the same time. Did I look that good?
" Hello," I said with a wave.
It did the trick. They finally came to their senses. My seven Kings.
"Avah, you're finally here" Jungkook excitedly ran to hug me.
Well. Jungkook held me in a tight hug as the rest of the members watched us. I didn't feel very comfortable with their eyes on us, so I moved away and he let me go but he held on to my hand.
" You know the other members, right?" He asked
"Yeah, hello. Some of you haven't met me in person. I am a big fan of yours"
" You have met Taeyhung and Namjoon before, let me introduce you to the rest" he went on.
Unfortunately, I knew Namjoon more than the rest of them. This might be awkward. It could go either way. I went to shake their hands but they all ended up hugging me. Like I was the eighth member. Their expensive colognes stuck on me. They made space for me and I ended up sitting between Namjoon and Jungkook. Shit!
What could go wrong?
A drink was placed on my palm by Suga. I felt like I was on Suchwita. Suga was so polite and considerate as he spoke. I will let you in on a little secret, Suga is my bias wrecker. I do Stan all the members but Namjoon is my bias and Suga is my bias wrecker. I love how calm he was. He is very collected and very precise in everything he does.
As they spoke they involved me as much as possible. They were so kind that I was glad they were the group I love.
"Which year did you become an army?" Asked Jhope.
Jhope was so bright. So bright like the sun. The way he smiled and laughed made me smile as well. When I first became an army, I was worried by his bright and optimistic personality. I wondered if he was like that away from the cameras. I didn't buy the whole optimistic and happy personality, it made me uncomfortable. But the more I got to know him, the more I realized this was him. I don't smile often so his making me smile and laugh was very much appreciated. His personality shined wherever he was and I admit it wasn't just for the cameras. He was like this even in real life which I found fascinating.
" I first listened to Boys with Luv when it came out. I really loved it. But I became an army five years ago. I listened to Life Goes On, on TikTok and I couldn't get it out of my head" I explained
"Were you going through something then?" Asked Jin.
"Not really, I like TikTok, so I spend some time there. When I liked the video, they started showing me BTS content and that's how I got into the magic shop"
" Wow" Jungkook
"Is there a particular food you like?" Asked Jimin
" Fried chicken is my favorite, apart from African dishes"
" Jungkook told us you are from Africa," Suga said
"Yeah, that's my continent," I said proudly
" I forgot to say this but we were all thinking it, you look amazing" Namjoon complimented me.
His compliment made me feel warm inside. I almost blurted out, I wore it to impress him but I stopped myself.
"Thank you" I blushed.
I took a sip of my drink to hide how hard I was blushing at his compliment.
" Let's begin the karaoke night" Namjoon announced.
One after another they went sang or rapped as the others watched and sang along. They were so playful even with me around. They played around and chased after each other and I couldn't help but laugh at their childish behavior. It was a breath of fresh air opposite from what I'm used to.
" Avah it's your turn" Jimin sweetly informed me.
Suddenly my heart started racing. I have never sung in front of an audience before. Looking around me, they are all accomplished artists. How could I possibly sing in front of them? I was so nervous.
I felt a hand hold mine as I was busy panicking.
" Avah, you can do it" Namjoon whispered leaning close to me.
When did he get so close? Here goes nothing I guess. I stood and took the microphone from Jimin's hand. I took a long breath before I searched for the song I thought of singing. My hands were slightly shaking as I chose the song.....
Authors note:
I think Avah is representing all of us. What would you do if you were in such a situation? I would love it hear in the comments.