CHAPTER 2 First Meeting

Cora's POV


I'm standing on the balcony of my bedroom looking out across our gardens. Transfixed by the sunset just above the vast forests of our lands. The orange, yellows, and pinks and blending together with the bright blue sky above, birds flying past whistling their love songs.

I look to our lake just below my balcony and see my father - King Conri - talking to the new Alpha of the Stone Moon Pack. - What kind of pack name is that anyway? - His father just passed away suddenly and now he has taken over the pack.

Turning around I look through the doors and into my bedroom. The color white has always given me a feeling of clarity so I redecorated my room a year ago. Now I have a plush white carpet, and white walls with pale silver swirls along them.

I laugh to myself, my father finds it funny how his daughter who has jet black hair loves white, he even groans when he comes in here saying 'it's blinding his eyes' then he goes 'I'm melting, save my poor soul' he is a complete child sometimes but I love him.

I walk back into my room, grab my phone off the dresser and flop onto the bed, opening the messaging app, I send a quick text to my friend Layla. We've not known each other long but she's becoming a real good friend - her mother works down in our kitchens as a head cook, she has always lived here but Layla only came here recently, I know her mother hasn't found her mate but I would love to know the story behind how Layla came around.

'Hey, what time are you going to the meal?' I message Layla and instantly I get a reply.

'Your father told me 6:30, as the meal is at 7:00.'

'God that means 6 for me then, I best get ready' I sign and roll my eyes

'Girl! It's 5:30 already! Move it!' She replies with an angry face.

I laugh at that, "Oh shit, I've got 30 minutes," I whisper shout to myself.

Dropping my phone I dash off into my bathroom, I quickly shower and towel dry myself, coming back to my dresser I sit down and blow dry my hair trying and failing to get it as straight as possible in the mirror.

"For god's sake you idiotic hair, will you behave," I growl. Giving up I grab all my hair and make a bun with it, pulling down small tendrils along the sides of my face. Done. Grabbing my mascara and highlighter I lightly put some on, my father hates me wearing make-up as he says true beauty should reflect one's true self, loads of bollocks in my eyes but whatever, I'll appease him.

After being done with that I run into my closet and grab the hanging garment bag, flinging it over onto my bed, reaching down I grab my white strap heels and my mother's jewelry from the draw, running back to the bed I dump it all on there, huffing and puffing like mad. Unzipping the garment bag, I pull my dress out. It's a white silk, form fitting dress which slowly turns into silver at the bottom where it becomes more flowery, it has a small slit up the left and thick straps.

I jump into my dress, pulling and tugging until it's on just right, grabbing my heels. I sit on the bed and buckle the straps. I snatch my mother's jewellery off the bed and head straight for the door, pulling the bracelets on, then pushing the simple earrings through my ears. I open the door and walk straight into a brick wall.

"Ahh shit, what the hell," I curse. Two hands grab my arms, steadying me.

"Cora," my father says. Uh-oh if I knew it was him I wouldn't have cursed.

"What have I said about cursing?" He frowns at me.

"Father, I know what you said but I didn't expect to bump into a wall on my way out," I defend myself. His lips twitch ever so slightly.

"A wall huh, I didn't know I remodelled this wing," his lips leaking more of his smile. I snorted at him

"Come on, old man, we are going to be late, enough of the games," I huff and turn to go down the hallway.

"Who are you calling old man you little squirt!" He exclaims. Now I do laugh at that, he never seizes to amaze me with his childish manners when with me, if anyone saw this they would think I'm the parent not him.

"Come on, we need to move it, I know those bones are gonna crumble but not today please" I shout and start speeding down the hallway.

"But… you… what… CORA!" He stammers then shouts. Time to run I guess. I make it all the way to the top of the staircase before I'm stopped.

"If you weren't my daughter you'd be running much faster than that," he laughs while grabbing me around the waist and swinging me round in circles.

"Please. If it wasn't for my heels your crippled arse wouldn't have caught me" I laugh. Suddenly he lets go and I land on my feet once again dazed. Grabbing the bannister I steady myself.

"Sometimes I wonder about you," he says, looking shocked.

"Yeah same to you father, anyway we need to get downstairs before I decide to kick you down them," I groan. He leans backward and belly laughs at me.

I start walking down the stone staircase and hear him follow behind while still chuckling, getting halfway I slow my speed and tidy my hair from the disturbance.

My father catches up then we walk side by side down the rest of the stairs, giving him a side glance, I do wonder why he stays single. He's over 6ft with brown hair, and good facial features, and he doesn't seem to be aging.

We walk through the foyer down to the banqueting hall. The guards open the door to let us in, my father looks down at me and then offers his arm with a smile, putting my hand through his arm I smile at him.

We walk through the doors and greet all the Alphas and their Lunas from the surrounding packs. We get to the final couple just as the guard announces dinner is ready, leading the way to the dining table we take our seats in the middle of the table. I notice the seat next to me is empty.

Suddenly the door to the banquet hall opens and in walks Alpha Drake, my whole body freezes "Sorry my king, I had an emergency…" then he looks up and gazes at all the guests until he lands on me.

"MATE," he says.

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