Chapter 38/9
🎵I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen
The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be
I spend all of my time imagining
What it would be like if they existed
My parents tell me I should look for one in real life
But I get let down by both the bad boys and the nice guys
I'm tired of giving more than I receive
So, I'll just stick to the boys
Who doesn't know me🎵
I sang glimpsing at them. They were the fictional men I was referring to. The men who were never real in my world even though they were seated right in front of me. They were all quiet as they listened to my voice and my words.
The song was especially dedicated to someone who was staring at me. Namjoon. I wished he understood what it meant. When the music stopped everyone was silent. I wondered if I sang terribly from their reaction to me. Suddenly I could hear clapping.
They were clapping for me. I could not help but chuckle and laugh at their reaction. They had disbelief all over their faces. What did they expect? I didn't say I couldn't sing, I said I hadn't sung in front of people before. Namjoon couldn't hide the surprise on his face.
" Another one!" Screamed Jhope.
" Another one" Taeyhung joined him
Before long they were all chanting the same words. I was as nervous as the first time. I was a bit nervous. Their gaze on me made me blush as I thought of what to sing next.
I decided on, Mr man by fave. I loved the song and I have sung it several times, so I had lower chances to mess it up.
🎵Things you cannot say with your mouth
Will you say with your hands
I'll respond
DJ could you play me, Mr Man
Record our little dance
On the floor
If walking down the aisle might make you shiver
I could be patient with you
Till you can learn to give love and honey
I could be patient with you
Wanna write a letter
No commas
So you know that I'm a wounded soldier
This love is what I have
This heart is what I give and
And then everything else too
ings you cannot say with your mouth
Will you say with your hands
I'll respond
DJ could you play me, Mr Man
Record our little dance
On the floor🎵
As I sang, I watched them grooving. They were having the time of their lives while I was sweating my hands out. My hands were so damp that I could barely hold the microphone. It wasn't fair. By the time I was done, they had learned the chorus and they were singing with me.
I quickly finished and went back to sit. I didn't want them to ask me to sing again. I was way over my head here. My heart was beating like crazy. Why did I have to put myself through this?
" Your voice is so beautiful" Suga complimented me.
I felt like I was walking on air. Freaking Suga told me I was good. I was so proud at that moment that I forgot who they were. We enjoyed the rest of the time eating and chatting. They spoke of what they were working on. Of course, they didn't go into too much detail.
I enjoyed myself anyway. They were so down to earth. I enjoyed every second of it. I checked the time and I realized it was time to leave. I couldn't stay out all night since I had a shift the next day.
" Guys I have to go" I announced
"What no!!" whined Jungkook.
He didn't want me to leave. He always behaves like this every time we meet. If Jungkook had his way, I would spend every single day with him.
" Unfortunately yea, I have an early shift tomorrow. I'll see you guys around"
" I'll take you home" Namjoon offered
I had to accept his offer otherwise it would seem like something was wrong between us. The other members might not be aware of our relationship.
I followed him to his car. He didn't speak and neither did I. I followed him at a reasonable distance so that any pictures taken would not be conclusive enough to be used as evidence. We didn't want a repeat of the past. He opened the passenger door and I went in with a thank you leaving my lips.
He settled on the driver's seat and we left. Instead of going to my place, he took a detour.
"Where are we going?" I asked immediately
"Somewhere we can talk privately "
"We can speak in the car"
"It is more comfortable where I am taking you"
I rolled my eyes at his response. I knew he wanted to speak with me. I was dreading this day since I came to Korea and I wanted to postpone it as much as possible but now, I had no way out. I couldn't get out of a moving car. He parked at the entrance of a park and opened my door for me.
I carried my handbag with me because this discussion could go either route. I didn't want to storm away without my things.
" Please take a walk with me," he asked with a twinkle in his eyes
Nop!! No....we are not going to fall for him again. Avah, stop it. I tried to soothe my racing heart.
" Okay" I whispered
I didn't mean to whisper. It came out like that.
We walked together, side by side as we watched the beautiful sky. The sky was clear and filled with stars. How beautiful.
" The sky is so beautiful today," I said
"So are you" he answered
I found him staring at me and not the sky. His words tried to move my traitor heart again.
I gave him a little smile and continued walking. We walked for another fifteen minutes in silence. No one said anything. He seemed to be deep in thought while I wanted nothing to do with the conversation we were about to have.
" I am sorry," he said.
I stopped midstep and turned to face him. He was on his knees, his eyes locked on the ground. I almost gasped but I stopped myself.
" No, Namjoon please stand up" I grabbed his arms and tried to move him.
Damn, he was heavy. After all that pulling, he barely moved an inch.
" I am extremely sorry for my past behavior. Please forgive me" he continued.
I was getting anxious. If someone finds him on his knees, it will break the internet. What could I possibly say for him to stand up?
" I forgive you" I blurted out without further reflection.
" Are you sure?" he said while standing up
So that is all it took. Thank God, I didn't know what I would have done if it didn't work.
" Namjoon, there is no use being mad at you" I explained
"W-what?" He asked after he thought of my answer seriously.
" There is no reason to dwell on the past. It has already passed and there's nothing we can do about it" I said as I took another step forward.
He followed closely behind.
" You are still mad" he decided
I didn't want to talk about this. Why was he forcing me? I was doing this for his good.
I had a million things to speak to you about. All I wanted in this world was you. I wanted to see you and speak with you. I wanted the two of us to start everything from the beginning but it was all a piped dream. A wish that will never come true. All that was left was the cold reality, I had accepted.
" What did you expect Namjoon?" I yelled.