Chapter 4
Once Grandma Bobby was at the door of the coffee shop, I took the muffins from her and held the door so she could go into the coffee shop before me. She almost froze instantly when she entered the shop.
“Gram is everything alright?”
It was weird to see her freeze like that. I guess my asking her brought her out of whatever made her do that.
“Yes dear I am fine, I think you and I need to talk later though. There is something that I think you should know.”
I looked at her and gave her my best to give me a break face that I could. “Gram, if you are talking about the young man that is sitting over there by himself, I don't want to hear any of it. I told you that I am happy with the way my life is and I don't plan on changing anything in it any time soon.”
“Dear I was not going to even mention him, but since you have I have something to say about him too later.”
All I could do was just roll my eyes. I took the muffins into the kitchen. They were still slightly warm. But I stuck them into the oven to warm up a bit more. Once I was done there I went back to the front counter where Gram was sitting. She normally does the dishes here beside her normal baking. I have tried many times to hire someone to come in to do them but she insists. And it makes her happy and to me, that is the only thing I want for her in life, is to be happy.
“Want a cup of coffee?”
“As long as you are the one making it, you know I do.”
“Gram, who else do you think is going to make your coffee? I am the only one here beside you” I started to chuckle. I think that she says that every time.
“Well, I thought you might have hired someone to help you.”
I looked at her and she looked slightly saddened. “Gram, besides getting you your very own assistant, I don't need any help with anything. I have you and that is all the help that I need.”
Saying this put a smile back on her face. Her smile brought me a sense of peace.
The 2 people that had interviews today showed up at the same time. Each of them was early which in my opinion was a very good sign and a great first impression on their parts. I had them both sit at the counter with Gram.
“Ladies my name is Sierra and this is Bobby,” I said as I pointed to Gram. “She is the head baker and the one that you would be assisting if you get the job. Since you both are here early I will start the interview now, and the other one will sit with Bobby. What are your names?”
The younger-looking one of the two with the bleach-blonde hair spoke up first. “My name is Serinity.” And then the other women spoke. “And my name is Loupe.”
“Alright Loupe I am going to take you back into the kitchen with me first.” Loupe nodded and got up off the stool and followed me to the kitchen.
“So Loupe, what kind of experience do you have with baking in a kitchen setting like this?”
“Honestly I have no experience in a kitchen like this, however, I bake a lot for my friends and family. Any time there is a get-together or party or anything that requires any type of baked goods, I am usually the one that they go to.”
“What is your favorite thing to bake?”
“I love to bake and decorate sugar cookies. It is something that my mother taught me as a child. Many family members suggest that I open up my own cookie shop, but after thinking about that long and hard I have decided that I would rather not have the responsibility of my own place.”
“I understand that. Next question, what makes you want to work here?”
“Well to be honest I love the fact that it is a small coffee shop, and has a very homely feeling. I also admire Bobby’s baking skills and would be honored to learn a few from her.”
“Sounds good. Just so you know we are open Monday thru Friday from 10 to 1. But bakers need to be here at least an hour before opening and stay after closing if there are any baking needs.”
“That works for me.”
“Alright then to start I am going to have you come in for a trial run, and since today is Tuesday, I am going to have you come on Thursday from 10 to 1 and Friday from 10 to 1.”
“Okay! Is there anything that I need to wear?”
“Well we don't have uniforms, and the only thing you will need I'll give you on Thursday is an apron, but just dress casually. I mean you are going to be in the kitchen so whatever works for you, just nothing showing too much skin.” Now I can do that.
The interview with Serinity went the same way I have her a few days to try her out and see how well she fits. And who knows, I might even give them both the job on alternating days.
After hanging out at the counter with Grandma for a bit after both interviews, it was time to get the muffins out of the oven and let everyone know they are ready. And just like the last time these muffins came out, within only minutes every one of them claimed. Most of them were eaten here in the shop, but there were a few that took theirs to go. Only 2 muffins were left and I put them in the glass cake stand to keep them fresh. After finishing her coffee Gram went back into the kitchen to bake some more goodies for tomorrow. The shop is only open from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Grandma only stays until closing. She believes that once the shop is closed it's time for her to go.
She argues with me sometimes about staying later to get things done, but I always tell her that I like to get everything done for the next day as best as I can so that the next day isn't so cluttered with things to do. I like being able to talk with my customers and bond with them. It is the best way to ensure that they keep coming back. When customers feel wanted and feel like they matter to you they tend to come back.
I just think they like the fact that I remember all of their names and how they like their coffee.
I was finally done with everything that I need to do. As I grabbed my stuff and made sure everything was locked up. But as I came back from around the counter that same guy from earlier was still here. He had his nose deep in a book. It was actually kind of cool to see someone love reading as much as I do. I need to disrupt his reading to tell him that he has to leave because I'm locking up for the night.
As I walked over to him, he was obvious to me, which I thought was kind of funny. “Hey, sir?” I said tapping him on the shoulder, I am sorry to tell you but the shop is now closed. You could come back tomorrow if you’d like.” I was trying to not sound like I wanted to kick him out, but that is exactly what I wanted.
“I am so sorry, I was just so engulfed in my book that I wasn't even aware of the time. I am leaving now.”
I smiled and nodded and walked back over to the counter. As he gathered his things I found it hard not to stare at him. He slowly approached the counter and stopped. “Is it too late for me to grab these last muffins? The baker is amazing.”
I already told his man that we are closed. But I love the opportunity to make a loyal customer. “You can have them! We will have more tomorrow.” I said happily
“Are you sure? At least let me pay you for them.” he insisted.
”No! I am very sure! I can't open the register anyway because it's down for the night. Just make sure you come back again is all I ask.”
He looked at me and his eyes lit up. It was funny to see him get excited over these muffins. But I guess I would be the same way if these were available to me all the time because of Grandma
Bobby. I took the muffins and put them in one of our paper bags that had our shop's name and phone number on it. “Have a good day sir!” I said as I handed him the bag.
“Please call me Christian.”
When he spoke his name Via started to whine. “That's him, Sierra! That is our mate.”
I could feel a weird heat starting to rise in my body. His name sounded so yummy. He looked so yummy….
“If you don't mind me asking what is your name? Unless you'd rather me call you miss. It's your call.”
He seemed like he was being forward, and almost demanding in his question. “My name is Sierra.”
“Nice to meet you, and I am sure I will see you again.”
I gathered my things up and headed to the door. He was in front of me and held the door open for me.
“Thank you, have a good day!”
“Same to you Sierra.”
We headed off in opposite directions. Thank the Goddess because I did not want him to find out where I live. That could end up being a bad thing. When I got into the house, Gram was sitting in the living room with the TV on. The Volume was a little louder than normal, and when I approached her, she had her eyes closed.
“Gram!” I shouted and it must have startled her. “Oh child, why are you yelling?”
I grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and turned the TV down. “Well, Gram you had the TV super loud and you didn't even hear me walk in.”
She rubbed her eyes and looked at me and she looked almost scared.
“Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?!”
“Gram, you are not funny, why are you talking to me like that?”
“I am not our Gram, I don't even have any children! You need to leave before I call the police.”
She damn near jumped up off the couch. I don't even know what is going on! She was just talking to me and then all of a sudden doesn't know who I am! She was coming towards me and I was backing up towards the door.
“Get the hell out of my house! HELP! HELP! SOMEONE BROKE IN!”