Chapter 3 Handling a Creep


“Nothing,” Mateo replies, shaking his head.

“Liar,” I grit out. “You were taking photos of me.”

Mateo gives me a sheepish smile, knowing he’s caught. “I just wanted a little souvenir to remember you by.”

His tone becomes smooth then, sultry. And I watch as his eyes flicker from my face, dropping down to my tight body and taking in every inch. Finally, his gaze returns to mine, but focuses specifically on my lips.

Holy Goddess. Does he really think I’m going to kiss him!?

Mateo answers my question by quickly licking his own lips, as if he’s prepping. I try not to shudder with disgust.

“And maybe,” he continues, his tone still sweet. “I wanted to send them to a friend. But I figured he should see how beautiful you are.”

What a creep!

I shake my head at him, knowing I don’t have time for this as I hear my babies starting to get louder at their seats.

“Give me your phone,” I say, holding out a hand.

“But I -“

“Give me your phone,” I repeat, firmer that time.

That time, Mateo listens, causing him to swiftly move and retrieve the phone from his pocket. The moment it meets my palm, I look down to see a message open.

He was in the middle of sending a text with my picture included. There’s a message written out and everything - ready to be sent to someone named “K.”

Mateo: Get a load of this sexy babe on my plane! Can you believe that body?


Immediately, I erase the text before I go into my photos. There, I delete the photos before I hold the phone back out to him.

“There,” I say, not caring for the disappointment in Mateo’s eyes. “And if you take any more photos then I will make sure the police are waiting for you once you’re off the plane. Understand?”

Mateo gives a smile as he takes the phone back. “Yes.”

Rolling my eyes, I officially go back to my seat. I thank the flight attendant, sending her on her way before I begin to take care of my babies. They’re all chatter as they tell me about what they’ve seen below us.

I’m in a good mood as I listen. That is, until someone stops at the side of my seat, causing me to look up.

It’s Mateo. Again!

“What do you want?” I ask him flatly.

“I just wanted to say hello to your adorable kids,” he tells me, his eyes shining toward the babies. Immediately, I want to shove him away. However, I know my kids are capable of putting someone in their place, so I sit back and wait to enjoy the show.

“Hello, kids,” Mateo says, flashing another “charming” grin. “Enjoying the ride?”

My babies all turn to the man, blinking at him as they take in his face.

“Who are you?” my first born, Ezra, asks.

“I’m Mateo,” he replies.

“Ew,” the third baby, Silas, says. “Mateo is a gross name!”

“Yeah, gross!” the fourth, Milo, chimes, causing me to smile smugly.

“Well, some people would say Mateo is a very nice name,” the man tries.

“And why are you dressed so weird?” Silas asks then.

“What do you -“

“Mommy, I don’t like this man,” my second baby, Erbao, says.

“Yeah, I don’t like the way he looks at you,” Milo states.

“It’s creepy!” my fifth, Lottie, calls out.

I’m still smiling, staring at my kids with pride. But then I look back at Mateo, seeing how his eyes are wide and his face is flushed with embarrassment.

“Uh well…nice meeting you…” he murmurs, walking off with his head down. It’s then that I give a small giggle before I turn to Ezra to ruffle his hair.

I don’t care for Mateo’s deflation - I’m used to seeing men disappointed when they try to make a pass at me. And I’m also used to my quintuplets jumping in to tease whoever tries to woo me. They always make it difficult.

Not that I care - I’m not looking for a partner. But even if I was, it’s clear that the man would have to pass my babies’ tests. I’m thankful for it, though - after all, my kids are my everything.

Six years ago, they came into this world and changed my life for the better. We’ve had plenty of complications along the way - especially because I nearly died during childbirth. In fact, the doctor had declared me as dead, but I fought to stay alive.

We’ve also faced more hardships, though. My second born, Erbao, was born with a congenital kidney deformity, and I’ve been trying to do whatever I can to keep him healthy.

All on my own, I was able to survive, fully restore my health, and provide for my babies. After they were born, I started to work hard on my fitness and gained an excellent figure. That allowed me to eventually start a career as a personal fitness instructor, and my name is now well-known in the community.

Yes, I’ve worked hard - even after being driven out of my home years ago. But now…I’m back.

We’re flying to return to the Red Moon pack. Partly because we need to find a suitable kidney for Erbao, and also because GAINZ, a high-ranking fitness club within the area, has offered me an impressive salary to join their team. They even handled my Red Moon pack residence permit so I can return after being expelled long ago.

So I couldn’t say no…even despite the history that exists between me and Red Moon - Kadeem’s pack.

When the plane lands, the babies and I get off and quickly make our way through the airport. It’s difficult trying to keep all babies in line, but somehow I manage. However, I’m thankful when we exit the airport and I see my best friend, Julia, waiting.

Julia and I rejoice as we run into each other’s arms, squeezing each other tightly. Only, she soon pulls away so she can look at me and the kids.

“Ardal! You look amazing!” she says, taking in my figure. “And the babies…oh my Goddess - they’re so cute! It’s funny…they look a lot like -“

I clear my throat then, causing Julia to look at me. Once her gaze meets mine, I give her a wink - reminding her not to say the babies’ father’s name in front of them.

After all, they believe he’s long dead.

“Hey,” someone says then, causing Julia and I to turn. But my blood only runs warm as I see who’s approaching.

Seriously. This man will not leave me alone!

“Mateo,” I state harshly. “What do you want?”

He holds up his hands innocently. “I just wanted to make sure you got out of the airport okay. You got off of the plane so quickly - I thought something might be wrong.”

“We’re fine,” I reply flatly.

“Do you know this man?” Julia asks me.

“No,” I tell her. “I don’t.”

“What? We met on the plane, remember?” He says, baffled. “I’m Mateo and you’re…what was your name again?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I never told you.”

“Ah, that’s right,” Mateo says smiling. “Care to tell me now?”

I open my mouth to respond to him, wanting to tell him to fuck off. But I’m stopped when Julia suddenly grabs my arm.

“Ardal,” she says in a panic.

“Erbao…he’s gone!”

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