Chapter 52
Namjoon's POV.
After I was admitted to the hospital, I could feel some tension in the air. My managers and the company in general were stressed out. I was the cause of a massive loss on our end. Everyone who had a ticket to the concert that day would use it at the next concert.
We lost billions because of me. I knew they wouldn't complain because according to them it was an accident but I couldn't help but feel guilty for the trouble I had caused. I know, some will say I was being hard on myself. Well, this is who I am. I obsess over such details.
As an artist as well as a leader, I had failed the group and our fans. They came to see us and they ended up getting half the show they paid for. How could I possibly be fine with that? How could I brush it off?
I was the pillar of the group. I was supposed to take care of my team and not the other way around. I saw the videos on the internet after I woke up in the hospital. The members were so freaked out. Jungkook was crying while the rest were confused about what to do.
"Our leader needs us, but what can we do?" I imagined Jimin's distressed voice echoing in my mind.
Our fans started moving towards the stage which ended up causing a panic. From the videos I saw, most of our fans were crying. I wish I could apologize to them. I wish I could hug them and tell them I was fine. I wish they didn't have to go through that and I will make sure it never happens again.
"I just want to go back in time and fix everything," I murmured to myself, a heavy sigh escaping my lips.
The members told me everything when they came to visit. How Avah came running to the stadium. How worried and scared she was but she still took care of me. The thought made me smile even though I shouldn't be smiling.
To me, it meant she never stopped loving and caring for me. She was pretending. She wanted to push me away for reasons only known by her. Somehow I was glad this happened. At least I got to know her true feelings. The fake facade she tried so hard to tighten was pushed away. I was able to see what she was thinking and feeling. No one can fake it in an emergency.
After I was discharged, I moved her to my house. With a little begging and love, she agreed to stay a few days but my plan was for her to stay forever. With her around, I felt at ease, warm, and loved. I would have given her the entire world if I could.
"She deserves everything," I whispered to myself, my heart swelling with affection for her.
She was everything to me.
My woman. My love. My life.
So you can imagine how angry I felt when someone uploaded a picture of us on the internet. Even though you couldn't see her face properly, I was kissing her and I could be noticed very well. This started a catalyst reaction. Some people started cussing at her for being with me.
Some saying the nastiest things that I can't repeat here. Words I wish she would never see. The company quickly took down the picture but it had been shared so many times on Twitter. People had the picture saved on their phones.
Shortly after someone else posted her information. It was reposted and shared so many times that I was flabbergasted. People are so fast when it comes to spreading gossip. Thankfully her face and her job were not included. This does not in any way minimize the situation we were in.
The culprit was arrested and it turned out, she was my fan. Why would she do cometh this like this to another human being? Especially a human being I loved. I didn't understand. They were my fans, they were supposed to cheer me on. Finally, I had found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
Where was the support when I desperately needed it?
I didn't want to say I was disappointed but I was. I was disappointed by their behavior. No fan of mine should behave like that. Some of the things that were posted were beyond evil. How could anyone threaten her? What did she ever do to them except love me?
I left early this morning as I had practice. I was well enough to go back to it. The concert was set in two months. They didn't want to push it too much since the venue was already booked when we tried getting an earlier date. Unfortunately, it was our fault so we couldn't do much but accept the days given to us.
We have been training since morning. It was already evening so we took a short break before we could practice one last time and head home for the day. While on break, we ate some snacks and conversed with each other. Suddenly my phone started ringing, causing everyone to pipe down.
The call was from a new number. I stared at my phone wondering whether I should pick it up or not.
"You might have a new stalker," said Taeyhung who was seated next to me, staring at my phone.
"Aaaih! What if it's an emergency" added Hoseok
The mention of emergency made me pick up the call but I put it on loudspeaker for the rest to hear. I needed witnesses if I was going to be harassed.
"Hello," a soft female voice spoke
"Am I speaking to Kim Namjoon?" she asked
I hesitated. Why was she asking my name?
"Yes, this is he."
"My name is Seri, we have met before. I am Miss Avah's assistant."
"Ooh yeah I remember."
"I'm sorry but there has been an incident at work. Someone tried to hurt Ms. Avah"
A loud ringing filled my ears. Did she say Avah? My Avah?
I didn't wait for any more information. I jumped from the floor and started running.
"Hyung," I heard someone calling after me but I didn't stop.
Someone hurt Avah. Before I could reach the basement parking lot, the rest of the members caught up to me.
"You are not going alone," said a determined Yoongi.
"Yes, you should know we are all here for you," said Jimin.
Even if I wasn't alone, it did not stop my heart from racing. Jin and Yoongi called a driver to take us to the hospital. The company was informed as well as my counsel. I sat nervously in the car heading for the hospital.
My hands were shaking and my mind was a mess. I prayed for her safety. How could I lose her? She was all I ever wanted.
I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder reassuringly.
"She will be okay," said Yoongi while the others nodded.
She will be okay.