CHAPTER 4.  Be My Mate


I am smiling brightly as the lightbulb turns on in my brain—I know the perfect solution to my problem.

"Stop smiling and tell me what you want," Ryder barks again.

"First thing first, I need to help you get sober," I say, quickly springing into action.

"I don't need your help," Ryder says, trying to push me away.

But I am determined. I grab a glass of water from the nightstand and hold it out to him. "Drink this, it will help you feel better," I say firmly.

Ryder grumbles but eventually takes the glass and drinks it. I can see him starting to sober up a little.

"That's good," I say encouragingly, "Now, let's get you cleaned up." I guide Ryder to the bathroom and turn on the shower. "Get in and let the water wash away the alcohol," I instruct him.

Ryder grumbles again but starts taking his clothes off.

"Whoa there, buddy. I don't want to see you naked. Do it behind the shower curtain!" I say, wide-eyed. Although I'm kind of curious to see what me looks like naked.

Ryder chuckles slightly and disappears behind the curtain to get out of his clothes. At least he is being a as gentleman now, I guess.

I step aside to dodge the clothes he throws at me, and then I hear the water start to hit the tiles as he turns on the shower. I wait outside, keeping an ear out in case he needs any help. After a few minutes, I hear him call out, "Can you pass me the shampoo?"

I grab the shampoo from the shelf and pass it to him over the curtain. "Here you go," I say, trying not to let my mind wander to what he might look like behind that curtain. After a while, I hear the water turn off, and Ryder calls out that he's done.

I hand him a towel, and he steps out from behind the curtain with the towel loosely wrapped around his waist. I try my best to avert my eyes from his V-line. He is ripped like someone carved him like a statue. The bastard Alpha is rude but ridiculously gorgeous. "Feeling better?" I ask, trying to keep things casual.

Ryder nods, "Yeah, I'm sober enough now."

Cool, I can now proceed with my blackmailing.

"Now that you're sober, I will tell you my plan," I say.

Ryder narrows his eyes. "What plan?"

"You see...I have this problem. My wolf didn't come out yet," I say.

"Hah, loser!" Ryder remarks.

Ugh, what a jerk. I ignore him and continue. "I tried everything to bring her out, but she won't come out."

"Probably because you're a fucking idiot."

What the hell is wrong with this guy? "Listen, Alpha, if you don't stop making fun of me, I will release the video to the entire student body and all of the social media," I threaten him.

"You wouldn't dare," he growls.

"Oh, I would. Can I finish telling you my plan now?" I bark.

Ryder slams the toilet lid shut and sits on top of it. "Fine, go ahead, finish your tragic story." He stares at me intently.

I tell him everything, starting from what our pack Alpha told me about making me mate with a random person if I don't find my own mate in a month.

"So you are telling me you don't have a wolf or a mate? Wow, you are even more of a reject than I thought," he mocks.

"Excuse me, do you have a mate?" I counter.


"Good, because my plan is to make you my mate," I announce and wait for his reaction.

Alpha Ryder looks at me and scoffs. He stands up slowly and walks closer to me. "That's a good joke."

"I'm not joking," I insist.

"You must be crazy thinking if I'd ever mate with you," Ryder snarls.

"Ew, gross, no. I don't mean you have to actually have sex with me. I mean, you can pretend to be my mate. This way, I can convince Alpha Maurice that I found my mate. And then I continue to search for my wolf without having to mate with someone."

Ryder raises an eyebrow at my proposal, considering it for a moment. "And why would I agree to that?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because if you don't, everyone will know how the great Alpha of the Ashwood pack has thrown up all over Julie," I reply quickly, hoping to convince him.

"I thought her name was Jenny." Ryder furrows his brows.

"It doesn't matter what her name is. The point is, I have the video in my possession. And do bother trying to delete it because I already sent it to my best friend as insurance." I pause, hoping he wouldn't catch my bluff.

Ryder seems to consider this for a moment, his gaze flickering over my face as if trying to figure out whether I'm telling the truth or not. Finally, he sighs and says, "Fine. I'll think about it. But only because I don't want my reputation to be tarnished by a stupid mistake."

I clap my hands together. "You will! That's great!"

Ryder rolls his eyes, "Don't get too excited. I haven't agreed to anything yet. I need to think about it."

I nod understandingly, "Of course. Take your time. But just remember, the longer you wait, the more likely it is that someone else will find out about your little incident with Julie or Jenny."

Ryder's expression turns stern, "I understand. I'll let you know my decision soon."

With that, he leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I can't believe I just made a deal with the Alpha of the Ashwood pack. This is either going to be the best decision I've ever made or the worst. Only time will tell.

All I know is, I can get Alpha Maurice off my back for the time being while I figure things out.

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