Chapter 9

“Bri, I have no words that will make up for my mistakes in life. I am so sorry that you feel like I didn’t rescue you. The truth was I couldn’t. I wasn’t always powerful. That man that you called your dad was more powerful than me. I did know what you were going through but I couldn’t stop it or else I would get myself killed. I was the one who killed that man.

Once he was dead I gained all of the power and tried to get you back. That’s when I received the news that you were taken. I ordered my best men to find you and they did. I had to wait for the right moment to get you out. That night when you got out is when my men went in there and made sure that those guys didn’t go after you and I made sure they suffered.

Once everything was done I got the triplets to come to get you guys so I could finally have my baby girl back.” After his long rant, he had tears in his eyes. I raised my hand and wiped them. From all of the events from today, I became so tired but I needed to know more and I needed to tell him more.

“Let’s sit on the couch and talk.” I heard whoever came into the room while I was having a mental break leave so it was only James and me. “Can you tell me how Ethan knows you but I didn’t?” James nodded and sat back on the couch. I followed in suit.

“Your mom had Ethan with me when we were only young. When she got pregnant again, she didn’t want to have the baby. At the time our relationship wasn’t working out so I said if you don’t want to have the baby give it to me. She, being the stubborn person, said no and started to become distant. While she was doing whatever she was doing I took care of Ethan. I raised him until you were born.

Once you were born your mother ran off with some guy and took you guys too. I got a lawyer and tried to get custody of you guys but they said since you were a baby, they could only arrange visits with Ethan. Your mother kept you away from me my entire life. Ethan and I would hang out on the weekends. Once he got old enough your mother and I told him not to tell you about me because it would cause too many problems.

So Ethan promised to not say anything on one condition that you would find out when you were older.” I sighed and put my head on the back of the couch and shut my eyes.

“Thank you,” I said barely above a whisper. James just wrapped an arm around me and kissed my head.

“Anything for you princess.” I slowly placed my head on his chest and started to close my eyes. Today’s events are taking a toll on me. Before I was too sleepy I spoke up.

“You make me feel this safeness that I have only felt with Ethan. I can’t explain it but it is really foreign to me. I will try my hardest to work towards becoming comfortable with everything. All I ask is for some time.”

“Of course sweetheart.” He started to play with my hair making me even more tired. Before I slipped into sleep I mumbled

“Goodnight dad.” With his heartbeat and him playing with my hair, I was out like a light.

I woke up warm and comfy. I felt strong arms around me, holding me against them. I tried to move but whoever was holding me tightened their grip on me.

“Go back to bed, it’s early,” Ethan said while moving away from me. I could tell it was Ethan because of his voice and how he moved away from me. I smirked a little bit and turned near him again. I slowly and carefully got up on my knees on the bed and waited for a few seconds. I then forcefully jumped down onto Ethan and sprawled out. “Bri, what the hell are you doing?”

“I am getting comfy so I can go to bed.” I faked yawning and closed my eyes. I felt him chuckle and pretend to try to get me off of him. We were both laughing but continuing what we were doing. All of a sudden a lock knock, no, more like a bang interrupted us. I jumped off of Ethan and moved close to him on his side. He grunted and walked to the door. Before he could say anything, a cheerful, perky voice started to talk.

“Good morning Mr. Smith. I was sent by Mr.Black. He says that the breakfast will be in 10 minutes and that you and your sister should attend.” He nodded and shut the door on the lady. I frowned and when he turned around he noticed.

“What’s wrong?” He came speeding over to me.

“That was very rude, Eteeweetee,” I smirked at him but he glared at me. That was the name that our mom gave to him when he was young and he hates it. His glare turned into a smirk in the blink of an eye.

“I am so sorry Nannies.” It was my turn to glare at him. Nannies came from when I was little. My favorite food was bananas but I couldn’t say the word. When I tried to say it, it came out as “Can I have some nannies.” He just chuckled and started to get ready. I then snapped back into reality and realized that I will have to face everyone from last night.

“Bri, why aren’t you getting ready?” I felt tears coming to my eyes and my nose started to burn. I looked up at him and he came over and hugged me. “Bri, it’s okay. Nothing will happen to you. I know this is all so much for you. I will be here the whole way.” I nodded and moved away from Ethan to get ready. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and one of Ethan’s hoodies. It was an old hockey hoodie. It was black with red letters on it spelling his hockey team. On the back, it had our last name in white letters and his number on it.

The hoodie went down to almost my knees and the sleeves were way past my hands but I didn’t mind. It covers everything which is good for me. I slipped on some black and white checkered vans and walked over to Ethan. He sighed and put his arm around me. He led me out of the room and down some hallways, getting to the stairs. We walked down the stairs and into the dining room. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us. My eyes widened and I moved closer to Ethan. I took a deep breath, trying not to have a panic attack. I breathed in Ethan’s scent. Just then a loud booming voice broke the silence.

“Stop staring.” I jumped and hid behind Ethan. He started to walk and I stayed behind him like a lost puppy. He sat down on the side of the long table but close to the head of the table. I sat next to him. I looked up and realized that I was also next to James. I looked down again and played with my fingers. Everyone slowly got back to their conversations.

I felt a hand on mine and I looked over to see James giving a small smile. “When you are ready I will introduce you to everyone.” I nodded my head and thought about it. I can’t go forever without meeting them but will I ever be ready? When am I going home? What is going to happen to me? I heard someone start to talk so I came down from my little world.

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