Chapter 3
I jolted up in bed. I have been having that same dream now for 20 years. And every time I wake up at the same point. I am in a cold sweat and breathing heavily like I had been running for my life.
“Sierra! Breakfast time!” That's Grandma Bobby. She makes some of the best food around. I have lived with her for 20 years. That day I took off and ran away from my pack was the same day that I ran into her, literally. She has become my only family.
“Coming!” I shouted back. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I put my slipper on my feet and headed into the bathroom to wash the sweat off of my face and neck. Once I was done I made my way to the kitchen. She already had the table set and my plate waiting for me.
The Blue Mane Moon Pack was the pack that I ran away from all those years ago. The place where my parents were killed. I sat at the kitchen table. My plate was full of food. Pancakes, sausage, eggs and bacon.
“What time are you going to head to the shop, dear?”
I planned on taking a quick shower after I ate and then headed that way. Are the coffee cake muffins done yet?”
Grandma Bobby looked at me horrified. “ No, I forget.” She said as she lowered her head. As much as I wanted to have them for when I opened the shop this morning, I understood that her memory isn't as good as it used to be.
“You know what? That is perfectly fine. If you want you can make them now and then I can come back and pick them up while they are still hot.”
Her face lit up. “I love that idea! I will get to work on them right now.”
It was like she was a kid again. I loved seeing her like this. I finished eating and cleared the table. I brought the dishes to the sink and began washing them. I suggested to her again about hiring a baker's assistant.
“What if we hire you a baker's assistant? That way the 3 of us can go to the shop together in the mornings and I can set it up while the two of you bake your little hearts out.
“I think that would be a great idea! And that way I don't have to use this kitchen to bake in anymore!”
She and I have had this conversation a few times. Some of the times she has said exactly what she said today. Other times she states that she doesn't need an assistant at all. Today I scheduled 3 interviews for the Baker assistant job. Whoever it is that ends up getting the job, needs to know that they will be responsible for making the lists of what baked goods are needed for the next day. They will also need to know what is to be only baked by Grandma Bobby and what will be their responsibility. For example, the coffee cake muffins are only to be baked by Grandma. Not because I don't think any one else can make them like her, it's just that no one has her recipe.
She says that before she passes away she'll give me the recipe. So I created a digital cookbook just for her. I am hoping that after work today she will let me add this recipe in.
“Alright Gram, I am going to head upstairs and shower. Once I get everything set up at the shop, I will be back to grab the muffins.”
“Oh no dear, as soon as they are done I will walk them over.”
“Are you sure?”
“I might be getting old little one, but I can manage to walk my famous muffins down the street.” She huffed and I started to chuckle. She was a spunky old lady who enjoyed doing things herself.
“Okay spitfire, I will be waiting for your arrival,” I said and she started to laugh and I joined in. I went upstairs and took my shower. I wear all black to work every day. The only thing that I leave at the show is my book I take down orders in and my apron. Once I was all dressed and ready to go. I went back into the kitchen and kissed Grandma Bobby and then left. I enjoyed the short walk to the shop every morning. It was so rewarding to know that I have the keys that open this shop up. It is my shop and what everyone likes to call my baby.
A few people as I walk say good morning to me every morning. It is something that I have gotten used to and have come to enjoy. The only sad part about it was that not one of them knew who I was. The only thing that I have not liked is over the last week or so there has been this guy that I have never seen before until recently that has started coming into the shop for coffee and a donut. I think that he is new to this town. Via on the other hand thinks that it's possible he could be our mate. She says that whenever he is around she gets this really weird feeling. The only way to know if he is, she says, is that we need to get closer to him and touch.
I am not interested in that at all, so I have kept my distance. Plus this masking perfume that I wear ensures that he will also never know if I am his mate unless I allow it. I have no desire for that. I praised the Goddess all the way here, in hopes that she keeps him away today. I don't want to spend the first part of my morning trying to avoid him. I put my key into the lock of the shop. When I turn that key and the door unlocks, it puts a smile on my face. I know that with this shop I will be set for life.
I locked the door behind me because it wasn't time to publicly open yet. So I grabbed my apron and headed back to the kitchen to grab the pitcher of water so I could fill the coffee pots up and get the coffee going. I loved the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Once I wiped all the tables and the countertops again. I poured myself a cup of coffee and turned the register on. It was time to open.
Like every morning there were a handful of loyal customers waiting for the doors to open.
“Good morning everyone, The coffee is hot and fresh. We have some amazing baked goodies for today, and will have Bobby’s famous coffee cake muffins in a few hours.”
Once they were all inside the shop, I went back over to the counter and grabbed my order book and took a final sip of my coffee before heading to the first table. I like to give the customers a chance to sit down and settle in before I approach them. However, everyone that is here right now is all loyal customers, so I already had an idea of what they were going to order. I don't ever assume though because they could at some point change their mind and order something different.
Everyone got their orders in and now I was making my rounds to see if any of them needed a coffee refill. I had a few customers order bagels, so I was also waiting for them to be finished in the toaster so I can get those served as well. Once everyone was taken care of, I went back to the counter to have some more of what would be my now cold coffee. I will never waste a drop of coffee that I make for myself. Sometimes I will reheat it but I don't often do that. I don't mind cold coffee.
I looked up at the clock to see that it was just about the time that Grandma Bobby would be walking in the door with her muffins. I opened the door to the shop to see if I could see her coming but to also let some fresh air into the shop. It was almost the start of summer so the weather was warm but not too warm. Some might say it was just right for falling in love. Well, that is what some of my customers tell me when I tell them that I am happily single.
I spotted that little old lady happily making her way to the shop. Instantly there was a smile on my face. I loved seeing her happy like that. There was nothing better. My vision of her was obscured. It was him. He walked through the door and brushed against me. The minute he did I felt sparks run through my whole body. I know that he felt them too because he instantly froze. Thank god I didn't forget to put the perfume on that hides my scent. He looked so confused and I did the best that I could to not give away that I felt something too.
“Sorry miss, I didn't mean to bump into you.”
“Oh, it was nothing! No harm done here.” I said as I kept my gaze on my Grandmother making her way to me.